Chapter 713 710 [A mess]

The fighting is fierce in Malacca, and the Han people are also revolting for independence in the territory of their ally Aceh. So what is the Governor of Batavia doing?

He is guarding against the Wandan Kingdom!

As early as when the Datong navy plundered Dutch merchant ships, the Banten Kingdom began to jump. Instead of attacking Batavia directly, they caused friction on the Matalan border. The British also took the opportunity to send troops to join in the conflict.

British power in Java was weak due to constant suppression by the Dutch. They didn't even bother to station warships, just a few civilians and 16 British Army soldiers in the castle near Banten.

Why not attack the Netherlands instead of attacking the Netherlands?

Because Matalan is currently the Sudan and chose to cooperate with the Netherlands, which seriously violated the interests of Banten and the United Kingdom!

Just when Sultan Amon Goulart I of Mataram sent people to ask for help from the Netherlands, the Netherlands sent 500 troops to help. An uprising broke out in Matalan. The indigenous noble Truno Jojo raised high the banner of fighting against Dutch oppression and gathered thousands of troops to attack the capital of Matalan.

These rebels are also interesting. Their slogan is to fight against the Dutch, but they do not attack the Netherlands at all. Instead, they attack their own capital.

Such a nonsense situation occurs because the Netherlands and Malaysia are mortal enemies!

Matalan's predecessor, Sultan Ledeng Langsang, was also a hero. Twice he led an army to besiege Batavia.

After the defeat, La Deng Lang Sang began to cultivate his health. He reformed the domestic calendar, reformed the tax system, encouraged maritime trade, and seriously developed the economy. It is planned to develop the army and navy after becoming stronger, and finally have a decisive battle with the Dutch.

It is a pity that although this hero has achieved remarkable results in domestic affairs and made Ma Dalan rich and powerful, he has a successor who is greedy for enjoyment.

After Amon Goulart I succeeded to the throne, he relied on the abundant treasury left by his father to start building palaces, collecting and buying exotic beauties, and lived in the palace all day long, arrogant and luxurious. Within a few years, the state treasury was empty, and extortionate taxation began.

Coupled with the invasion of the Netherlands and Britain, Matalan lost control of its shipping, trade declined, and production languished.

The local nobles in the country were already very dissatisfied. Armand Goulart I did not want to appease them. Instead, he took the initiative to give the Netherlands the right to purchase spices and used the Dutch army to suppress the domestic rebellion.

Even if there is no uprising now, there will be one in a few years.

Historically, the aristocratic rebel army not only captured the capital, but also controlled the entire coastal area of ​​East Java. The tyrant Amon Goulart I was also killed by the rebels. This guy's son once again relied on the Netherlands to suppress the rebellion. The price was that the country of Matalan became a vassal of the Netherlands and ceded part of its territory to the Netherlands.

"Your Majesty the Governor, the rebels have captured Semarang, and the Sultan of Matalan once again asked for rescue. The Sultan promised that as long as he helps him destroy the rebels, Matalan is willing to become a client state of the Netherlands."

"Semarang is a big city, how could the rebels fight so fast?"

“The Tang people in Semarang joined the rebels.”

"Tang people, Tang people, these damn Chinese again!"

Fandelin felt uncomfortable when he heard words like "Tang people" and "China". There are so many bad things related to China that it makes it difficult for him to leave office safely, and he has to make all kinds of disgusting things.

In fact, the Chinese in Semarang announced that they would join the Matalan Uprising Army. The reason had nothing to do with race, but had a lot to do with religion!

In order to gain power and please the Dutch, the tyrant Sultan of Matalan actually attacked local sectarian forces while condoning Dutch missionaries to spread Christianity. This move angered believers across the country. This uprising was tantamount to a tripartite alliance between the sect, the nobility, and the people.

Wherever the rebel army passed, there was no need to fight at all. Sects, nobles and people from all over the country came to help.

And almost all the Chinese in Semarang are believers!

This was also Zheng He's supply base. The Chinese converted to the Green Sect, and Zheng He made great efforts.

Zheng He's voyage in Southeast Asia was also a journey to spread green religion. Champa, Old Port, and Semarang were Zheng He's three major missionary bases, and the local leaders he appointed were all believers.

Those Chinese who revolted in Palembang before were all religious!

Sister Shi, the second Ming Dynasty ambassador to Old Port, had an adopted son named Sunan Jili. With the help of Second Sister Shi, this man actively opened up Chinese parishes. He not only preached in Sumatra, but even expanded the sect's power to Java. He was revered by later generations of believers as "the greatest of the nine Javanese Green Sages."

Even though the Shi family in Palembang is not famous, as long as the name "Binachi" is revealed, the believers in Sumatra and Java, whether Chinese, indigenous or Arabs, will give some points to the Shi family. Thin noodles.

The honorific title of the second sister Shi is "Binazhi Shi's Auntie".

Benachi means leader. She was once the spiritual leader of Nanyang believers.

The Chinese leader of Palembang was originally the ancestor of the Liang family. The ancestors of the Shi family were able to serve as propaganda envoys. It was purely because the Shi family was the first to join the religion, and thus gained Zheng He's respect!

"Leave 500 soldiers to garrison Batavia, and the rest of the army will march towards Semarang!" Vanderlin immediately ordered.

Semarang is too important and must be saved.

The capital of the Matalan Kingdom was called Pasar Gede, which was near Surakarta (Chinese name "Solo") in later generations. This is the core area of ​​the Matalan Kingdom, where a large amount of spices are produced, and all goods must be shipped to Semarang before being shipped to Batavia by sea.

The loss of Semarang would mean that nearly half of the spices produced in Matalan would no longer be sold to the Dutch.

Just when the Dutch army was about to go to quell the rebellion, the news from Malacca finally reached Batavia, and it was Kuang Hong who sent a ship to deliver the message.

"Malacca is gone? Aceh has become a vassal of China? Are the Chinese in Palembang rebelling for independence?"

A series of news left Vanderlin at a loss.

The Chinese have occupied Malacca. Will they bring the group of dogs they collected and join forces from various countries to attack Batavia?

Vanderlin's vest felt cold at this moment, and he quickly stopped the counter-rebellion troops and stayed to defend Batavia. As for the Banten and British coalition forces attacking the Matalan border, he could no longer care about such trivial matters.

"Tell the messenger, please come to Batavia and I will negotiate with him again." Vanderlin said to the messenger.

A few days passed, and before Kuang Hong came over to negotiate, the prince of the Matalan Kingdom fled to Batavia first.

This prince had succeeded to the throne halfway, that is, Armand Goulart II. He faced Van der Linde and cried: "Mr. Merciful and generous Governor, please send troops quickly, I will agree to any conditions you have!"

Fandelin was puzzled: "Pasar Gede City is so strong, how come it was breached by the rebels?"

Amon Goulart II explained: "Before the rebels came, the patriarch of Bashaged incited the believers to rebel! My father had been killed by the brutal believers, so I ran as fast as possible. Escaped from the capital by luck."

Vanderlin was speechless and felt sorry.

Van der Linde had a very good impression of the dead Sultan. This Sultan was an enlightened figure who actually allowed the Dutch to build churches in the capital of Matalan and allowed missionaries to spread Christianity freely.

Such a good Green Cult monarch, it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, why was he killed by the rebels?

Fandelin comforted him and said: "Don't worry, I will send troops to help you restore the country, but it is not the time yet. I must first deal with the Chinese threat. I will send 50 soldiers to go with you to the western region of Matalan." , you try to gather King Qin’s army in the name of the Sultan.”

Armand Goulart II hesitated to speak, mentally cursing the eighteenth generation of Fandelin's ancestors.

Where can he summon King Qin’s army?

Nobles in various places rebelled one after another, and the patriarchs of various dioceses also mobilized believers to help in the rebellion. If he showed up to summon the army, wouldn't he go back and die?

Armand Goulart II said: "Mr. Governor, I think we should stay here first and stay in Batavia to issue orders. I will wait for you to resolve the affairs, and then we will go to retake the capital together. I...I am willing to give my husband All the Liang'an area will be given to the Netherlands as a gift from the Netherlands to help me recover!"

Vanderlin's eyes shone when he heard this. That was an important spice producing area. If he could get there and take Malacca as a vassal, such a great achievement would be able to offset his sin of losing Malacca.

Fandelin said with great energy: "Honorable Sultan, I will definitely help you restore your country!"

Amon Goulart II, like his tyrant father, was also a pleasure-seeking master. Even though his capital was captured by the rebels, he was able to stay in Batavia and have fun, singing, dancing, eating, drinking and playing with women every day in the residence arranged by the Dutch.

He believes in the strength of the Dutch army. As long as the Netherlands sends troops, they will definitely kill those rebels!

As for betraying national interests and ceding land to sacrifice, Amon Goulart II did not care about it. Anyway, Ma Daran's territory is huge, and cutting off some of it is nothing, as long as he can go back and become the sultan.

He seems to have forgotten that when his ancestors founded the country, the country was so insignificant. When his grandfather succeeded to the throne, civil strife broke out and the country fell into division. It was his grandfather and the wise ministers who turned the tide, not only quelling the civil strife, but also expanding the territory several times.

Zaimai Tian is not worried, go to hell!

But it was said that Kuang Hong came from Malacca and did not go directly to Batavia. He went to Palembang to meet with the Chinese leaders there.

After two days of shopping, Kuang Hong felt mixed.

The people have Chinese faces, the dialect is Fujian and Cantonese, and the clothes and architecture are all Chinese. But the mosque there made Kuang Hong a little uncomfortable. Almost all Han people believed in the Green Sect.

In this regard, Kuang Hong could not express his dissatisfaction, so he could only leave angrily and come by boat to negotiate with the Dutch.

The conditions he offered made Vanderlin very angry.

First, Malacca belongs to China.

Second, the Netherlands terminated its allied relationship with Aceh, and Aceh will be a vassal state of China from now on.

Third, the Netherlands gives up its exclusive right to purchase spices from Aceh and gives up its priority right to purchase spices from Matalan.

Fourth, the Netherlands paid 10,000 taels of silver as compensation.

Fifth, the Netherlands allowed the Han Chinese in Batavia to have the right to live and leave freely, and no longer imposed heavy additional taxes on the Han Chinese in Batavia.

Sixth, the Netherlands recognizes that Taiwan is Chinese territory.

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