On-campus qualifying.

In the on-campus qualifiers for the Magics Chevalier tournament, league matches have been adopted for the tournament. Fight all students enrolled and only the top six advance to Magics Chevalier, a magic swordsman competition.

By the way, freshmen can only be in rookie fights, so it's the same freshman who fights...... when you go to an advanced grade, that's the only thing that loses the boundaries of the school year. It is also known as the Selection Battle because it will be a tough battle to determine the top six players to be sorted (...) in sophomores through fourth grades.

Because of this, there is no time to schedule the game, and some students fall off in terms of health and go...

And me and Clarice were quick, watching the game.

"Which do you think will win this game?

"I don't know his name, but he would be a female student. In the first place, the construction speed and accuracy of the coded procedure are out of step. The other boy is trying to force him with a sword trident, but he's still awkward. From the point of view of comprehensiveness, don't let the armament go up on her... Sounds like it's over."

"I'm just pulling..."


"What? No, it's not! I can see you until you win or lose in seconds after the game starts. You are insane!!

"Mm... Really? But the difference in skill is historical. That's the level at which you can see the approximate result of an attack within 5 seconds…"

He now kept a record of one game after another. The referee, of course, will be the faculty teacher, so we filled out the results on a piece of paper, refraining from chatting to the back.

Every game, Clarice says, "Which one do you think will win? She asks me, so each time I share my impressions, I tell her the predictions… Apparently, that seems unusual to her.

Well, but... Clarice is a hunter-aspiring student. I don't need to know anything else because I don't need that much combat specific technology...

What hunters need is viability. So you can polish that...... but apparently Clarice has a complaint that she doesn't like me a lot.


"What's up?"

"Are you sure it's Ordinary, the average person?

"That's for sure. I'm not an aristocrat, and there's no record of a magician in the family."

"You're just a mystery, aren't you? Now there are more rumors than dead magicians (wizards), in fact, hidden children of the three great nobles with enormous powers..."

"Oh... my rumors are unusual too"

"... yeah, I knew. It's about Ray, so he said he doesn't care about rumors or anything... yeah..."

"Oh... more than that, here we are. Big fate."


The next game was Amelia.

Let the red lotus hair swallow, and in his burning eyes dwelt a definite will.

But this game. The victory would already belong to Amelia. I could tell that if I saw a boy student standing in front of her. Completely atrophied. Clarice told me that no one knew the birth of a girl named Amelia-Rose.

I don't know much about it, but since I was a young girl, I've shown my talent as a magician, and already a gold-class "Gold" magician, I'd say she's broken.

Rather, it's weird enough to hear the noise of being in a rookie fight...... So much so that some voices actually say let's go to the main battle.

"Ah... you're done. I found this on the boulder."

"Within 10 seconds? The boulder is Amelia..."

"What's going on? Anything wrong?


I didn't dare mention it in front of Clarice.

this game. Amelia won it fast, but her eyes are freezing...... that's what it felt like to be peeking into the abyss.

Victory and all, of course, I don't even think so... it's like I'm just doing the work lightly. Her will wasn't intervening there, it was like there was someone else... I had that impression.

Lunch break the next day.

Already, the school held on to the topic of Magics Chevalier, a magic swordsman competition. First-year rookies, plus sophomore main battles. That on-campus qualifying started and everyone seemed to have predictions about who would go up each.

The more some of them were gambling, the more vibrant this college was. I'll just eat a little of this on the boulder, too.

But I didn't feel bad. The festive atmosphere made me feel like I was singing about my student life again.

With that in mind, as I move my meal in the tray...... I just happen to meet Clarice.

"Ah! Not Ray! Bizarre encounter... Huh! Oh, what a coincidence!

"Clarice? I've never seen you in a dining room before."

"Oh, yeah. So... BE, I don't mind if I eat with you... Huh!? It's not like you don't have any other friends! Special, special!

"Mm... I see"

"... what's wrong?

That kind of look on her face, Kao, seemed somewhere disturbing.

"I always take lunch with my friends. They're still taking seats and waiting for me."

Evie, Amelia, and Elisa had already eaten when I showed the place by my gaze alone.

"Ah... yes... well, I'll... go somewhere else..."

I also know that I am aware that I am neglectful of human emotional subtleties. Clarice is disappointed. Shun bows his head and tries to get to an empty seat with the tray on his own. but you can't leave her here alone.

Because Clarice is also an irreplaceable and dear friend to me.

Grabbing her arm lightly like that will hold her back.

"... Huh? What?"

"What do you say with me? Let me introduce you all to me. Class is different, you're a dear friend."

"... okay? Am I interrupting?

"There's no way. Plus, they all have great personalities. I'm sure you'll accept Clarice."

"... well, then"

Doesn't it feel like much, or is it familiar, Clarice follows me in silence?

"Oh, isn't it too late, Ray... and who's behind it?

"Ah. Let me introduce you."

Even as Evi, Amelia and Elisa's gaze gathered at Clarice...... she opened its mouth with a little tremor.

"K, it's Clarice-Cleveland!! The... Ray and I were on the management committee of Magics Chevalier at the Magic Swordsman Competition... so the... Ray's friends!!

Seeing her answer that way with her breasts stretched, everyone greets each other.

"I see. Nice to meet you. I'm Evi-Armstrong. Evie's fine, right?

"I'm next. As you may know, it's Amelia-Rose. I'm fine with Amelia, too."

"... the... Elisa-Grifis! I'm doing half an elf. Ow! Me too, Elisa...... fine!

Was Elisa nervous about introducing herself, there was a strangely mysterious part of it, but it still seemed like everyone would accept it without rejecting it.

And when you bring a chair that's nearby, the five of us surround one table.

"Ah... oh my! Me too...... Clarice is fine...... nice to meet you guys!

That's how we finish introducing ourselves, and we start getting lunch. Then Amelia throws a question to Clarice.

"Clarice is with Ray on the Steering Committee, right?

"Ugh, yeah. This time the management committee was supposed to pair up... so I joined Ray."

"Oh... so you were with me yesterday"

"Did you see it?

"On the edge of my vision."

"Ya, I knew three great aristocrats..."

And, for some reason, pull and tremble, Clarice. Well, just for a moment, your gaze will come this way. I guess that's what you noticed.

"So, Clarice. How's it going with Ray?

The next person to raise his voice that way was Evie.

"... Ray is unusual."



"... that's right..."

Huh, I normally affirm them all...?

I consider myself a person who combines supreme common sense... apparently other people's perceptions with mine diverged greatly.


"What's up, Ray?

"We're all good guys, aren't we?

"Ugh... Ugh! Yeah, but don't get me wrong! Beh, I don't know. I re-rated you... you're sweet and cool... because I don't think so!

"Oh, I know."

"So, so!

"What's up?

"Oh, thank God! Plus everyone...... Nice to see you!!

Clarice's smile, laughing so, was one of the most fascinating expressions she had ever seen. That was so cute and beautiful that I wouldn't take a pull on my favorite flowers.

And we're gonna have this little afternoon.

With new friends...

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