I’m a Detective In the Marvel World

Chapter 648: The Highest Crisis

When Xie Lun came to the vault, the vault was basically emptied, and the two drivers of the last muck truck were waiting for Xie Lun bored.

"Boss, you are finally here."

The two drivers quickly pulled out their pistols, shot Xie Lun twice, then opened their arms, and died calmly under the black sword fired by Xie Lun.

Xie Lun picked up a gold brick from the ground. It was heavy, at least 50 catties. An ordinary person might not be able to pick it up at once, but Xie Lun flung it lightly in the air. By the way, he called James: "Uncle , Something big happened, the federal treasury under the Empire State Building was robbed."

Before Xie Lun finished speaking, he heard a "plop" from the microphone, followed by an exclamation: "Deputy Minister James, what's wrong with you?"

"My God, he looks like he's having a heart attack."

"I'm foaming, call an ambulance."


Xie Lun silently hung up the phone.

He didn't wait long, and after two or three minutes, James called back.

"What did you just say?" James' voice was extremely hoarse, "Say it again!"

Xie Lun said in a deep voice, "The gold in the federal treasury has been robbed!"

Although he was mentally prepared, James still felt his eyes go dark, he reached out and hammered his heart hard, and gritted his teeth, "How do you know?"

"Because I'm in the vault now." Sheron said in a deep voice, "I understand that the so-called bomb is just a cover-up, and their real purpose is to rob the vault."

"I'm going to the Empire State Building now, and you can tell me about your findings in detail."

James said hurriedly.

Xie Lun had already thought up his lines: "When Simon was going to make a so-called game, I had doubts until the subway bomb exploded. At that time in the subway, according to Simon's request, it was impossible for ordinary people to complete the task. But even if I found After setting off the bomb, Simon still made up a reason and detonated the bomb."

"The explosion site was next to the Empire State Building," James was not stupid, he also came to his senses, "and because of the explosion, the vault alarm system under the building was turned off, and that's what Simon wanted, right?"

"That's right." Sheron continued, "It was because of my suspicion that I sneaked back, and I found that the police officers who stayed behind in the subway and the security guard of the vault were replaced by Simon's people.

Judging from the scene, Simon used large-scale excavation equipment to drill a hole directly from the subway tunnel, drilled through the vault abruptly, and then removed all the gold in the vault. "

James gritted his teeth and said, "If you say that, the bombs in hospitals and schools are all fake."

"No, not necessarily." Sheron said quickly, "I did find a bomb in the playground, but I have quietly dismantled it. So I guess, Simon may have really installed it elsewhere in order to cover his retreat. bomb."

"Damn it." James slammed his fist on the seat, panting heavily, "This cunning bastard, if I catch him, I will tear him to pieces."

"I left a dirt truck in the subway tunnel. It seems that Simon is transporting gold through these dirt trucks. You immediately investigate where these dirt trucks go, and block the whole city at the same time. Never let these cars Ran."

"how about you?"

"I'm trying to drive after him and see if I can catch up."

Seeing that Sheron hung up the phone, James took a deep breath and quickly dialed a number. As soon as the call was connected, he yelled: "Immediately block the entire island of Manhattan...no, it's the whole of New York City...I'm crazy Did you know that 1.4 trillion gold from the federal treasury has been robbed, will you go crazy?"

James' phone call successfully stunned a big man, and in less than five minutes, all twelve bridges and tunnels connecting Manhattan Island to the outside world were shut down. As for the traffic in New York City, although the delay was a bit longer, it was all blocked by the police within half an hour.

The top is indeed going crazy.

In a capitalist society, having no money is more terrifying than having no life. In the face of the stolen 1.4 trillion worth of gold, the U.S. regime, which has always been lazy, has shown unimaginably high efficiency. Even President Robert, who had just gone on vacation, was forcibly dragged back to the White House.

"The highest crisis!"

That was the title of the report presented to the president by White House staff.

In the eyes of these elites, bombs, terrorist attacks, and civilian casualties are not as important as this matter. Even if a hundred shootings and ten bombs go off every day, Millikin, the world's lighthouse, can still stand, but if there is no so much gold, it will really be over.

President Robert looked at the report handed in by his subordinates, his old face was extremely pale, without the slightest trace of blood.

He is very clear that no matter what he does in office, he is fine. Even if he forces a foreign war, he can still live a happy life after leaving office. But once the roots of those Wall Street are gone, I'll just wait for the muzzle of my insanity.

"Find it! You must find it for me!" Robert's voice trembled a little, "Tell James, tell William, no matter what method you use, you must get back the gold for me!"

At this time, the Empire State Building has been blocked by the NIA. Willie led people through a preliminary survey of the site, and the conclusion reached was consistent with what Sharon said. What's more, the video captured by the live camera can prove everything Xie Lun said.

"Do you have any clues about the tracking of those muck trucks?"

Willie asked his men.

"Sorry, sir, the time is too short. We can only make a preliminary judgment. The muck truck is heading east, but the specific destination needs further investigation."

"Half an hour has passed. If we delay any longer, those robbers and bastards will probably already be on the high seas."

Willie was getting angry when he suddenly saw Louise running towards him desperately regardless of the police officer's stop. Willie frowned, and signaled his subordinates to let Louise in. Before he could speak, Louise said anxiously, "Willie, you'd better listen to this call."

Willie took the phone, and a cold electronic voice was coming from it: "...the United States claims to be the lighthouse of the world and the beacon of mankind, but we all know what they have done in secret. War, famine, refugees...these are Their contributions around the world..."

"...The 1.4 trillion gold that represents the financial cornerstone of the United States is in our hands. Now we represent the people who are persecuted by the United States all over the world, questioning them and uncovering the veil of hypocrisy on their faces..."

"...the gold is now in the cargo ship Goddess on the canal of Manhattan Island, while at the same time, a hospital and three schools in New York were bombed. Those bombs were each connected to nearly a ton of sarin gas. Once Detonate, then the whole Manhattan will become a dead place..."

“…the bombs on the cargo ship were scheduled to go off an hour later, and the bombs in the hospitals and schools were scheduled to go off an hour and a half later. If the cargo ship goes off after an hour, then we will publish the list of hospitals and schools where the bombs were installed, and Decode the bomb..."

"...But if someone boards the cargo ship within an hour, then we will not detonate the cargo ship, but we will detonate the four poison gas bombs. But by that time, the whole world will recognize the hypocrisy of the US government and ruthless..."

"...Then on the one hand, there are 1.4 trillion gold, and on the other hand, there are more than 1.5 million Manhattan citizens. How should the US government choose? I will wait and see, haha..."

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