If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 571 Report, there are no monsters here

"There are no monsters?"

When Tang Yu heard it, he was stunned.

How is that possible!

Just when she was about to ask, she suddenly felt something hard under her feet.

"Huh? What is this?"

Bending down to pick it up, it turned out to be a red inscription.

Li Pu: "..."

Tang Yu: "..."

"There are indeed no monsters on this island, but it's not very clean, and there are garbage everywhere."

He touched his nose awkwardly.

Just now, I have obviously cleaned it once, but I still haven't picked it up, damn it.

"When it comes to telling nonsense, the one I admire the most is Teacher Li."

Tang Yu threw the inscription back and said angrily, "I think you have the potential to be a principal."

Fortunately, this scene was not seen by others.

At this time, everyone is looking for traces of monsters on this not-so-large and empty island of monsters.

Knowing that it was Li Pu who made the move, Tang Yu did not join the ranks.

She simply began to study the island.

It was endless here, and unless there was a hole, there was nowhere for the monsters to hide.

The black mud under his feet was slightly soft, not like any hard rock.

"The geology of this island is a bit strange."

Tang Yu picked up a handful of soil, put it under the tip of his nose, and sniffed it.

As one of the teachers who went to sea most of the time at the Magic City Academy, she also has a corresponding degree of research in geology.

The smell of this kind of soil is quite unique, unlike any other landform on Blue Star.

The key is that it seems to be a bit similar to life. I clearly stepped on a footprint just now, but it was automatically smoothed out after a while.

No wonder there were no traces of battle around.

"How did those monsters create such a large island in a short period of time?"

At this moment, she couldn't help muttering to herself.

"Maybe it's by excretion."

Li Pu next to him gave a guess.


Tang Yu froze, then quickly wiped her hands.

I heard that some Warcraft do have a strong excretion ability, and like to use excrement to create lairs, so it seems to make sense.

"Uncle! Look what I found!"

At this moment, the eldest nephew Xing hurried over with his hands raised: "I don't know who is so careless, but he lost a piece of inscription here!"

I think you are short-sighted...

Tang Yu didn't pierce it, and secretly complained in his heart.

"Teacher Tang, what should we do next?"

Li Pu ignored his elder nephew and asked her instead.

These monsters are very good.

I have a lot of experience, but it's a pity that my [Sonic] can only last for 3 minutes.

Just now 2 minutes were used to rush the road, and 1 minute was used to clear monsters and pick up garbage.

If you want to transform again, you have to wait a long time for the CD.

As for whether these monsters are tricky or not, strong or not, he has no specific experience yet.

Because they were all burned to death by the flames of light marks just now, showing no resistance.

"That's right, I'll contact the headquarters first to see how to arrange it."

Tang Yu was reminded and turned on the watch communicator.


"There are no monsters in area A2?"

Obviously, when the headquarters heard the news, their reaction was similar to Tang Yu's.

"It shouldn't be..."

The adjutant stroked his chin, lost in thought.

"Perhaps there is an error in the detection instrument."

An intelligence officer in charge of detection below gave his opinion: "If there are too many monsters, this may also happen."

"After all, when the base number of Warcraft is too large, the results displayed by the instrument will be very complicated. It is not surprising that there are any deviations."

This explanation is very reasonable, and everyone thinks it is the only possibility.

Even Lahiri is no exception, do you think it is impossible for Teacher Li Pu to clean it up alone?

His speed is so fast, if he still has the strength to wipe out the entire island in a short period of time, it is not as simple as a first-tier combat power, it has to be a sub-top tier or even a top tier.

"Sir, if this is the case, should they go to the next door to the A3 area to continue the mission?"

The adjutant looked at Lahiri and made an application.

Area A3 is close to A2, not to mention that if the detection results of A2 are wrong, then the area that may be really difficult to clean is A3.

Judging from the current situation reflected by other teams, it is actually not very optimistic.

Compared with A2A3 in many regional islands, the detection amount of life concentration is not very high.

Moreover, several teams were dispatched to join forces, but in the end there were still injuries and downsizing.

This shows that this wave of Warcraft may not be so easy to deal with.


While Lahiri nodded, he had already seen the confirmation letter sent on his screen.

Having such an adjutant to assist him is indeed very worry-free.

"Notify the transport plane Haiying to turn around and take the A2 team to the A3 area."

The adjutant who successfully modified the mission order immediately issued an order to the liaison officer.

[Sea Eagle received, Sea Eagle received]

There was an immediate response from the helicopter pilot in the command room.

In fact, the driver who was making a U-turn was actually cursing in his heart.

Isn't this a joke? I just returned and I'm about to turn around again.

Didn't you see that there was even a parachute that didn't land...Huh?

But he estimated the time, the last skydiver was too time-consuming, how about the high-altitude project experience?


"A2 team received instructions."

At the same time, Tang Yu also received instructions through the communication watch.

"and you……"

Then, she looked at Li Pu again.

According to the headquarters, there are currently no other teams in the A3 area.

So going there, their team still had to face it alone.

This makes Tang Yu's slight advantages uncertain, after all, he has never even seen the face of a monster.

Li Pu is the main force, so he must not be absent.

"I'll go by myself."

Li Pu waved his hand and turned on the guide system of the watch.

The sound of helicopter propellers in the sky was getting closer, but he had long since lost interest in such vehicles.

But thinking that I can no longer transform into [Sonic] for the time being, it is a bit troublesome.

Sonic's speed is fast enough that he can run directly on the surface of the sea without getting wet.

"Is there an inflatable lifeboat on the plane, let him throw one down."

After thinking about it, Li Pu decided to find something to ride on.

Although I am not afraid of water, it is always uncomfortable to get wet.

So everyone climbed up the helicopter again from the sling, and then threw down the things Li Pu needed.

Li Pu's efficiency was very high. He had already blown up the lifeboat when the helicopter just pulled up the rope and turned away.

Place it steadily on the sea surface, step in with one foot...


It exploded.


The ending was as expected, making Li Pu sneer.

Force me to come up with a trick, right?

He touched his wet trousers.



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