Chapter 446: 444 [The idiot in the mining area]

Zuo Liangyu's life was very good, but she couldn't afford to fall ill.

The doctor in the mining area came to make a diagnosis, not pretending to be lazy, and said to the management staff: "The disease is terminal, and the medicine stone is beyond cure."

In desperation, he can only let it fend for itself.

They didn't force him to dig in the tunnels, and they didn't bother to give him medicine, so they just threw him in the shack and even forgot to give him food occasionally.

Zuo Liangyu was seriously ill and was treated badly, how could she survive?

"Water... give me water..."

"Cough cough cough!"

There were groans from time to time in the shack, but no one paid any attention to them. The warlords of one side had fallen to such a point.

Every time Hong Chengchou passed by Zuo Liangyu's shack, he felt ashamed, and he didn't want to go out again when he came here.

One day, Hong Chengchou couldn't bear to go in, and while no one was pouring a bowl of water for Zuo Liangyu, he said, "We have the same destiny."

"Cough cough cough!"

Zuo Liangyu coughed weakly, and said, "Give me a knife, it's uncomfortable..."

"Where did I get the knife?" Hong Chengchou sighed.

Zuo Liangyu lamented: "One wrong step, one wrong step. I can't blame anyone for the road I chose, but I only blame that I didn't go to the south."

Hong Chengchou was speechless.

His life is not easy, or in other words, the life of these traitors is not easy.

Seeing that he was older and Zuo Liangyu was ill, the tunnel steward was afraid that Hong Chengchou would not live for a few days, so he specially arranged a relatively easy position.

But the body can hold it, but the mind can't hold it!

"dinner time!"

Another batch of miners came in for rotation, and the previous batch of miners went out to eat.

The traitors huddled together, and other miners pointed with their rice bowls, and finally a few young people came over.

The leader is Zhang Jiben, who committed a felony and came to mine.

Crimes like his are now exiled to Taiwan, and they will be thrown into the mines before.

Moreover, abuse of miners has been exposed in several mines, and serious miners are also frequently abused by the stewards. Since two years ago, the mines in various places have been rectified and become more formal and humane.

Otherwise, Zhang Jiben would not have survived today!

"Hey, pigtail, isn't your scalp cool in winter?" Zhang Jiben said with a smile.

Another miner laughed and said, "I don't know in winter, but it must be cool in summer."

Zhang Jiben grabbed Hong Chengchou's braid: "I heard that you voted for the Tartars and helped the Tartars kill Han people. Although I was deceived, I still remember my ancestors. Why don't you want your ancestors?"

Hong Chengchou held the bowl and didn't speak, just ate in silence.

"damn thing!"

A miner kicked Hong Chengchou and scolded, "Are you deaf? Brother Zhang San is talking to you!"

The food in the bowl was scattered all over the floor, but Hong Chengchou remained silent. He knew that no matter what he said, he would be teased by the other party. This kind of thing happened almost every day.

Zhang Jiben reached out and patted Hong Chengchou's forehead: "The hair was born by parents, why did you shave it off?"

It stands to reason that after being captive for so long, Hong Chengchou's hair should grow back.

But on the way to mine in Hunan, the officials shaved him again, and now only a few inches have grown back.

"You fucking talk!" Zhang Jiben was furious.

Hong Chengchou beat and scolded, but still didn't say a word.

Zhang Jiben saw that he ate up all the food in the bowl, so he grabbed his braids and pressed it on the ground: "The food is hard-grown, so what if it is scattered? Eat up the food that falls on the ground!"

Hong Chengchou was powerless to resist, the root of the hair on the back of his head was pulled so painfully, his whole face was pressed to the ground, his face was immediately covered with soft food.

"Eat fast, eat fast!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Dog things that don't recognize your ancestors, that's how you should deal with them!"


Most of the miners are not good people. Although fewer and fewer are sent for crimes, serious miners are also very vicious.

Most of these serious miners are mountain residents with poor land and poor harvests from extensive farming. In order to earn more money, some people came to apply for miners. Especially after the rectification of the mining area, the officials in charge are not allowed to beat and scold at will, and work up to eight hours a day.

Eight-hour system, no more, because it is all heavy physical work!

Of course, if you are a prisoner who commits a crime, you will definitely not be treated so well. He is often forced by the foreman to go to the mine to work overtime.

All the miners held their bowls and watched while eating. They all enjoyed playing with traitors. Anyway, there was no entertainment on weekdays.

The staff in charge heard the movement and ran over to check the situation. Seeing that the person being bullied is a traitor, Quan pretended not to see it, turned around and left, doing what he should do.

Zhang Jiben pulled Hong Chengchou up by his braids again, and said to the workers, "He refuses to eat, what should we do?"

"Feed him!"

Everyone booed.

So they started to fight one after another, Hong Chengchou was pulled by the braids, and his head was forced to face the sky. The two held his arms, one of them pinched his mouth open, and the other miners grabbed the food with dirt and stuffed it into Hong Chengchou's mouth with a laugh.

After some tossing, everyone dispersed.

Hong Chengchou curled up on the ground, his face was covered with dirt, and his braids were untied. His eyes were glazed, staring blankly into the distance, as if his soul had already left his body.

At some point, the foreman came and kicked him: "Get up quickly, let's start working in the mine!"

Hong Chengchou remained silent and did not move.

After the mining area has been rectified, no whips or sticks can be used. In fact, it doesn't matter, the foreman kicked him away and roared angrily: "Your mother, I told you to get up and go to work!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

After falling down, Hong Chengchou got up and smirked at the foreman madly.

"Play stupid for grandpa!" The foreman punched and kicked again.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Hong Chengchou still smirked.

The foreman asked in confusion, "Are you really crazy?"

Regardless of whether he is really crazy or pretending to be crazy, Hong Chengchou doesn't need to mine anyway.

And he became a big star in this mining area. The miners were bored, so they made fun of Hong Chengchou, and every month someone helped him shave his hair, and he always maintained the shape of a money rat tail.

Hong Chengchou felt sad only at night when no one was there.

He mustered up the courage to commit suicide many times, but he couldn't do it to himself.

At one point, he slammed himself into the wall of the pit, only to hold back his strength at the end. His head was smashed and bleeding, but he couldn't die, his face was covered with blood.

After being discovered, he asked him: "Fool Hong, are you seeking death?"

Hong Chengchou pretended to be crazy subconsciously, and said with a smile, "You're looking for death, you're looking for death."

Then, he hit the wall again, laughing while bumping.

The miners came to watch, and they were even more convinced that he was really crazy, and gradually lost their interest in teasing.

In the end, no one helped him shave his hair anymore, and the little braid gradually disappeared.

Sometimes, Hong Chengchou would secretly write with his fingers, and then quickly erased it when no one was there. He is writing four books silently, whether he is bored or regretting, he can only pass the time by writing silent books.

But every Spring Festival, the mines come to him to write couplets, after all, his calligraphy is the best.

Even if you are crazy, you can still write.

Every time Hong Chengchou was in a daze, he was thinking about the day, hoping that one day Zhao Han would be able to pardon the world.

The other traitors did not live as "tenaciously" as he did. Zuo Liangyu died after being ill for more than half a month. In the following year, some people died of illness one after another, or chose to commit suicide due to the humiliation.

This kind of punishment is really more uncomfortable than beheading.

Cut the flesh with a blunt knife, endure it day by day, and die if you can't endure it.



Zhao Han received a Tang newspaper from Sichuan: Gushi Khan unified Tibet and established the Ganden Pozhang regime. Faced with the military pressure of the Datong Army, all the Tibetan chieftains in western Sichuan declared their submission to Gushikhan. Some Qiang and Yi chieftains were attacked by Tibetan chieftains and asked to join the Datong court.

The civil and military ministers were called in to discuss the matter, but they stared at each other with big eyes.

No one knows the situation in Tibet, let alone where Gushi Khan came from.

Li Banghua said: "Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never end in a hundred battles. You should send an envoy to the snowy area to learn more about it."

Pang Chunlai said: "Sichuan has not yet been decided, and the established strategy cannot be easily changed. The Ninth Division can be stationed in western Sichuan to prevent Na Gushi Khan from sending troops. The Twelfth Division will continue to attack Youyang and take time to defeat Xiangxi."

The two bosses made up their minds, and the rest of the ministers stopped talking because they really didn't know what to say.

Tian Younian hesitated for a while, and added: "The surrender of the Qiang and Yi chieftains is acceptable for the time being. But we will not send troops to support it. We will wait until Sichuan is stabilized. If the chieftains who belonged to Datong are destroyed, it will be a reason to send troops in the future."

Zhao Han also didn't know much about Tibet, so he asked everyone to suggest something, but he still couldn't explain why.

Everyone only knows from the Tang newspaper in Sichuan that Gushi Khan is a Mongolian.

Mongols unified Tibet?

Not only unified Tibet, but also unified Qinghai!

Gush Khan, whose original name was Tulu Baihu, was the fourth son of the leader of the Heshuote tribe. Gush Khan's original meaning was "National Teacher Khan". When this person was twenty-five years old, he successfully mediated the conflict between Oirat and Khalkha, and was named a great national teacher by the Mongolian Khan of Khalkha.

Ten years ago, Gush Khan was nomadic in Xinjiang, and the Yellow Sect of Tibet asked Mongolia to send troops, and this man volunteered to lead the troops southward.

In this battle, Gushri Khan successively occupied Qinghai and Tibet, and actually broke away from Zhungeer Mongolia on the other side of Xinjiang.

Zhao Han obviously brought about a butterfly effect. The chieftains of Sichuan and Tibet were afraid of being divided, and after Gush Khan established the Ganden Pozhang regime, they chose to take refuge in the past. They wanted to use the hands of the Mongols to separate western Sichuan from Sichuan, and they were determined to resist the Datong Army anyway.

Gushi Khan is in its heyday, and it is really not a good time to start a war.

Historically, the Qing Dynasty successfully recovered Qinghai and Tibet because Gush Khan was dead. Tibet is divided into two parts, and Qinghai is divided into eight parts. It is easy to clean up a mess.

After dismissing all the officials, Zhao Han stared at the map in a daze.

There are still a lot of battles to be fought, North Zhili, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Liaodong, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Tibet, Guizhou, Yunnan, Mongolia... Only Guangxi accounts for more than half, and the rest of the territory has to be won by troops. Taiwan The navy has to grow stronger before going to war with the Netherlands.

Unsurprisingly, Liaodong has already started fighting, because it is the season of harvesting wheat.

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