Chapter 661 658 [Luring the enemy into an ambush]

Wan Bangyan, who was born in the Jiangxi Navy, is the commander of the Taiwan Fleet of the Datong Navy and has been stationed near the Penghu Islands for a long time.

The reason why Wan Bangyan was thrown here was because most of the Han people in Zhuluo County migrated under Zheng Zhilong's organization. Zhao Han was a little worried and did not dare to send Zheng Zhilong's generals to Taiwan for garrison.

One 400-ton warship, more than a dozen 200-ton warships, and more than a dozen 150-ton warships. Wan Bangyan is confident of defeating the four Dutch warships, but he will definitely have to pay a price. The 650-ton Hector alone is enough to kill the Datong Navy.

Historically, when Zheng Chenggong regained Taiwan, he claimed that he had sunk the Hector with a salvo of ten thousand guns.

But according to Dutch records, the Dutch navy operated improperly and accidentally detonated the gunpowder magazine, and it sank itself not long after the attack.

No matter what, it was impossible for Li Dingguo to send troops there by boat.

Naval warfare is one thing, troop transport is another. If there was a fight with a Dutch warship while transporting troops and one of them was accidentally sunk, the army soldiers would be sunk with it.

Moreover, the areas in Tainan that are convenient for landing are all under the firepower of the city's anti-aircraft guns in Relanja. Zheng Chenggong was able to land easily because he had figured out the terrain and climate in advance, took advantage of the short period of high tide, and used the tide to float on the shallower coast. Log in early.

Neither Li Dingguo nor Wan Bangyan chose to take risks.

Anyway, it was only a sixty-mile journey, and the Datong Army was able to walk through it despite all the obstacles along the way.

I didn't bring any artillery, and I didn't bring much food and grass, because we had to cross several small rivers and we had to rush for rescue.

The soldiers held axes and swords to chop down the weeds and vines in the woods. When you encounter a river, which is not wide anyway, you cut down trees on the spot to build a pontoon bridge.

Two days later, we approached the Madou Aboriginal settlement.

There is a war going on here. The Madou aborigines, the Mugawan aborigines and the remnants of the Han rebel army join forces to fight against the Dutch pursuers. Among the Dutch pursuers, there were also many Madou natives!

The lower-class aborigines have a deep hatred for the Netherlands.

When they heard that the Han people had rebelled, they immediately responded in groups. Even though the Han people have failed, even though their leaders are being used as dogs to the Dutch, there are still many indigenous brothers who are willing to stand up and fight. This is not the first time. In the past twenty years, they have been at war with the Netherlands for eight years.

The school built by the missionaries in Madoushe was billowing with smoke.

The uprising coalition forces were obviously defeated. There were about 2,000 people fleeing northward in the woods. The Dutch soldiers did not pursue them quickly, but the native servants fought bravely one by one, hoping to exchange the heads of their compatriots for the colonists' appreciation.

"Brother Wu, how long until we can see the officers and soldiers?" Mo Na asked as he ran.

Wu Hualong said: "It's almost there, it's almost there."

Mona is a warrior of Madou Society. He is very good at hunting and has great prestige in the tribe. His father was killed by the Dutch. He hated his leader very much because he was the leader supported by the Dutch with force.

There were many tribesmen who had the same idea as Mona. This time, more than two hundred Madou warriors stood up to fight together with the Han people.

Mona was running forward, passing through a forest, when she suddenly heard the sound of a trumpet coming from ahead.

"Hey yo, hey yo!"

It was the Datong Army who was cutting down trees and carrying logs to build a pontoon bridge.

Wu Hualong listened carefully and suddenly said in surprise: "They are Han people. There are many Han people in front of them!"

They speeded up and ran forward, but heard another brass whistle.

However, the sentry who had crossed the river in advance to warn them also discovered them and immediately blew the whistle to warn them.

On the other side of the river, Li Dingguo shouted: "The whole army is wearing armor immediately. Soldiers wearing armor are ready to meet the enemy!"

About two thousand people were marching in armor. At this moment, they raised their blazing guns and aimed them at the other side of the river.

Although Wu Hualong did not see the sentry hiding behind the tree, he hurriedly shouted: "We are our own people, our own people, we are all Han people, and these indigenous brothers are also our own people!"

Not long after, the whole army crossed the river.

Li Dingguo asked: "Looking at you, have you already fought?"

Wu Hualong cried: "More than 10,000 people revolted and originally occupied Chican City. But the red-haired ghost's artillery was powerful and there were many of them. They were probably removed from the ship or the city wall. Brother Guo died in the battle, and the rest Brothers and sisters were either killed or fled, and now there are only more than a thousand people left."

Li Dingguo wanted to scold them, but seeing that they were in a panic, he just said, "How many of the enemy's pursuers are there?"

Wu Hualong said: "There are only about a hundred red-haired ghosts, and there are two to three thousand natives who serve as dogs for the red-haired ghosts. They have been biting at the back, and they are probably catching up soon."

Li Dingguo asked: "Do you dare to go back and lure the enemy?"

Wu Hualong gritted his teeth and said: "Dare! Even if you die, you still have to lure the pursuers over!"

Li Dingguo immediately set up an ambush, and Wu Hualong selected hundreds of warriors and turned back to lure the enemy.

Mona also took Madou Warriors with him and volunteered to follow.

Mo Na said excitedly as he walked: "You Han officers and soldiers are really powerful. They have a lot of armor and fire guns. The red-haired ghosts will definitely not be able to defeat them."

Wu Hualong said proudly: "Your Majesty, there are millions of troops, all of them are such warriors. The red-haired ghost is dead this time!"

They walked back about two miles and ran into the indigenous soldiers exploring the road.

"In front, in front!" the native soldiers shouted.

Wu Hualong also shouted in fear: "Run away!"

Mona immediately understood and said to the warriors around him: "Quickly shout for escape together!"

"Run quickly, the pursuers are coming!"

The Madou Society and Muga Walking Warriors, a total of more than 400 people, were shouting in panic at this moment. The Han rebels also shouted, which sounded chaotic and chaotic enough to express their panic.

At this time, there are more than 1,700 indigenous servants from the four tribes left.

When they heard the shouting in the distance, they all got excited and chased after them with shouts. There was no formation at all, with the tribe as a unit, chasing wildly in the forest.

The 120 Dutch soldiers in the rear have left their artillery in Chikan City. Don't be in a hurry now, just continue to move forward slowly, ready to form a formation and shoot at any time.

Thousands of Datong troops were all hiding in the bushes or behind big trees.

The insurgents who lured the enemy rushed over quickly, with pursuers hundreds of meters behind them.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Gunshots rang out in the woods, and the Datong soldiers shot each other. Two to three hundred of the indigenous pursuers who rushed to the front fell on the spot.


When the charge horn sounded, the musketeers mounted their bayonets and the spearmen straightened their spears and immediately launched a freestyle charge.

And those indigenous soldiers had already collapsed when they encountered an ambush!

Do they know the power of firecrackers? They were defeated by the Dutch's firecrackers and artillery. Now that I hear gunshots all over the forest, how can I still have the courage to fight?

"There was gunfire, lots of matchlocks!"

The Dutch commander Dankel was frightened by the gunfire, and without waiting for the native soldiers to escape, he ordered: "Retreat immediately, and quickly retreat to the castle!"

Wu Hualong and Mona, with Han and indigenous warriors, followed the Datong army in pursuit.

Along the way, we constantly encountered indigenous soldiers kneeling down begging for mercy, and they were beaten to death without saying a word. Those Han people who did not have regular weapons, after killing the indigenous soldiers, threw away the wooden sticks in their hands, took away the weapons of the indigenous soldiers and continued to charge.

The Datong army only charged, and all the prisoners were handed over to the rebels.

What the rebels did was to kill all the prisoners. They had already killed them!

Dankel led the Dutch soldiers and quickly retreated to a river, where the raft they had crossed before was tied to the river.

Just as Dankel was about to board the raft to cross the river, several hundred native soldiers fled back, obviously trying to get on the raft.

"Raise the gun!"

Half of the Dutch soldiers had already boarded the raft, and Dankel ordered the remaining half to raise their guns and aim at his servants.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a burst of gunfire, and more than a dozen indigenous soldiers fell down. The other indigenous soldiers were so frightened that they ran to both sides, and then jumped into the river and swam across.

Danker urged: "Paddle faster!"

There were not enough rafts, so they had to cross the river in two batches, but it was too late.

More and more Datong troops rushed over from the woods. The overwhelming formation scared Danker to the point of numbness.

Danker stood on the raft and said: "Don't wait for the raft, jump into the river and swim over!"

When Danker successfully returned to the other side of the river with half of the soldiers, the remaining half of the soldiers were still swimming in the river.

The Datong army had rushed to the river and immediately raised their guns and fired freely.

Some aimed at the enemy troops on the other side of the river, and some aimed at the enemy troops in the river.

There was a huge disparity in numbers between the two sides, and Danker did not dare to shoot at each other. Not caring about the men in the river, he immediately ran away, and a few unlucky ones were shot while running.

As for the enemy soldiers swimming in the river, whether they were Dutch soldiers or indigenous servants, some were shot and sank from time to time.

Danker came out with 120 soldiers, and when he fled back to Chican City, only 71 were left.

There are still more than 800 Dutch soldiers, more than 800 Dutch immigrants, and more than 1,000 slaves in Taiwan as a whole. In addition, there were hundreds of Dutch wives who were similar to slave girls, all of whom were snatched away after killing all the indigenous men on Xiaoliuqiu Island.

Danker took a boat to the city of Relanja and said: "Your Majesty the Governor, the Chinese army is here, at least several thousand people."

"Are there really thousands?" Felberg said in panic.

Danker said: "Nearly half of my soldiers were killed. Do you still want to defend Fort Promincia?"

Fort Promincia is the castle in the city.

Felberg said: "Abandon Fort Promincia, withdraw all troops to Fort Jelandia, and concentrate our forces on defense. I will send another ship to Batavia to request support!"

This time we went to Batavia, a round trip took more than two months!

While the two of them were discussing, the more than 2,000 vanguard troops of the Datong Army had already pursued them to the Chican City area. The dozens of defenders in the castle were so frightened that they fled immediately. There was no food in this dilapidated castle, and they starved to death within a month or two of being surrounded.

"Brother Guo! Brother Cai! Brother Liu..."

Wu Hualong knelt in front of the castle, looked at the corpse hanging on the wooden pole, and immediately burst into tears.

Apart from Wu Hualong, two other landowners who conspired to revolt escaped, and the rest were all hanging there to demonstrate.

Li Dingguo came quickly with the main force and asked: "Besides this castle, where else in Chixi City is worth occupying?"

Wu Hualong stood up, thought for a while and said: "There are two Niutousi in the suburbs, and there are many Tianzhu cattle in them!"

Niutousi is a cattle breeding farm, all imported from India.

In addition, the Dutch also brought big peas and cabbage to Taiwan, which are now widely grown in Tainan.

Li Dingguo immediately sent troops to occupy two cattle farms and confiscated all the more than 500 Indian cattle in them.

As for the city of Relanja, it cannot be surrounded for the time being and requires the cooperation of the navy.

However, the city of Relanje was on an island. Even if troops were not sent to surround it, it would not be able to obtain sufficient food supplies. It could only be transported from other places by sea ships.

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