Chapter 621 618 [Song of the Holy Emperor Breaking the Formation]

In Beijing, a new issue of "Datong Monthly" was released, and major restaurants bought it one after another, and then asked the literate waiters to read it to the diners.

It’s also a way to drum up business, and it’s especially trendy.

The clerk stood on the bench, holding the newspaper, shaking his head and reading: "At the meeting at the end of the month, the emperor and the ministers discussed laws and regulations. "Shangshu Yaodian" says: Yu and Shun... the same time, month and day, the same laws of weights and measures. Laws of weights and measures. , the four major events of the country. Although Qin Shihuang unified weights and measures, the laws and regulations have always been deviated. "Book of Rites: Liyun" says: Therefore, the sage must take heaven and earth as the foundation, yin and yang as the end, and the four seasons as the handle. …”

The clerk in the store became more and more dizzy as he read it. Although he knew all the words, he couldn't understand them when they were put together.

Most of the diners in the restaurant lobby were confused when they heard it, and only a few people could understand what it meant. After reading this, the distinguished guests on the second floor also walked out of the box one after another, leaning on the railing to listen to the shop assistant reading the newspaper.

"According to the calculations of doctors, masters, and bachelors from the School of Mathematics of Qintian Academy, there is an error in the record of Lu Lu in "Historical Records", or Tai Shigong copied it incorrectly, and it is indeed the value recorded in "Mengxi Bi Tan"... I am correcting it now, And tell the world." When the store clerk read this, he vaguely felt that he had read something very important.


There was an uproar in the lobby, and the scholars spoke out one after another. Some people yelled at the mathematics museum, thinking that Sima Qian could not have made a mistake, while others wanted to go home and verify it themselves.

"I ordered the Qintianyuan Mathematics Museum to assist the Ministry of Rites in revising the laws and regulations. The current legal rulers will be revised according to the revised laws, and the fields in the world that have been measured will not change..."

The few knowledgeable scholars stood up in shock on the spot, and then looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Rules, weights and measures are connected together. Rules and regulations are not just music.

The Huang Zhong's rhythm tube must be nine inches, and the ruler used to measure length is determined according to the Huang Zhong's rhythm tube. There have been standard instruments in all dynasties. Governments in various places used them to make local standard instruments. Folks also made rulers, weights, etc. according to local standard instruments.

The central standard instrument of the Ming Dynasty can no longer be found, and the standard instruments in various places have errors. For example, a foot is 32 centimeters in some places, 33 centimeters in others, and even 31 centimeters. Zhao Han used the standard ruler of Ji'an Prefecture in Jiangxi Province when he was living in the fields before, and each foot was about 32.6 centimeters.

Now that the Qintianyuan Mathematics Museum has revised the lulu, the revised Huang Zhong luguan will be used to determine the true national standard size.

This will not interfere with private measurements and transactions, because there are bound to be errors. However, the standard size must be unified. The Ministry of Rites will make standard instruments and issue them to local governments as a reference.

At the same time, the newspaper also said that a standard weight unit will be developed next.

The laws of weights and measures in various places only allow a small range of errors, and any errors that are too outrageous will be banned. Especially for pawnshops and banknotes, their rulers, weights, and scale beams must be checked. Any errors that are too large will be punished.

The shop clerk was still reading the newspaper: "Xiao Shixuan, the head of Qintianyuan, pioneered the art of mathematical calculus. Promoted to...Prince Shaobao?"

Suddenly, the whole place fell silent.

Prince Shaobao is the lowest official in the Three Gongs and Three Gus. But a person who studies arithmetic can actually be promoted to Sangu?

The shop clerk muttered: "I can do arithmetic and settle accounts very quickly. Why don't you give me an official title?"

"What is calculus?" asked a scholar.

The person at the same table said: "How should I know?"

A diner shouted: "Waiter, did the newspaper say what the art of calculus is?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I read it right away..." the store clerk suddenly said with a bitter face, "I don't know how to read it. I have been in elementary school for three years, and I know all the numbers, but these symbols are like ghost drawings. This young prince Bao, it’s really not something ordinary people can do.”

A diner ran over, glanced at the newspaper, and said to himself: "Sure enough, it is similar to the talisman painted by the Taoist priest. This Dr. Xiao must be a scholar of heaven and man. Presumably, the art of calculus secretly understands the principles of heaven and earth. , is one of the legendary Qimen Dunjia."

Another diner threw down his chopsticks and ran over. After reading the newspaper, he said: "From now on, Taoist priests all over the world will probably want to come to Nanjing to become apprentices and learn the secret art of calculus. In the past, this must have been the secret of passing down the inheritance from male to female. Xin. Now that the emperor has been so gracious, he has published the secret technique in newspapers, so that anyone in the world who is destined can understand it."

"Have you realized it?" someone asked with a smile.

The diner shook his head and looked at the newspaper again: "This secret technique has nothing to do with me. It is estimated that only someone with deep spiritual roots can understand it."

The person next to him said: "Xiao Zhangyuan of Qintianyuan, I think he comes from the Taoist lineage. The monk can only chant sutras, but he can't draw talismans..."

"Who said that? The monks in my hometown know how to draw talismans." Someone immediately retorted.

Hanlin Academy.

Qian Qianyi held the newspaper in his hand and said sadly: "Prince Shaobao, Prince Shaobao, the Qintian Academy has taken the lead. Our Hanlin Academy should also speed up the progress. The compilation of "History of the Ming Dynasty" can no longer be slow. Tuntun.”

Zhang Pu, who seemed to be dying of illness last winter, is now alive and kicking again. He smiled and said, "Is the shepherd jealous?"

Qian Qianyi denied it flatly: "Who is jealous? It is a matter of eating the emperor's salary and being loyal to the emperor. I should go all out in compiling "History of the Ming Dynasty"."

Wang Tiaoding has sent local officials to other places, and Qian Qianyi was successfully promoted to the head of the Hanlin Academy. He was quite proud of this. In the Ming Dynasty, this position would have qualified him to serve as prime minister.

Unfortunately, after a few days of happiness, there was a big commotion in Qintianyuan next door.

Qian Qianyi couldn't understand what calculus was, but he could correct Huang Zhonglu, and he understood how heavy the weight was. From a political point of view, it is no different from revising the calendar. He must at least compile the "History of the Ming Dynasty" to regain the situation.

Qian Qianyi couldn't help but rushed out and shouted to the editing room of "History of the Ming Dynasty": "From today on, we will work overtime for an hour every evening!"

The historians are on the verge of tears, but there is no overtime pay.

Zhang Pu drank tea leisurely, then picked up a pen in front of the newspaper and wrote and drew on a piece of paper.

Qian Qianyi came back and took a few glances and asked, "What the hell are you drawing?"

Zhang Pu replied: "Calculus."

Qian Qianyi asked: "Is it the one from Qintianyuan who created the Qimen Dunjia technique by combining it with Western numbers?"

Zhang Pu actually nodded in affirmation: "Using this method, we can indeed measure Qimen Dunjia, and it is more convenient than the old method before."

"Can you really understand?" Qian Qianyi asked.

Zhang Pu asked back: "What can't you understand? The newspapers have written down the principles of calculus clearly. It's nothing more than a set of mathematical algorithms. The name is good. The one who makes the smallest is the biggest, and the one who accumulates the smallest is the greatest. Calculus coincides with the name of a saint. road."

Qian Qianyi felt the discrimination based on his IQ and couldn't help complaining: "Why don't you just go to Qintian Academy and stay in Hanlin Academy?"

Zhang Pu said: "I don't know when my body will die. It will be the same no matter where I work. Alas, this unified law of weights and measures has become more and more prosperous. If only I could live another twenty years. good."

Qian Qianyi twitched his beard: "You said this five years ago, aren't you still alive now?"

"That's true," Zhang Pu said with a smile, "It's really strange. I feel like I'm going to die every winter, but when the snow melts in spring, I can heal myself without any medicine."

Royal Garden.

There were twelve rhythmic tubes placed in front of Zhao Han. They were all cast from brass and then polished, unlike those directly made from jade in the Han Dynasty.

This thing is a modified temperament standard device.


Tian Xiuying tapped the musical instrument gently, Liu Rushi listened attentively, and Fei Rulan and others were also listening.

After striking it more than ten times in a row, Liu Rushi nodded and said, "After the correction, the yellow bell can indeed be returned, and the music will sound more harmonious."

Fei Rumei said: "Why don't I hear any difference?"

Liu Rushi said: "There are some subtle differences, and you will know them just by playing the music."

The Persian-Arabic music system is completely different from the twelve-meter system, but it is extremely dissonant and has a unique charm.

Fei Rulan took the percussion stick, and after getting familiar with the tones of the twelve tempered pipes, she started percussing popular folk songs. Zhao Han leaned on the rocking chair and listened leisurely.

Suddenly, Zhao Han felt that he was not passionate enough. He remembered the "March of Steel Torrent" that he often heard when he was a soldier, and said to the concubines: "I have a song that I can only hum. You record it. Dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang. Dangdang..."

This song is so familiar. I heard it countless times in the army, and I can't go wrong when humming it.

Tian Xiuying quickly picked up the pen and recorded the melody of the song. After humming it several times, she finally finished it.

Then, Tian Xiuying picked up the bamboo flute to play, but Zhao Han shook his head repeatedly: "It's not powerful enough, not passionate enough, I'm afraid we have to use suona. Suona is not enough, we have to use many musical instruments to match."

The emperor had an order, so he had to take it seriously, and the musicians were quickly recruited.

Zhao Han glanced at it and asked, "Why is there no suona?"

The leading musician said: "Your Majesty, the suona cannot play elegant music."

"I didn't ask you to play elegant music," Zhao Han said. "In ancient times, there was "The Music of the King of Qin Breaking the Formation," and I also want to make a piece of music for the Datong Army to break the formation."

Zhao Han did not have any special musicians. These musicians belonged to the imperial court and specialized in playing at court gatherings, sacrifices and other important occasions. The main musical instruments are chimes, chimes, guzi, shengxiao, guqin, etc. The music played is exclusively for the imperial court and is not allowed to be played by the public.

Something like "The Music of the King of Qin Breaking the Formation" does not belong to the palace music, but is a variety of operas used to add excitement and entertainment.

After hearing what the emperor said, the musicians collectively understood immediately and all retreated to take care of things. There are all kinds of instruments, and some people even brought ceramic jars.

Emperor Zhao didn't know much about music, so he only asked them to improvise and perform. If they didn't like it, he would change the instruments immediately and try to get closer to the feeling in his memory.

Fei Rulan pursed her lips and smiled. The emperor was usually too tired, so it was normal to have fun like this. He only knew that he would be exhausted from working every day.

For several days at noon, the emperor asked musicians to arrange and perform.

For historians who write notes on daily life, what they heard at first was just noise, but gradually they started to feel it. It is recorded as follows:

Make music at night and have the musicians play it at noon.

Make music at night and have the musicians play it at noon.

Make music at night and have the musicians play it at noon.

Make music at night and have the musicians play it at noon. The music is so grand and profound that when you hear it, it's like being on the verge of a battle, with all the soldiers fighting forward to the death. In ancient times there was "The Music of the King of Qin Breaking the Formation", and now there is the "The Music of the Holy Emperor Breaking the Formation".

Zhao Han ordered the musicians: "When the teaching and mission groups and labor troops perform, they must play this music to strengthen the hearts of the soldiers."

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