This is a very typical American-style two-story building, sitting alone in a forest, with no houses on both sides, and it looks a bit lonely.

On the road next to the woods, an old black Chevrolet black antelope car was parked on the side of the road. Two young people were sitting in the car, a short-haired man was leaning on the seat and having a good time, while the long-haired man in the passenger seat was staring at the small building in the woods without blinking.

At this moment, a circle of light emitting electric sparks in all directions appeared in front of the car out of thin air. Immediately afterwards, a black-haired young man and an old black man with a cane walked out of the circle of fire.


The long-haired man opened his eyes wide in shock.

"Huh? What?"

The short-haired man next to him opened his eyes in a daze, just in time to see the dissipated fire circle, his whole body trembled in fright, and he hurriedly drew out his gun.

"Sam? Dean?" Sheron frowned, "Why are you two not investigating the fear virus case?"

Seeing clearly that it was Sheron, Dean put down his gun boredly, yawned long and lazily, and said lazily, "It's all because of Sam, it's not that there is something wrong with the old house, we've been watching here for two days, and there's nothing wrong with it." Any anomalies found."

Xie Lun looked at Sam: "Where's your old lover?"

"Huh? Brat, what are you talking about?"

The window of the back seat of the car fell down, and a black aunt poked her head out, feeling very angry.

"Oh, Bran, I haven't seen you in so many years, and you are still so beautiful and charming."

Sam opened his blind eyes, walked quickly to the car, bent down and wanted to kiss the black aunt.

"Get out!"

The black aunt pushed Sam away unceremoniously, opened the car door, got out of the car, put her hips on her hips and said to Sherron, "Are you Sam's boss?"

"Strictly speaking, I'm still the boss of these two boys."

Sheron pointed to Brother Dean.

"What?" The black aunt was confused, "Since when did you demon hunters set up a superior and inferior organization?"

Dean and Sam also got out of the car, coughed dryly, and Dean showed a certificate: "Actually, we two are special agents of the NIA now."

"Huh?" The black aunt was stunned, "Fuck, I thought your ID was fake."

"Ah, Bran, I actually have that ID too." Sam posted it unwillingly, and took out his own ID as if showing off, "Look, I'm now a member of the NIA Serious Cases Team Six."

The black aunt kicked Sam away again in disgust, and said to Xie Lun: "I can't tell, you are still a high-ranking official at a young age."

"So-so," Xie Lun smiled, "I heard that you are very powerful, can you figure it out, what kind of official position am I?"

"Hmph, boy, my ability will not be wasted on such trivial things." The black aunt looked at Sam again, "Old blind man, what do you want me to divination for?"

Sam said seriously: "Bran, I want you to divination clues to a case."

"A case?" The black aunt couldn't believe it, "You used up the favor I owe you just to investigate a case?"

"That's right, who made me an employee of the NIA now." Sam straightened his collar and pointed to Sheron, "Let me introduce, this is the senior detective of the NIA,

The leader of the Sixth Team of Serious Cases, Inspector Xie Lun, nicknamed the Super Detective, is also my boss. The team leader, this is Brandes, the most powerful divination witch, bar none. "

"Don't flatter me like that, Sam, I don't like that." Brandes looked at Sheron and frowned, "I heard your name, but I didn't expect you to be so young."

"You're not young anymore, you're already in your twenties." Sheron smiled. "Speaking of business, Ms. Brandes, can you do a fortune-telling for us?"

Brandes stared deeply at Sheron, and after a while, he shook his head slowly: "Sorry, Inspector Xie, as I said, I'm working now. I can serve you after I'm done. .”

Xie Lun frowned: "What are you busy with?"

Brandes pointed to Dean, and Dean explained: "Brands and my dad are friends, so we invited her to come and see this house."

Xie Lun turned to look at the small building: "Have you seen the result?"

Brandes stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "I can sense that there is a very powerful spirit hidden in that house. But I dare not take the initiative to force that spirit to manifest, because I predicted that once the spirit If it manifests itself, it will bring about an extremely terrible disaster.”

Sam said at this time: "Just a few days ago, I started to dream. I dreamed that a burning man appeared from the closet, and then the people living in this building were attacked."

"A few days ago?" Xie Lun frowned, "What time is it?"

Sam scratched his hair: "Just after solving the fear virus case, I started dreaming that night, and the dreams were all the same."

"I only dreamed that others were attacked? What about me? Didn't I get attacked?"

Shane asked.

Sam shook his head: "No, I seem to be watching from the perspective of a bystander. I tried to save those people during the period, but it was useless. I couldn't move freely in my dream."

Xie Lun frowned, judging from the symptoms, Sam should not have been infected by Freddy. He looked up at the small building in the darkness, frowned and said, "Then you're going to wait here? Go in. It's so far away, if something really happens inside, you won't have time to stop it."

"We have tried, but there is no way." Sam said helplessly, "The person living in this room now is a single mother with a pair of children. She is very defensive towards strangers. We yesterday She also called the police because she was too close at night. So we have no choice but to stay here."

"But what if there is still no abnormal movement tonight?" Xie Lun frowned, "Aren't you going to wait like this until the end of time?"

As he spoke, he shook his head and walked towards the small building.

Just as Sam wanted to stop him, Brandes stopped him, shook his head and said, "Leave him alone, I feel that with the appearance of this kid, things seem to have turned around."

Sam was surprised: "Could he be able to get rid of that spirit?"

Dean shrugged: "It's possible, you forgot how he appeared just now?"

Sam was speechless for a moment as he recalled the circle of fire that had appeared out of nowhere.

Brandes said in a deep voice: "I'm just a hunch now, but I can be sure that with this man, any established things may change."

She looked back at Sam: "For example, this old blind man, he should have died a few months ago, but he is still alive and well now. And I have a feeling that he will live well in the next ten years or so."

Sam bared his teeth and laughed: "Thank you for your blessing, Bran, I knew you still have me in your heart."

"Get out!" Brandes raised his middle finger unceremoniously, "If it wasn't for the sake of saving my life back then, I wouldn't bother to care about your life."

Suddenly Sam opened his eyes wide, pointed to the front and said loudly: "Look, there is something going on in the building."

The others heard the sound and looked up, only to see a brightly lit window on the second floor of the originally dark building. A little girl in pajamas was banging on the window vigorously, with a frightened expression on her face, and turning her head to check from time to time. It seemed that there was some monster approaching behind him.

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