If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 583 I'll go explore the way first

The speed at which the black wall is formed can only be said to be getting faster and faster.

Obviously, Li Pu and others are about to be trapped in the body of this labyrinth monster.

Among the crowd, only Lahiri has the ability to fly fast.

Although Li Pu had exchanged his points for [Xiangxiang Lantern] in the college treasure house, the Lantern Lantern is a bit of a misnomer, and its ability tends to be floating rather than flying.

If the formation of the black wall slowed down, he might use it to leave, but the situation was not right now.

Of course, Li Pu didn't want to leave either.



"Guys, things have changed."

At this time, Lahiri's expression became very solemn, and his eyes swept over every team member.

As the commander of the thirteenth war zone, the strongest combat force (?) and the captain of the team, he is responsible for everyone's safety.

"I can send you out, but..."

After a slight pause for half a second, he continued, "But forgive me for my limited ability, I'm afraid there must be two people left."

The two people here did not include Lahiri himself.

His flying ability can be temporarily borrowed from others, but in this case, he cannot use it himself.

But Lahiri believes that as a sub-top team, the chance of staying in danger is naturally lower than other players.

"I want to stay!"

Fu Duier was the first to stand up. Faced with this situation, as the vice-captain, she had the obligation to stand up.


Now is not the time to drag and be hypocritical, so Lahiri nodded immediately.

Leaving aside the position of vice captain, Fu Duier is the second strongest(?) player in this team, so he should stay to face the crisis and leave the chance of escape to other team members.

In this way, there is still a place.


Li Pu raised his hand and said lightly: "I'm very heavy, I'm afraid you won't be able to take it out."

Of course he wants to stay, as for what is heavy, it is just a nonsense excuse.


Lahiri nodded again.

In fact, this is also the best choice he thinks, as he imagined before, Li Pu's speed and perception are the key.

Especially now that they are about to go deep into the labyrinth of Warcraft, the importance of this is even more enhanced.

"The rest, stand in a row."

Time waits for no one, so Lahiri immediately issued an order after it was finalized.

Although the other team members also want to stay and contribute, they know that in the face of today's unexpected predicament, staying may be just a distraction and a hindrance.

Clap clap!

At this moment, Lahiri slapped every team member's back vigorously, and the cicada-like wings bursting with blue light immediately appeared on their backs.

He temporarily divided his flying ability among these people.

Later, as long as he manipulates and launches a wave of ultra-short time-limited full-force bursts, they can all be sent out of the black wall.

For the rest, these team members managed to leave by themselves, and it was not difficult for them.

"Leave a watch."

But before launching the blue wings, Lahiri remembered one thing.

Li Pu doesn't have a wristwatch now, and communication equipment is crucial to the maze.

So when a team member took off his wristwatch and handed it to Li Pu, just as Li Pu equipped it, those people had already lifted off quickly with a "swoosh" and left the island in a blink of an eye.

Perceiving all this, he had to admit that Lahiri did have some abilities.

This speed is not inferior to [Sonic]'s transformation state at all, not to mention it is applied to so many people at the same time.

Also as those people left, the black wall that spread and grew everywhere was completely closed, trapping the three of Li Pu in a pitch-black passage.

Of course, this environment does not make much difference to Li Pu.

WONG! x2

After two slight beeps, Lahiri and Fu Duier also released their respective [moving lights].

The source lamp is very important at this time, not only providing them with the power of the source crystal, but also its light can be used for lighting.

But the question of what to do next for the three of them was before them.

【Note…! …meaning! 】

[Already...recognized...rare...BO...level...palace...beast! 】

[Success...retire...people..., return...general...assemble! 】

【Not...from...members,...from...for...promotion,...to find...heart! 】

At this moment, an intermittent broadcast sounded from the watch, and it was almost impossible to hear what was being said.

"It's really a labyrinth beast, and it can also block external signals."

Fu Duier could barely hear the content of the broadcast, showing a worried expression.

Without outside technical help, they can only rely on their own ability to break through this maze.

"Also, internally it doesn't seem like the signal is too good."

Lahiri manipulated the watch for a while, and found the difference between before the black wall was completely closed and after it was closed.

Before it was completely closed, he deliberately took a look at the position distribution of other teams.

The closest friendly team to one's own side is within 5 kilometers.

Obviously, they couldn't get out of trouble in time.

But now the team's signal disappeared, and only the coordinates of the three of them were left together on the display.

In other words, due to the influence of the maze, the watch signal is greatly suppressed.

"So, just look for the core now, right?"

Li Pu didn't mess with the equipment.

He is more concerned about whether he can be the first to discover the core of the boss.

Because according to the previous cognition and experience of the Zonghuang Fortress, the relevant calculations of the building square monsters are slightly different from ordinary monsters.

Only by attacking the core is the real battle with the boss.

The more output you can provide, the richer your experience will be.

Maybe even most of the final drops will belong to him.

At this time, the aura of the monster was clearer, and the rare boss of LV45 was correct.

He has a deep understanding of the gains from killing rare bosses.

As for safety, Li Pu was not too worried.

He could feel that Lahiri's strength was very good.

It is also a rare experience for him to have such a reliable teammate by his side.

Going back to the last similar experience, it was Curry Gigi who fought side by side with Qian Xun against the LV50 rare elite.

Of course, Lahiri is definitely not as good as Qian Xun.

But the level of the current self is almost twice that of the self at that time.

Skills, occupations, equipment and other configurations are all more excellent.

"Teacher Li Pu is right, our first task is to find the core."

"Even if you can't conquer it after you find it, at least try your best to announce its location."

Lahiri has a clear mind and knows what he should do.

Based on his understanding of his own strength, he never dared to challenge this boss head-on with just a few people.

"But the maze monster is not that simple, it's not just a maze."

"There should be many attached monsters in its body, we must also be careful about this."

Fu Duier reminded everyone based on his own experience.

"That's easy to say, I'll go to the front to clear... oh no, it's to explore the way."

Li Pu also has relevant experience.

He knew that those affiliated monsters also had experience points.



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