The capital of Mexico, Mexico City, in the luxurious manor of the Gabriel family.

The second son of the Gabriel family, Hupus Gabriel, was looking carefree, looking at the old man on the hospital bed full of tubes.

"The old man is like this. If we haven't started revenge, what's the face of our Gabriel family? How can we mess around in the Tao in the future?"

The loyal butler Hei Shou said calmly: "Master, please keep your voice down, Master needs a quiet rest now."

"How can I keep quiet, seeing the old man become like this, the fire in my heart...I wish I could leave and rush to the United States, and blow up those damn bastards to pieces."

"Your wish, the master has approved." The steward handed a letter to Hupps. "This is his secret order. As long as you complete this task, you will inherit the Gabriel family from now on."

Hupps' face changed drastically, and he looked at the letter in the butler's hand in surprise. After a while, he hurriedly took the letter, opened it and took out the paper inside:

"1. Eliminate the family traitor who betrayed Edmund;"

"2. Kill the NIA agent who captured Edmond!"

"Just these two tasks?" Hupps raised the paper and said disdainfully, "It's easy, I'll take people to America right now."

The housekeeper bowed slightly: "Then the master will wait for the good news from you, the second young master."

Hupps turned and left excitedly. After a while, the old man who had been lying motionless on the hospital bed suddenly opened his eyes.

The pair of old eyes that were a bit cloudy now shot out a sharp and fierce light.

The old man made a gesture to the butler, who nodded, took out his mobile phone and dialed a certain number.


New York City, Brooklyn District, in a luxurious detached villa.

Mr. Smith, who narrowly escaped death, was curled up on the bed, tightly wrapped in a blanket, sneezing vigorously. A beautiful blonde woman walked into the bedroom with a cup of hot water, and said softly, "Da Lang, it's time to drink the medicine!"

Smith raised his head with difficulty: "Wait for my brother Wu Song to come back..."

Cough cough... it's a joke.

The actual situation is that Mrs. Smith put the water glass on the bedside, and said with a smile: "Who would have thought that you could fall into the river, God bless you if you are fine, and a cold is a trivial matter."

Smith held his wife's little hand and said with a wry smile, "Jane, I'm sorry for messing up the wedding anniversary arrangement and not buying you a gift."

"What are you talking about, your safe return is the best gift." Mrs. Smith kissed her husband's forehead, got up and smiled, "I'm going to work, you should be good at home by yourself."

Smith smiled bitterly: "I'm already like this, what else can I do?"

After seeing his wife leave home, Smith struggled to take out a mobile phone from the hidden compartment of the bedside table, and dialed a very complicated number: "Hey, it's me... What's going on? Don't ask, anyway, I said You don't believe it... I know the target is coming to New York, and I won't miss this time...Ah Choo..."

Hanging up the phone, Smith picked up the water glass with trembling hands, and swallowed the pills.

And Mrs. Smith, who still has charm and has an explosive figure-Jane Smith, drove to Manhattan. After all, in name, she is the president of a women's clothing design company.

After entering your own company through an independent elevator. A subordinate hurried over and said in a low voice, "Jane, the boss is on line 1 and seems to be in a hurry."

Jane nodded, and quickly walked into a sealed single room. A blue light descended from the sky, and after scanning her whole body, a blurry image appeared on the screen embedded in the wall.

The electronic voice is also indistinguishable between male and female: "Jane, there is a task that needs you to deal with in person. I have sent the details to the internal mailbox. Remember, be fast and ruthless, but you must keep a low profile. The eyes that have been watching New York recently ,

A little too much. "

Jane nodded and walked out of the secret room without any nonsense. The subordinate who had been waiting for a long time handed over a folder: "This is the goal of this mission."

Jane opened the folder, frowning slightly: "An NIA agent?"


In the private hospital affiliated to the Vigo family, Xie Lun looked through the glass at the sleeping twin sisters in the ward. A white-haired old man, leaning on a cane, walked over quickly accompanied by several bodyguards.

"Hehe, let me guess. This handsome young man is probably the second father of my daughters, Agent Sherron?"

The old man opened his arms first, hugged Xie Lun tightly, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Detective, thank you for saving not only my son, but also the daughters I thought were lost long ago, thank you..."

Xie Lun was neither humble nor overbearing, and said with a calm smile: "Mr. Vigo, you are too polite, this is what NIA agents should do."

"No, no, no... Detective Xie, my son who didn't live up to expectations, has already told me what happened. To be honest, in that situation, only a true hero can rescue people intact."

Vigo held Sheron's hand tightly, nodded and said, "And I've always been very accurate in seeing people. Detective Xie is definitely that kind of hero."

Xie Lun withdrew his hand calmly, and said with a smile: "You are a billionaire, and if you praise me so much, I will be proud."

Viggo laughed and waved back. A bodyguard immediately took out a black envelope from his pocket, and placed it in Vigo's hands respectfully.

Vigo inserted the envelope into the pocket of Xie Lun's jacket, and said with a smile: "The supreme VIP card is unique. With this card, in all properties under my family's name, every consumption of less than 100,000 U.S. dollars will be free. No The number of uses, as long as my Vigo family does not go bankrupt, then this card will be valid forever."

The corners of Xie Lun's eyes twitched slightly, and he smiled wryly, "Mr. Vigo, why are you doing this. This gift is too expensive, and I cannot accept it."

"This is just a wish from our father and daughter. Detective Xie must not refuse!"

"Then... well, then I will be disrespectful."

The two foxes, one old and one young, looked at each other and smiled.

After the preliminary deal was concluded, Xie Lun turned his head to look at the ward, and asked softly: "Then Mr. Vigo, I hope you don't mind something. Are you sure these two girls are really your daughters?"

Viggo's face remained unchanged, and he chuckled softly: "The DNA results came out ten minutes ago, and it can be confirmed that they are Alice and Alyssa."

Sheron also laughed: "Really? Then I can rest assured. Mr. Vigo, I still have something to do, so don't bother me."

"Since Detective Xie has official duties, I won't stay any longer. I believe we will meet often in the future."

Looking at the back of Xie Lun in the distance, Viggo's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After Xie Lun drove away from the hospital, he handed a small envelope to Tina: "I have a task for you. Go to an appraisal agency to test the three hairs inside to see if they are related by blood."

Tina took the envelope and frowned, "Whose hair is this?"

"The two long ones belong to the twin sisters I had before I came to New York. And the short white hair I got from old Vigo just now."

"Didn't Vigo do a DNA test?"

"I did it, but to be on the safe side, I think it's better to do it again."

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