If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 585: There Are No Warcraft Ahead

In the sea area to which the artificial island of the Magic City Academy belongs, a square black monster with an area not inferior to it appeared at this time.

Its surface is made of unknown substances, like some kind of smooth and shiny metal, if people get close, they can even see their own reflection in this black mirror.

It is a labyrinth monster, and it already feels very solid from this appearance.

Two figures, floating above the maze, looked dignified.

"Did you not get in this time?"

James looked at Qian Xun next to him, his tone revealing helplessness.

"Don't ask, it's still the same as you."

Qian Xun stood in the air with his hands behind his back, showing a wry smile.

The war zones they are in charge of all have huge islands.

Due to the excessive penetration, many teams had no way to complete the evacuation in the first time.

In order to give priority to bringing out all these teams, both Qian Xun and James missed the opportunity to enter the maze of monsters.

There are not a few top-level fighters who encounter similar situations.

On the contrary, it is the sub-top class like Lahiri, because the allocated area is relatively small and small islands, most of them do not encounter such problems.

"Captain Qian, have the statistics come out now, how many top and second top ranks are left in the maze?"

James looked at Qian Xun and asked questions.

After this period of time, his attitude towards Qian Xun has improved.

There is no other reason, it is all because of the trial dungeon [Water Realm].

During these days in the magic capital, he can be regarded as fighting against it.

After getting the application, it has been soaking in the copy.

But after exhausting all methods, James couldn't solve the two purple frog porcelains that started with 66 consecutive hits, let alone level 3 full entries and level 4 entries.

The more he spent it like this, the more he admired Qian Xun who was able to open the level 4 entry of this dungeon.

Qian Xun could only endure this in silence, and could not tell the other party that he admired the wrong person.

"The situation of the top gear is actually the same. Now there are not many inside the maze."

Facing James' question, Qian Xun looked at his watch.

"Currently there are 3 people in the top gear in the labyrinth, no, maybe 4 people."

"There are more sub-top tiers, there are 12 people."

Soon, he reported the situation.

"In that case, it's actually okay, right?"

James didn't find any flaws in Qian Xun's words, but felt that the number of sub-top files was pretty good.

Of course, there are strong and weak points in the sub-top class, but if calculated according to the average level, probably 3 top files can almost be worth a top class.

In terms of conversion, it can be seen that there are a total of 8 top-level fighters in the maze at this time.

"The number of people is not necessarily the key."

But Qian Xun didn't look too good. He shook his head and said, "The key is that they entered a maze this time."

"It's not an ordinary construction monster."

"I don't know how many people will be able to find the core of the maze in the end."

He can't make judgments about others, he can only guarantee that there is such a guy who will definitely be found.

As for why, there is no reason, just pure belief.

But that guy might not be able to fight against the rare boss of LV45 by himself.

Regarding the current situation, Qian Xun already had a complete script in mind.

That is when Li Pu found the core of the maze, and then fell into crisis, and then the bosses came to the rescue.

It’s not sure if it’s another guy, but if it’s Hua Guo’s bright (?) future, the Hua Guo bosses will definitely not sit idly by.

So Qian Xun wasn't worried at all. It was probably when Li Pu found the core of the maze that this wave of monsters would officially come to an end.

"Let's go, don't look at it."

So he patted James on the shoulder, turned around and said, "We have other things to do."

The Labyrinth Warcraft does not stay in place, but with its huge size, just moving is enough to pose a huge threat.

If left alone, the artificial island of Mordor Academy will be bulldozed by it in a short time.

Therefore, the task of everyone staying outside is to temporarily block the boss's footsteps by attacking.

Although it has been tried just now, even the top gear cannot cause obvious damage to the unknown but solid black shell, but at least if everyone gathers together, it can stop its progress.

"Okay, leave the rest to the colleagues inside."

James nodded, and followed Qian Xun to fly towards the front end of the labyrinth monster drift.


In the dungeon of the maze, the people staying everywhere are taking actions in their own ways.

And most of the teams encountered the same problem as Li Pu.

That is to find those regenerative scorpion-tailed monsters living in the wall, which are difficult to eliminate.

Originally, the labyrinth was tortuous and huge, coupled with the obstruction of this kind of monster, the efficiency of the movement was greatly hindered.

There were only two people who seemed to be doing nothing.

"Ms. Lahiri, has Mr. Li Pu been away for too long?"

At this moment, Fu Dui'er seemed a little anxious.

She repeatedly tried to contact Li Pu through the watch, but found no response.

Moreover, in the coordinate system on the watch, there are only the two of them left, without Li Pu's logo.

"Wait another 10 minutes."

Lahiri, who was sitting cross-legged, was resting with his eyes closed.

His repeated performances before gave him full confidence in Li Pu's investigation work.

But of course there are no absolutes in the world, if there is still no news from Li Pu after 10 minutes, then they have to act.

"Oh, all right."

Fu Duier could only sigh when she heard the words, she felt that Lahiri trusted Li Pu too much.

Just when she was about to sit down, she suddenly heard something behind her.

【Grass! 】

A scolding came from afar, which made Fudui'er not sit down, and made Lahiri stand up instantly.

"What's the situation?" x2

The two looked at each other, both showing vigilance.

But less than a minute later, when the figure appeared, both of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

It turned out that the person who came was the straw man.

The straw man was on the A3 island before, and after receiving the broadcast, everyone evacuated and only he stayed.

The distance between A3 and A9 was not very far after the fusion of the islands, so it followed Li Pu's induction guide and walked all the way.

On the way, of course, I encountered those annoying scorpion tail attacks, but I still walked here abruptly with my two feet.

The appearance of the straw man is undoubtedly good news for Lahiri and the others.

Because the two had just discussed not long ago, this is the existence of a first-tier combat power.

However, at this moment, another good news also sounded from the watch.

That was Li Pu's voice.

【Hey, can you hear me, both of you】

【Safe ahead, no monsters】



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