Chapter 592 589 [There are no tigers in the mountains]

Li Achu crossed the mountains and was sent to sneak attack Yiliang City, trying to burn the Datong Army's food and grass in one fell swoop.

Thousands of peasants and soldiers and ten thousand civilians are all in the city.

Even as soon as he came out of the mountain, Li Achu was discovered by the dragoons. Yiliang is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and there is a relatively flat land in the middle. The county seat is built there. The city is only five or six miles away from the mountainous area. If you send a few hundred cavalry out to patrol, you can observe the incoming enemy.


A group of sentinels discovered the situation and immediately blew their horns.

"Kill all the Han troops!"

Taking advantage of the large number of people, Li Achu actually led the troops to charge forward, and the local soldiers under his command took out their bows and arrows.

This team of sentries did not fire a single shot and continued to retreat while blowing the trumpet. After only withdrawing half a mile, two groups of cavalry came to support, and more than 60 cavalry began to outflank the retreat of the 5,000 native soldiers.

Li Achu knew that he would be kited by the cavalry, so he simply ignored it and led his elite soldiers to continue marching towards the county town.

Not long after, more than a hundred riders came.

As the cavalry battalion commander, Zhu Tinggao had the highest military position on the battlefield at the moment. He was dumbfounded when he saw the enemy's behavior.

Five thousand chieftains, under the surveillance of dragoons, actually dared to continue attacking the city?

Li Achu took it for granted. He had been a slave since he was a child and didn't know which ethnic group he was from. Because he was honest and obedient, he was selected as Sha Dingzhou's follower. When he was fourteen years old, he began to fight with the sixteen-year-old Sha Dingzhou.

For more than 20 years, he has rarely suffered a defeat and is the second most powerful general after Iron Tiger.

Especially in recent years, Li Achu has been invincible and invincible. He has encountered many Han armies. Except for a few troops, which are better equipped than the local soldiers, most of the Han armies are scum, and only Mu Tianbo's army from the headquarters can fight.

Now, Mu Tianbo has been defeated, and Sha Dingzhou has grabbed a lot of armor.

Li Achu felt that after his entire army wore armor, he could conquer the world. So what if more than a hundred dragoons follow, and what if there are defenders in the county ahead? As long as you lead the troops and kill them, it will be like chopping melons and vegetables!

The city of Chuxiong in the west was captured by Li Achu with 3,000 soldiers. At that time, most of his native soldiers were without armor.


The dragoons were still blowing their trumpets to assemble, and more than three hundred troops were gathered one after another. There was no rush to attack, they all followed slowly, watching the enemy march towards the county like fools.

Li Achu's army was moving forward quickly and could already see the city wall.

There are many houses outside the city. The door panels are removed to make ladders. Two wooden boards are tied together and the wall can be climbed up. The city wall here is really short.

When the troops gathered to 400 men, the dragoons began to approach.

Seeing this, Li Achu quickly ordered to stop the march and gathered together to prepare for shooting.

There are five thousand elite chieftains. Although their formation is not neat, their morale is particularly strong. The composition of the troops imitates the Han army, with spearmen in front and a type of melee soldier holding a small shield and an axe.

The four hundred dragoons dismounted and Zhu Tinggao raised his command sword: "Raise the gun!"

Li Achu also shouted: "Archers come forward!"

A qualified Ming and Qing step bow, if fully drawn, has a range similar to that of a musket.

Li Achu was very confident. His archers used good bows from the Mu family soldiers, and they could shoot farther and more accurately than the previous earthen bows. Relying on his superior strength, he can shoot to death all the enemies in front of him.

The archers of the native soldiers ran out of the formation. Upon seeing this, Zhu Tinggao immediately ordered: "Collect the muskets, mount your horses and attack!"

Zhu Tinggao is confident of winning, but there is no need to fight so hard.

Facing a group of bumpkins, any casualties on his side would be purely unnecessary losses.

While the chieftain was still drawing his bow, the dragoon had already mounted his horse and ran away. Four hundred dragoons dispersed into several groups, rode far away, and then began to surround them from all directions.

There are only 1,200 archers under Li Achu's command, so it is impossible to cover everything.

As long as there were no archers, dozens of dragoons would rush forward, shoot into the crowd and run away.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Gunshots continued to sound. Although the hit rate was not high and the casualties were not large, the chieftain soldiers were completely passive and passive in being beaten.

After several rounds of random shooting, only more than 30 chieftain soldiers were killed, and the casualty rate was less than 0.7%.

But this is extremely annoying, and there is no way to deal with it.

Li Achu felt upset. He had never encountered this kind of tactics. He wanted to lead his troops to charge forward and fight with real swords and spears against the Han soldiers.

The 1,200 toast archers were surrounded by dragoons and were running back and forth. They no longer knew which direction to aim. The melee soldiers were even more frightened. Bullets were coming at random, and a few unlucky ones always fell down.

After struggling for a while, Li Achu finally made up his mind: "Go back to the mountains and fight again, not the city!"

Thousands of chieftain soldiers were running towards the mountain, and their formation instantly became chaotic.


Zhu Tinggao seized the opportunity and asked the messenger to blow the attack horn.

The four hundred dragoons tightened the encirclement, those who did not have ammunition quickly reloaded, and those who had filled their ammunition rushed closer and fired freely.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

There was another burst of chaotic gunfire, hundreds of chieftain soldiers were directly hit, and the breakout operation suddenly turned into a rout.

The dragoons put away their flintlocks, drew their sabers, and chased on horseback. Many chieftains were so frightened that they threw away their weapons.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Li Achu, accompanied by a few brave men, actually raised his sword and turned towards the dragoons. But he was surrounded by defeated troops on both sides, and before the dragoons could catch up, his personal followers were scattered, and in a blink of an eye, only two were still following him.

What's even more ridiculous is that because there were too many defeated troops and too few pursuing troops, the dragoons simply ignored Li Achu.

As long as the chieftain soldiers have not been defeated, the dragoons will not engage in the battle. They will cut down those defeated soldiers first. Li Achu, with two personal followers, originally planned to fight in a bloody battle, but saw the enemy troops bypassing him and cutting down other defeated soldiers one after another.

"Come and kill me!" Li Achu yelled angrily.

No one paid attention.

Zhu Tinggao personally led more than ten cavalry to go around the front to intercept them. Some of the chieftain soldiers running at the front changed direction and continued to flee, while some simply dropped their weapons and knelt down to beg for mercy.

The number of surrendering chieftain soldiers increased, and finally they knelt down in groups.

Sha Dingzhou's most elite soldier disappeared inexplicably. As for the Datong Dragoons, 400 people wiped out 5,000 people, without even one being injured.

Zhu Tinggao rode towards Li Achu and shouted: "Kneel down and be bound!"

"I don't accept it!" Li Achu shouted in Chinese.

Zhu Tinggao slowly loaded the ammunition, aimed at Li Achu, and killed his entourage with one shot. This was a bit outrageous, and Zhu Tinggao could not help but blush, but he pretended to do so on purpose and asked: "Are you convinced? Kneel down if you are convinced!"

Li Achu looked at his fallen entourage, swallowed, and finally knelt down.

Zhu Tinggao ordered the soldiers to go up and kidnap people, and laughed and complained: "You local soldiers actually occupy most of Yunnan. There are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are the kings. You really think you are very powerful."

Li Achu was tied up and taken to the Shizikou Camp, and Huang Yao was in a happy mood.

The next day, Datong soldiers escorted Li Achu to the mouth of the valley: "Go back and report the news!"

Let yourself go?

Li Achu couldn't believe it. He was stunned for a long time and ran towards the valley. Soon after entering the valley, he was caught by his own people.

"How did you come out of the lion's mouth?" Sha Dingzhou asked in shock.

Li Achu's face turned red and he said with shame: "General headquarters, five thousand... five thousand warriors are gone. These Han troops are so powerful that they can shoot blunderbuss on horseback. The Han army's fire blunderbuss can be fired without igniting fire, which is better than that of the Mu family." The army's gunfire is better."

Sha Dingzhou asked: "Were you ambushed by the main force of the Han army?"

Li Achu's face became even redder, he lowered his head and said, "No, the Han army only...only a few hundred cavalry."

Sha Dingzhou was stunned. This was his most elite unit, but it was actually destroyed by hundreds of cavalry.

After waiting for a long time, Sha Dingzhou sent his confidants to the south to speed up the evacuation of the Wan family. As for the treasure that was too bulky, Wan simply threw it away. He had to reach Xinxing Prefecture (Yuxi) as soon as possible so that he could lead his army to catch up.

Less than half a day after his confidant left, he unexpectedly came back with two defeated soldiers.

The defeated soldiers cried: "General headquarters, Kunming is gone!"

Sha Dingzhou felt as if someone had hit him hard on the chest with a hammer. He stood still, took a breath and asked, "Where is my treasure?"

"No more." The defeated soldier replied.

Sha Dingzhou asked again: "Is it the Datong Army that captured Kunming, or the Han rebels from Chuxiong?"

The defeated soldier shook his head: "I don't know."

"The city has been occupied, how could you not know? Tell me! Why is Kunming missing?" Sha Dingzhou finally couldn't hold it in any longer and roared angrily.

The defeated soldier replied: "The mistress asked us to recruit civilian men and carriages, saying that they would be used to transport treasures. Everyone was looting in the city. Kunming was in chaos. It was pitch dark in the middle of the night, and I don't know how many Han troops came..."

Sha Dingzhou lost all interest in cursing, and sat slumped on the ground, looking at the mountains in the distance, wondering what he was thinking.

He felt like he had been in a dream these past few years.

First, he seduced his sister-in-law, made her belly bigger, and spent money to buy many good things for her. His sister-in-law was so coaxed that she became pregnant and offered to murder her husband. So, the uncle and sister-in-law teamed up to kill his brother.

Then, he trapped and killed his ex-husband's son and occupied his ex-husband's territory.

Then he used the counselor's strategy to secretly instigate the chieftain to rebel. Sha Dingzhou continued to fight the rebellion and made meritorious service, and was increasingly trusted by Mu Tianbo. During the last counter-insurgency, he led his troops directly outside Kunming City. Mu Tianbo still had no doubts.

Then, Sha Dingzhou entered the city with a small number of soldiers and unexpectedly attacked the palace and Prince Mu's Mansion. And his army outside the city also raided the Mu family's military camp outside the city.

The wealth that the Mu family had accumulated over the past three hundred years was seized by Sha Dingzhou, and most of Yunnan was conquered by force.

He felt that if he could be the king of Yunnan, even if he couldn't be crowned king, he could still get the official position of Yunnan's ambassador from Emperor Zhao. Because Emperor Zhao and the Yunnan Puppet Emperor were enemies, since he destroyed the Yunnan Puppet Emperor, he would have made a great contribution to Emperor Zhao.

Damn Emperor Zhao, he didn't reward his merits and even sent troops to kill him. It didn't make any sense at all.

Gone, so much treasure is gone, so much territory is gone.

That night, Sha Dingzhou, with only more than 2,000 cavalry, abandoned tens of thousands of troops and fled in the dark. He did not dare to wait any longer. If the Han troops from Chuxiong and Kunming came to kill him, he would be in the dilemma of being attacked from both sides.

As soon as the general ran away, tens of thousands of troops quickly fell into chaos.

The soldiers who knew the truth panicked and wanted to escape back to their hometown. The soldiers who did not know the situation thought that the Datong Army was attacking at night, and they collapsed and ran around in the military camp like headless chickens.

Sensing the enemy's movements, Huang Yao smiled and said: "Surge into the valley and wipe out all the enemy troops!"

(Many book friends asked about the Buddha's capstone. It is a gold ore that is shaped like the top of a human's head, and the top is golden. It is described as the top of the Buddha's head.)

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