If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 639 It's safe here, come down

After about 10 minutes, the mobile base has completely entered the sight of everyone.

Because of their height, they were lucky enough to see its whole picture.

Especially those with particularly good vision can see a lot of details.

The huge track and solid steel body can ensure that it can crush any obstacles it encounters.

Complete military facilities, from bunkers to airstrips, everything that one expects to find, is simply an upgraded version of an aircraft carrier.

Although it is called a base, its area seems to have surpassed the concept of a base.

"This size is a bit big..."

"Fortunately, it is not equipped with large-scale destruction weapons, otherwise how much ammunition can this body store?"

"But just relying on flat pushing is enough to destroy a city!"

Everyone in Huaguo had only watched it through indirect means such as videos before, but they couldn't help but feel shocked when they saw it with their own eyes.

Only at this time did they understand how important the information provided by DJ-17 and the blueprint were.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to complete the task even if the number of the team was increased by a hundred times just relying on hard work.

The summoners of Ugly Country looked at these reactions with a hint of pride. After all, this is their mobile base of Ugly Country.

But when he thought that this thing was out of control and about to be destroyed, his complexion immediately darkened.

Only one person's expression was excited.

That is Li Pu.

As for facing mobile bases, he has experience, so he will not be shocked.

However, if the technical content and other aspects are not taken into consideration, in terms of scale, this DJ1 is several times larger than the mechanical city of HF-13.

The thought of driving such a super giant vehicle with no responsibility for himself made his blood boil a little bit.

As the mobile base continued to approach, the summoners had already soared into the air on a void ray summoner that was big enough to accommodate dozens of people.

The combat power of this void ray is not strong or even a little weak, but it has a strong auxiliary function.

That is, it can greatly increase the summoning range of the surrounding summoners, which is exactly what they need now, which can not only ensure safety but also be able to watch the battle.

And all the summoned beasts/envoys will be able to reach the mobile base later only by jumping off the mountain with the help of a buffer.

"But I have to remind you, don't take it lightly."

Just when the target was about to arrive, DJ-17 suddenly reminded.

"DJ No. 1 is my brainchild here after all, so..."

"So it was equipped with unusual weapons."

"Can cause damage to summoned creatures."

"The power is no less than that of Warcraft."

"But I have my way."

After this call, everyone couldn't help becoming nervous, and they all listened to the countermeasures.

【quack! 】

But the Sword Duck did not do this, but suddenly pointed at the air and quacked.

"Teacher Li Pu?!"

Jessica was attracted by the cry, and when she looked closely, she immediately exclaimed.

It turned out that Li Pu, who was naked and shiny, had already jumped down!

"It's too reckless!"

DJ-17's two lightbulb eyes flickered, and he was obviously anxious: "If he continues like this, I'm afraid he will be caught by my anti-aircraft trap!"

"Ah? Then what should we do?"

Jessica turned pale, just hearing the name alone was hard to deal with.

Immediately, she imagined a picture of Teacher Li Pu being restrained in the air.

"Don't worry, those grids won't do any harm."

"Just temporarily incapacitates the target."

DJ-17 waved the mechanical arm and explained.

"However, if no measures are taken, it will be enough to fall heavily."

"Moreover, there are special animal traps on the deck, which can easily penetrate the summoned beast's body."

"If the ground thorns don't kill the target, there is a high-temperature poisonous mist injector behind it."

"These poisons are specially prepared by me using life sciences, which can identify targets."

"It only takes effect on summoned beasts, and will not harm humans in this world."

"If you don't even kill him by spraying poison, there will be a set of combined attacks later."

"The high-voltage animal trap locks on the target, and the ground spikes carry out the second round of attacks."

"In short, it is almost impossible for any summoned beast or summoner to break into DJ1 alone."

All the summoned beasts around couldn't help complaining when they heard this routine.

Where is your mobile base? It's basically a hunting base, right?

"Why, are you surprised?"

DJ-17 didn't care very much when he saw the grimacing expressions around him.

"You know, this is just a defense system against summoned beasts."

"Don't worry about that reckless man, anyway, you just follow my command."

"How to crack DJ1's defense network, I have already calculated many times."

"Later, we will conduct a wave of long-range attacks first, and we will talk about destroying those grid anti-aircraft guns."

Just when it was about to explain to everyone in detail, it heard the sword duck screaming again.

【quack! 】

Looking in the direction pointed by the sword duck, Li Pu had already landed.

There are electric awn-like grids hanging on his body, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on his movements.

As for those clumsy ground thorns, they couldn't capture his figure at all.

There are even large areas of ground thorns that have been twisted or broken by his hammer.

Even the anti-aircraft guns that fired out of the grid just now were destroyed.

"What is this...\u0026%*#N"

DJ-17 felt that his logic program seemed to be a little confused, and the language of the mechanical family came out inadvertently.

But soon, several steel mushroom-shaped porous sprinklers rose up on the deck where Li Pu was.

Then they uniformly sprayed a green poisonous mist towards it, which was the special toxin specially made for summoned life that DJ-17 mentioned just now.

In the end, Li Pu acted like a normal person, and with a few sword strikes and kicks, the nozzles were smashed into pieces.

The subsequent high-voltage electric piles and the second wave of ground thorns were not spared.

And Li Pu, who was covered in green, just lay down on the ground, and his complexion immediately returned to normal.

"You, didn't you just say that it is impossible for anyone to break in alone?"

Jessica stared blankly at Li Pu's figure below, but she was questioning DJ-17.

Teacher Li Pu in the new world was also so outrageous, which made her very unprepared.

【quack! 】

The Sword Duck watched the two sword wings dance wildly. How long has it been since I saw this boy become so strong?

It felt very clearly about the few waves of offensive just now. If it was him, he might die as soon as he hit the ground!

"I-I don't know..."

"Obviously every link is designed by me after careful calculation..."

As for DJ-17 himself, he was also confused.

"Well, is he gesturing at us?"

At this time, a male summoner finally couldn't bear to speak.

Because he suddenly saw that Li Pu, who was holding a sword in one hand, seemed to make an "OK" gesture to them.

It seems to mean that it is safe here, you all come down.



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