I’m a Detective In the Marvel World

Chapter 515 Brother, Don't Leave Me

A circle of light emitting electric sparks appeared out of nowhere in Shelly's dormitory. After Xie Lun came out, his eyes immediately fell on Shelly who was sleeping at his desk.

She was resting on her arm, and the screen of the laptop in front of her was still on. It was obvious that she was tired from surfing the Internet, so she fell asleep unknowingly. But looking at Shelley's twitching shoulders from time to time and her tightly knit eyebrows, it can be seen that the quality of her sleep must not be very good.

Xie Lun put his hand on Shelly's shoulder, just about to enter her dream, but unexpectedly, as soon as his fingers landed on Shelly's clothes, Shelly's eyes suddenly opened.


Shelley looked at Xie Lun with dazed eyes. It took a while for her to realize that she suddenly jumped up and threw herself into Xie Lun's arms.

"Brother, it's really you, oh my god, you're finally back." Shelley hugged Xie Lun tightly, her voice choked up, "You don't know, I'm so scared, I'm really scared..."

Xie Lun caressed Shelly's hair, and comforted softly: "Don't be afraid, I'm here, no matter what happens, brother, I will take care of it."

Shelley nodded vigorously, still holding Sharon tightly and not letting go.

But Xie Lun felt a little embarrassed, because Shelley was only wearing a thin pajamas, and she hugged her so tightly that she could feel that she didn't wear underwear under her pajamas.

"Before I knew it, that little girl who could only follow behind and cry her nose had grown up now."

Xie Lun sighed, while carefully pushing Shelly away. And only then did Xie Lun realize that, just for a while, Shelley fell asleep again. He sensed for a moment in a hurry to make sure that there was nothing wrong with Shelly's dream, and then he was relieved.

It seemed that Shelley hadn't had a good rest in the past few days. Now that she suddenly saw Xie Lun, she felt relaxed and quickly fell asleep.

Xie Lun hugged Shelley, put her gently on the bed, and tried to pull the quilt over to cover her. Unexpectedly, Shelley's little hand grabbed his sleeve and murmured, "Brother, don't leave me again...Brother, I'm so scared..."

Xie Lun sighed, bent down, and said softly, "Sleep in peace, Shelley, brother is by your side, and I won't go anywhere."

Maybe it was because of Sherron's words that a smile appeared on the corner of Shelley's mouth. After a while, she actually let out a slight snoring sound, but the hand holding his sleeve still did not let go.

"This girl..."

Xie Lun shook his head helplessly, he could only extend the hand that was not held by Shelley,

Pulled the quilt over and covered Shelly. After finishing the work, he sat down at the head of the bed, let Shelley pull his sleeve, and turned his head left and right to observe the surroundings.

Soon Xie Lun's attention was attracted by the laptop. He waved his hand casually, and the laptop flew up out of thin air and landed in front of him.

"The churches built in Washington over the years?"

Sharon frowned.

He knew very well that although Shelley also went to church with Hollis, it was more like a daily task for her, so she was not a believer at all.

But Shelley, who never took the initiative to go to church, why did he search the church?

Xie Lun slid the window and carefully looked at the searched content. But at the end, he didn't see any problem. Before the founding of the United States, there were churches in Washington DC, and with the development of the city, thousands of churches of different sizes were built. Among them, more than 100 churches were destroyed or demolished due to wars, natural disasters or other accidents.

"I don't see any problem, what is she looking for?"

Xie Lun frowned, looked back at Shelley, saw that she was still sleeping with a smile on her face, and decided to wait until she woke up before asking.

He was just about to return the notebook to the table, when suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind, and he grabbed the notebook with his backhand. Quickly revisiting one side, Xie Lun slightly opened his eyes.

There are thousands of churches, but none of them are in the high-end community where James and his wife live.

Logically speaking, this situation is impossible.

The United States seems to pursue freedom, but in fact most white people are very religious, and going to church every week has even become an unspoken rule. Many immigrants have to change their beliefs in order to integrate into American society as soon as possible.

So in order to express your piety, in addition to donating money to the Holy See, the most important thing is to raise money to build a church. What's more, the high-end community where the James and his wife live, the size of the church, the luxurious decoration, and the level of priests are all related to their face.

However, according to the information found on the Internet, not only is there no church there, it has never even been built before.

"Something's wrong." Sheron looked back at Shelley again, "Could it be that you also noticed this abnormality, so you searched online? But why did you notice this? Could it... have something to do with your nightmare?"

He thought for a while, took out his mobile phone, and called James directly regardless of the fact that it was two o'clock in the morning. Ten seconds later, the call was connected, and James said a little tiredly: "Boy, although you successfully sent the three of Ethan back, that's not the reason for you to call me at this time."

"Why is there no church in the community you live in?"

Sharon asked bluntly.

There was silence on the phone. After a while, James hesitated and said, "You called me so late just to ask this?"

Xie Lun said coldly: "Something happened to Shelley, I suspect that these two things are related."


A woman screamed across the way, very young and obviously not Aunt Hollis. After that, there was a noise, and then the door was closed, and James was a little out of breath: "What's wrong with her?"

Sheron was too lazy to care about James' private life, and said in a deep voice: "She is trembling in nightmares now, and I am trying to find out the reason. James, let me ask you again, there is no church in the community where you live, does it have anything to do with this matter?" ?”

"Damn it, it shouldn't be, she is already eighteen years old..." James' tone was a little flustered, "Are you with Shelly now? When did you return to China? Where are you now?"

Xie Lun frowned, and said coldly: "James, are you hiding something from me? It's fine if it's something else, but this matter concerns Shelley, you'd better tell me the truth, otherwise...you know my temper."

"Calm down, Sheron, calm down." James took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and said, "It's not that I won't tell you, but that there is no way to say it."

"Involving state secrets?"

"That's not true."

"That means being threatened?"

"In a sense... yes."

"If you speak, will you be threatened, or Shelly?"

"Sheryl!" James said heavily, "The reason why we kept this secret is to protect children like her."

"You?" Xie Lun narrowed his eyes, "Don't tell me that the adults in the entire community know this secret?"

James sighed: "Except for our group back then, the people who moved in later didn't know about it."

"It has something to do with Ward's disappearance for eleven years, doesn't it?"

Xie Lun suddenly remembered this matter.

James' heavy breathing came from the phone: "In short, I will take care of this matter. Xie Lun, your task now is to keep an eye on Shelly, and don't let her fall asleep again."

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