Chapter 453 451 [Dream of Red Mansions is gone]

Mandahai, who was holding a red flag, was also angry. Seeing the soldiers of the two red flags collapsing in the gap in the city wall, he directly said to his eldest son Chang Adai: "You go up and you are not allowed to escape. Even if you die, you will die in Gaizhou City!"


Chang Adai shouted to the Eight Banners soldiers under his command: "All cavalry, follow me and charge!"

It was the practice of the Eight Banners Army to use Manchurian cavalry to attack the city. Because they are dismounted and become infantry, and each one of them is the best of the best.

More than 3,000 cavalry were seen, running out from various passages in the earthen walls and trenches, following Chang Adai and heading towards the gap in the city wall.

Haug also ordered: "Gather the defeated troops and rest. Turg and Chaohar, you two will lead your troops and assist the warriors with the red flag at any time!"


Turg and Chaohar knelt on one knee to accept the order, and then summoned their troops to set off.

Turg and Chaohar were both brothers of Erbilong. Turg once recruited the Chahar tribe of Mongolia to surrender. In history, he attacked the Ming Dynasty and defeated 67 counties in a row.

While the brothers were organizing their troops, Chang Adai's cavalry had already rushed out.

More than three thousand Manchu cavalry, all wearing double armor, withstood the artillery fire of the Datong Army and rushed to the city in a loose formation.

Since the Manchu and Qing trenches were too close to the city wall, these cavalrymen had already rushed to the city wall at the cost of more than a hundred cavalry casualties. Those who were close to the gap in the city wall immediately dismounted and turned into infantry, carrying ladders and rushing towards the earth and stone platform. Those far away from the gap used horses to shoot arrows towards the city.

"Boom boom boom!"

Thousands of enemies came down again, but they could not stop the attack of the Aliha Chaoha camp.

In order to guard against heavy Manchu arrows, Li Fuguo did not let his soldiers guard the edge of the earth and stone platform. Chang Adai personally led the soldiers and climbed up the earth and stone platform along the wooden ladder despite the bombardment of ten thousand enemies.


Li Fuguo gave an order, and the rattan players in the front row rushed forward together in a tight formation.

Aliha Chaoha Bing, who had just climbed onto the earth and stone platform, was immediately knocked down by a whole row of rattan players. The earthen and stone platform was only three meters high, so it was generally impossible to fall to death, but the Manchu elites wearing double armor still fell to pieces and became targets for grenadiers and musketeers.


At the same time, Aliha Chaoha's soldiers further behind fired heavy arrows at the rattan player of the Datong Army who rushed to the edge of the earth and stone platform.

"Get back!"

Li Fuguo quickly ordered, but four Tengpai hands were still hit by heavy arrows.

Taking advantage of this short gap, some Aliha Chaoha soldiers once again climbed onto the earth and stone platform and strangled themselves with the rattan players and spearmen of the Datong Army.

After Chang Adai was knocked down, his bare hands had been injured by shrapnel from thousands of enemies, and he could no longer hold the weapon firmly. His face was covered in blood and flesh, and his eyes were so smoked by lime and chili powder that he could not open his eyes. When he came to his senses, troops from Turg and Chaohar had already come to support him.

"Kill the Nanmanzi!"

The brothers Turg and Chaohar rushed onto the earth and stone platform at the same time and strangled themselves with Li Fuguo's defenders.

Chang Adai stood up unsteadily and climbed the wooden ladder again.


A bullet was fired from the city wall on the left and hit Chang Adai's right shoulder. This time he was completely unable to hold the knife.


Chang Adai changed his sword to his left hand and continued to charge forward with his soldiers.

The gap was only twelve meters wide, but hundreds of people from both sides gathered together. If you hit the back, you have to squeeze forward, and you can't swing the sword at all, but the enemy of ten thousand keeps smashing into the crowd.

However, the enemy with ten thousand people attacked them less and less. In addition to insufficient ammunition, the enemy troops also used ladders to attack the city walls on both sides of the gap. Some grenadiers had to take care of the enemies who boarded the city.

The Datong Army, which was defending the gap, was squeezed back little by little. Several rattan players accidentally fell down and were trampled to death by the Eight Banners soldiers.

"Boom boom boom!"

Thousands of enemies smashed him down again, and Chang Adai, who was wounded all over his body, was hit in the throat by a piece of shrapnel.

With blood pouring out of his mouth, the son of the owner of the red flag finally died on the battlefield. He didn't even fall, because there were people on all sides, and the bodies were pushed forward.

The Datong Army was also affected by the lime and chili powder exploded by thousands of enemies. It was blown by the wind. Both sides closed their eyes and kept coughing.

Hu Dinggui personally came to the city wall on the left side of the gap. Regardless of the enemy troops who were climbing the ladder, he gathered hundreds of gunmen and fired at the soldiers of Alha Chaoha who had gathered together.

"Three strikes!"

"Raise the gun!"


"Bang bang bang bang!"

Immediately, two or three hundred bannermen were shot, and two Datong soldiers who were defending the gap were also accidentally killed. It is better to shoot towards the outside as much as possible, and more towards the follow-up troops outside the city, otherwise more friendly troops will be accidentally injured.

Countless Eight Banners soldiers still rushed forward, and the gap was already piled unevenly with corpses. The Eight Banners Army stepped on the corpses and rushed forward in a condescending manner. Some of them used their arms to slit the throats with knives behind their backs.

However, the cannons and thousands of enemies on the city continued to cause casualties to the Eight Banners soldiers. The Eight Banners soldiers can't attack, so it will be a matter of time before they retreat here.


On the east side of the city wall, there was a sudden loud shouting of killing.

However, too many troops were invested in the north wall, and there were not enough regular troops on the east wall. Peasants and civilians could only be used to help defend the city. However, Dorgon commanded two white flags and two yellow flags to attack the city wall.

The regular soldiers of the Datong Army fought bravely, but some peasant soldiers formed by the people of Liaodong turned around and ran away in fear. They had only been trained for two or three months, and had been enslaved by the Tatars for a long time. They always had a fear of the Tatars in their hearts.

Liu Dazhang screamed with all his strength: "You are not allowed to escape, you are not allowed to escape, if you escape, you will become a slave of the Tatars! I don't want to be a slave, kill me!"

Jin Guozhen shouted in Korean: "Don't you want your surname? Don't want your land? Do you want your wife? My wife is pregnant. For the sake of my wife and children, I must work hard for my wife and children! Bless Zhao Bodhisattva!"

"Blessed by Bodhisattva Zhao!"

These Liaodong peasants and soldiers did not shout about farming and eating, but they all shouted "Zhao Bodhisattva bless you". As if possessed by gods, except for a few cowards, most of the fleeing peasants and soldiers fought back.

Pan Hui, who was organizing and leading women to deliver supplies to the soldiers who defended the city, picked up the pole with a big belly: "Sisters, men are working hard, and we women are not afraid of death. If you don't want to be captured by the Tatars, join me in killing the enemy." !”

Pan Hui is a young lady from a Hunan gentry family, and her husband is Yang Ye, the artillery commander who was accidentally killed in action.

She originally stayed with pregnant women. After hearing that her husband was killed in battle, she came out with tears in her eyes to organize women to help.

Hundreds of women carrying poles and sticks climbed up the towers to join the battle. Seeing this, many people put down their transportation work and rushed to the city wall together.

Upon seeing this, Liu Dazhang shouted: "Protect the woman, don't let the woman be killed by the Tatars!"


Regardless of whether they had participated in the training of peasant soldiers or not, the young and strong people defending the city rushed towards the Eight Banners soldiers with red eyes.

Because the women who came to support were all the wives of the soldiers and civilians guarding the city.

Darhan led his troops to attack the city wall, and his soldiers were killed one after another. However, he held on to the female wall at the ladder and covered more Eight Banners soldiers to climb up the city wall.

This guy is Nurhachi's son-in-law. During the bloody battle of Daling River, more than 500 Ming troops went out to fight in the city. Dalhan led 80 people and defeated the Ming army. When attacking the Mongolian Jarut tribe, Darhan chased and captured the tribe's Taiji (Crown Prince or Crown Prince) alone.

Dalhan originally belonged to the Xianglan Banner, but Dorgon adjusted the Eight Banners troops and got Dalhan, a strong general, under his command.

Now, Darhan is sent to attack the city again!

Under Darhan's fighting, more and more Eight Banners soldiers climbed up. On his left was the Datong Army, and on his right was the Peasant Soldiers. This guy was holding the Datong Army on his own, and let the friendly troops fight with the Peasants and Soldiers.

Seeing the peasants and soldiers collapsing one after another, unexpectedly there were people who kept boosting their morale, shouting and then fighting back.

Some farmers and soldiers with red eyes, because their equipment was at a disadvantage, threw away their weapons and risked their lives to save them. Two or three peasant soldiers knocked down an Eight Banners soldier, then rolled and struggled against the city wall.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Wu Huapu shouted in a hissing voice. The dragoons he commanded had been temporarily converted into fire rifle soldiers and were in charge of other sections of the city wall.

When the warning was received here, Wu Huapu immediately led his team to support him. His muskets were loaded and his bayonets were sheathed, but he was blocked by a large number of people who rushed up. Especially those women, who had no fighting ability in the war, but blocked the reinforcement channel.

Fortunately, there is no need for his help.

The crazy fighting will burst out by the peasants and soldiers made the Eight Banners soldiers who engaged in the battle feel terrified. The Eight Banners soldiers who were close to the female wall were even hugged by peasant soldiers, and together they climbed over the female wall and fell to their deaths.

Darhan, a fierce warrior, suffered from many wounds and was ultimately unable to defeat four hands with just one fist.

After the soldiers around him died, several spears were pressed against the female wall, and another shot was stabbed into the throat.

At the gap in the city wall, the Eight Banners soldiers could not withstand the tens of thousands of enemies and fire cannon fire, and finally retreated to the camp with a loss of troops.

On this day alone, more than 3,000 Manchus were killed and countless wounded. As for the Datong Army, more than 500 regular soldiers died in battle, and more than 100 peasant soldiers and civilians died.

Such shocking casualties made the nobles of the Eight Banners unable to sit still and clamored to withdraw their troops.

If thousands more people die, it will already be a serious injury to the Qing Dynasty!

That night, the fifth watch.

The leading troops of the reinforcements landed on the seaside on the west side of the battlefield by boat. There were not many people, just over two thousand, but Lu Xiangsheng and Xiao Zongxian came, and only Li Zheng stayed to control the large army.

When the sky was about to turn white, they had already circled behind the Manqing Riverside Fort.


Lu Xiangsheng and Xiao Zongxian each led more than a thousand men to raid the riverside fort.

The Manchu Qing obviously did not expect the enemy to come out from behind, and the artillerymen were killed one after another.

The person in charge of this section of the fort was Dorgon's confidant and artillery general Cao Zhenyan, Cao Xueqin's great-great-grandfather.

Cao Zhenyan woke up from his dream and saw that several forts were lost. He immediately said to his son: "Escape quickly!"

Cao Xi, Cao Xueqin's great-grandfather, drew his sword and shouted: "Father, the regent has treated my Cao family with great kindness, how can he escape at this moment?"

"If your grandfather had been loyal to the Ming Dynasty, our Cao family would have been wiped out a long time ago. At this time, it is important to save your life!" Cao Zhenyan felt that his son was mentally retarded.

Cao Xi was scolded, and the father and son finally reached an agreement and withdrew all the remaining artillery from the fort.

"Don't let anyone go, kill them!"

Lu Xiangsheng led hundreds of cavalry and had already blocked the escape route of Cao and his son.

Most of the enemies here are artillery. Where can they defeat the cavalry?

Cao Zhenyan immediately knelt down and asked to surrender. As soon as he knelt down, he saw his son charging towards the Datong army with his sword drawn. He was so anxious that he shouted: "You traitor, come back quickly!"

Lu Xiangsheng came on horseback and stabbed the young and energetic Cao Xi to death with one shot.

Under the dim light of the morning, when Cao Zhenyan saw this tragic situation, he immediately knelt there and shouted while holding back tears: "Please surrender, the guilty general!"

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