Chapter 977 973 [The tactics of veteran bandits]

Weng Yingqi either commanded the Datong Army or the civilian army composed of peasants and soldiers.

Weng Yingqi had no experience in leading a group of miscellaneous soldiers to fight. Therefore, Weng Yingqi did not give any expectations for the thousands of noble coalition forces, but just let them defeat the battle.

The enemy commander was indeed fooled. After defeating the noble coalition, he boldly returned to the army and quickly separated from the main force and the logistics force.

Weng Yingqi took the opportunity to defeat the enemy army and not only captured a large amount of baggage, but also captured thousands of slaves transporting grain. These slaves were all Jin people captured by the enemy along the way. They could also be trained into mixed soldiers to fight in the war. But Weng Yingqi only let them carry away the baggage, and he continued to catch up with a small amount of grain on his donkey.

And what about Sun Kewang?

In Sun Kewang's eyes, as long as he is alive, he can be thrown into the battlefield to fight!

The goods seized from the border town were not transported too far, but were simply transferred to a nearby city whose city walls were removed, so as not to stay at the mouth of the valley and risk being attacked from both sides.

Sun Kewang attacked the grain transportation station all the way, burned all the supplies there, and took away all the grain transportation slaves. Including the residents of the border cities who did not escape and the farmers in the surrounding villages, the total number of men, women, old and children was more than 30,000.

Including untouchables, there are more than 30,000 people, which is an army of 30,000 people!

It’s the old routine of rogue bandits.

This army of more than 30,000 people was divided into four teams by Sun Kewang.

For the first unit, the strongest Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Sudras were selected, and the soldiers and armor they had stolen were distributed to them, forming an elite force of about three thousand people.

The second army selected relatively thin Vaishyas and Sudras, armed with weapons such as kitchen knives and wooden sticks, and was led by several Kshatriyas with war horses, numbering about seven thousand people.

The third army selected the old, weak, sick and disabled from Vaishyas and Sudras. Their weapons were only wooden sticks and numbered about 8,000 people.

The fourth army is composed of untouchables, with a number of more than 10,000.

Then, Sun Kewang paraded troops outside the city and personally lectured and sworn in the troops. He first said to the first troop: "After this battle, all those who survive will be rewarded. For those Kshatriyas who have made meritorious services, the king will give you land. It will not be like managing the village land for the king like before, but you will be given a reward." Own your own land!"

"The Vaishyas and Sudras who have made meritorious service, and the hundred who have performed the best, will all be given a caste upgrade for you. Vaishyas can become Kshatriyas, and Sudras can be Vaishyas. All the remaining soldiers will be given small plots of land!"

The army translator immediately stepped forward, informed the officers, and asked the officers to pass the message to the soldiers.

Everyone was excited. Kshatriyas could own private land, while Vaishyas and Sudras could raise their castes. Such a grand reward was unprecedented, and even diluted their fear of war.

Then, Sun Kewang ran to the second unit: "Among the 7,000 of you, the thirty who perform best will be able to raise their castes and obtain land. The rest who survive will be given small plots of land!"

Then he went to the third unit: "Of the eight thousand of you, the fifteen with the best performance can raise their castes and obtain land. The rest who survive can also obtain small plots of land!"

Finally, he went to the untouchable team of more than 10,000 people and said: "As long as you perform meritorious service and survive, you can secure land for farming or become permanent slaves to the nobles!"

As for the untouchables, they cannot be given land if they are not promoted by caste, otherwise other castes will be unhappy.

However, they can obtain permanent tenant rights or become domestic servants. These two forms of rewards are enough to make untouchables willing to take risks.

Doda Wodeya led the main force back to the town and was not attacked again on the way.

He has reached the mouth of the valley, and he can return to his own country as long as he passes through the valley. But he began to hesitate again. If he returned home in such a dejected manner, he would definitely lose his prestige. Not only did he fail to grab any goods, but he also lost more than 6,000 soldiers.

Doda Wodeya had only been king for two years, and he still came to power by killing his nephew in a coup. The loss of troops and generals was very detrimental to his rule.

With so much treasure piled up at the mouth of the valley, the enemy must not have carried it too far. Can we find an opportunity to take it back?

Anyway, he has already arrived at the mouth of the valley. Even if he suffers a slight defeat, he can escape back home at any time.

Just when Doda Wodeya was hesitating, a group of sentries came back: "Your Majesty, enemy troops appear in the northeast!"

"how many people?"

"About twenty to thirty thousand."

"How is the strength?"

"The march was a mess, and the weapons were all farm tools, kitchen knives and wooden sticks. There were even many untouchables who didn't even have clothes and were only wearing a pair of trousers."

"Can untouchables also serve as soldiers and fight?"


To the northeast is the border city where he pulled out the city walls. Taniguchi's goods must have been transported there.

Asked what the enemy looked like, Doda Wodeya showed a greedy look. He has now figured out that the king from China must not have brought too many Chinese troops, otherwise he would have fought head-on with him long ago.

By organizing all the untouchables into an army, the king of China has already used all his trump cards. He can defeat the enemy and steal the goods there and return to his country.

The more he thought about it, the more reasonable it became. He even smiled disdainfully. What the hell kind of war could the untouchable army fight? If he charges alone, all those untouchables will be defeated.

This guy took the bait. He had 16,000 troops and had already reached the mouth of the valley. No one could stop him from withdrawing his troops. Sun Kewang could only watch him leave.

But now, the king decided to fight and get back countless treasures!

The wages of avarice is death.

Doda Wodeya prepared his army for war and headed northeast.

After the two armies met, Doda Wodeya almost died laughing. There are nearly 30,000 troops on the opposite side. Except for the six or seven thousand who look a little like an army, the other 20,000 or so people are almost like refugees fleeing famine.

"Attack the main force in the middle of the enemy's army with all your strength, defeat those enemies, and all the rest of the enemy's army will be routed!"

The two sides lined up close together, and the team temporarily trained by Sun Kewang showed signs of collapse before they even started fighting. Especially those untouchables who were ready to escape at any time. The reward Sun Kewang promised could no longer offset the fear at this moment.


The Mysore archers fired one round, killing only two to three hundred people and wounding them. The team that had been hit by the arrows collapsed.

Another round of projectiles, and thousands of soldiers turned and fled. No matter how much caste is promoted or how much land is given, it is better to live on. I only regret that my parents don’t have two more legs.

"Charge the entire army!"

Doda Wardha made a prompt decision and sent all the infantry and cavalry forward, leaving only the king's personal guards and the capital's garrison untouched.

As the Mysore army pressed forward, more than 20,000 miscellaneous troops fled in an instant. Those near the river ran along the river, those in the middle ran back, and those on the outside fled in all directions.

How could those princes and nobles of Mysore who commanded the army be willing to miss the opportunity to make meritorious deeds?

Soldiers who were slow to escape continued to be killed, more and more broken soldiers jumped into the river, and more continued to flee back along the river bank.

One side fled to the point of being routed, while the other side pursued them to the point of losing their formation.

Seeing that the situation was settled, Doda Wodeya asked the elite soldiers of the Chinese army to take off their armor and march towards the small town where the opponent's goods were carried on the backs of livestock. In this hot weather, no normal person would march wearing full armor.

The Mysore soldiers who participated in the battle chased them for several miles, and they had already killed them.

Killing people was like chopping melons and vegetables. Some soldiers even stopped to look through the corpses for loot. It's a pity that they are all poor people who have been robbed once. They searched all over and found nothing of value.

This is a remnant of mountains on the border between the two countries. There are no high mountains, but many rolling hills.

Suddenly, Sun Kewang led more than 400 cavalry and fought out from behind the hill. Three hundred Han cavalry and more than a hundred local noble cavalry charged diagonally towards the Mysore pursuers who were completely out of formation.

Peshra hid behind another hill, with three thousand elite men under his command.

The so-called elite is composed of the strongest Kshatriyas, Vaisyas and Sudras. The soldiers and armors were all stolen by Sun Kewang from raiding small towns and grain depots.

Peshra, a Kshatriya noble, was originally a little scared and had the mentality of running away at any time. At this time, I saw the enemy's pursuit, one in the east and one in the west. I still don't know what to do?

Sun Kewang led more than 400 cavalry to fight out. The chaotic Mysore army had long lost its organization and could not even find its own officers. Seeing the cavalry rushing towards them, these pursuers turned around and fled, leaving their backs as targets for the enemy cavalry.

"Kill, kill quickly, we win!"

Peshra was inexplicably excited. Although his belongings were robbed, the city wall was ripped off, and his family was missing, the victory now can dilute everything.

Three thousand "elites" were inspired, and under the leadership of Peshra, they bypassed their own defeated troops and pursued them from the edge of the battlefield.

After the two sides were completely separated from each other, Sun Kewang could finally let go. He did not just chase and kill randomly, but divided more than 400 cavalry into two teams to specifically kill the relatively dense and broken enemy troops. Anyway, we can't let the enemy troops gather together. Rush wherever there are many people and scatter all the enemy troops in front of us.

For miles, there were corpses everywhere along the river, and some corpses were floating in the river. Most of these corpses were left behind by Jin's defeated troops, but the corpses of countless Mysore soldiers will soon be added.

Among the defeated troops in Mysore, some of the only cavalrymen quickly fled the battlefield and returned to report the news.

Doda Wodeya, who commanded the king's guard and the capital's garrison, was speeding up his march to receive the goods, when he learned of the defeat midway.

"Hurry up and get into formation!"

The king was so frightened that he rode forward and ordered his soldiers to put on armor and line up in order.

Then, the overwhelming troops fled back. The king ordered the musketeers to fire immediately, and the archers also shot in front of the formation to prevent the formation from being overwhelmed by the troops.

The first group of defeated soldiers, faced with bullets and arrows, really fled in panic to both sides. But the second and third wave of defeated troops could not take care of it. They were chased too hastily by Sun Kewang, and they rushed directly towards the formation during the gap between their own army's reloading and reloading.

Mysore's melee troops stepped forward, with swords and guns drawn out, aiming at the defeated troops and attacking them indiscriminately.

After killing some of the defeated soldiers, the rest of the defeated soldiers finally knew how to evade and ran around the formation to both sides. This back and forth not only blocked the sight of the Mysore army, but also disrupted the formation of the Mysore army.

The cavalry led by Sun Kewang, hiding behind the third wave of defeated troops, quickly reached the enemy's mixed formation of sword and shield soldiers, spearmen, and archers.

The Mysore army, which had long been panicking, faced the cavalry charge. Those in the front row were so frightened that they turned around and tried to flee, colliding with the friendly troops in the rear row. There was no formation to speak of, and the enemy army quickly collapsed. The team of more than a thousand people was killed by more than 400 cavalry.

Immediately afterwards, Sun Kewang did not rush to kill the king's guard, but circled back to attack the enemy formation on the side.

The enemy army was attacked by Sun Kewang from the side and rear, and the troops were routed in front and on the sides. They collapsed in panic, threw down their weapons and flags, and ran away.

The defeat was so fast that Doda Wodeya didn't even have time to change his formation. He hurriedly threw himself into the reserve team. Sun Kewang had already broken through the flank and came back. He turned and rushed towards a group of musketeers who were hurriedly reloading their ammunition.

Hundreds of musketeers were decimated, and the spearmen and sword and shield bearers nearby also fled.

Seeing this situation, the reserve team ignored the king's order and the Kshatriya officers took the lead in fleeing.

"Your Majesty, leave quickly!"

Doda Wodeya was urged by the generals to flee. He had no choice but to leave. The three thousand "elites" led by Peshra had entered their sight in disorder.

More than 400 cavalry were unable to deal with it, not to mention the enemy's reinforcements of 3,000 infantry.

As soon as the king and nobles fled, the shaky formation finally collapsed. Mysore soldiers scrambled to flee, and were chased and killed by Sun Kewang's cavalry until they reached the town of Taniguchi. These defeated soldiers fled all over the mountains and plains.

As for King Doda Wodeya, he fled quickly on horseback with his royal family and nobles. Sun Kewang's cavalry was blocked by the defeated troops, and for a while it was really impossible to catch up.

After chasing into the valley, Sun Kewang ordered to stop advancing, turned around and continued to kill the defeated soldiers.

Peshra arrived with three thousand "elites", and all he faced were defeated troops. This guy killed everyone he saw, even those who knelt down to beg for mercy.

"Your Majesty, the enemy is not chasing us!"

In the valley, Doda Wodeya looked around on horseback. He led an army of 20,000 people to fight, and now only a few dozen nobles were left.

Doda Wodeya said to his son: "You ride back, negotiate with the Chinese, and agree to any amount of compensation first. Also, say that Mysore is willing to ally with them, and I will marry your sister to the king of China." .I will rush back to Mysore City immediately to recruit troops, otherwise the remnants of the royal family and nobles will rebel if the news of the defeat comes back!"

This great victory resulted in the complete annihilation of the Mysore army.

The battle was over, but the rebel nobles in the north were still on the way, slowly heading towards Taiwu City.

Zhao Kuanglui sent people to various villages to spread the news, saying that the Han army destroyed 50,000 Madurai troops in one battle, forcing the Madurai Sultan to sign an alliance under the city. In the second battle, Mysore's 100,000-strong army was wiped out, and the King of Mysore was forced to pay indemnity and marry.

Now, His Highness the King of Jin's troops numbered 200,000 and were on their way to the north to suppress the rebellion.

His Royal Highness the King of Jin is merciful and only punishes the first culprits. Those who are forced to rebel can be forgiven.

The local nobles, who were trapped by the rebels, were frightened by a series of news. Before the Han army approached, the rebels split within themselves. The local nobles joined forces to attack the princes of Camme City, and finally sent over the heads of several rebel princes.

After this battle, the western and northern parts of the Jin Kingdom were riddled with holes, and the cities and villages were severely damaged.

However, because of the great reputation of King Jin, the surrounding countries all knew that the Chinese army was not easy to mess with, so they sent envoys to close relations.

Zhao Kuanglui also had three more concubines, one from Jinji Kingdom, one from Mysore, and one from Madurai, all of whom were married princesses.

Finally, we can develop domestic affairs with peace of mind.

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