Chapter 243 241 [Attack the heart first]

Changsha Fucheng.

Yang Guanji, the magistrate of Changsha, is supervising the construction of Wengcheng. There used to be an Wengcheng in Changsha, but there were only four gates. Now there are several more gates.

Facing the Jiangxi bandits, the city defense must be strengthened!

"Ji Chang," Wang Qisheng, the prefect, walked quickly and said with a serious face, "The Zhao bandits in Jiangxi have sent troops to attack Huguang. Liling has fallen and Liuyang is besieged."

Liling County and Liuyang County are both under the jurisdiction of Changsha Prefecture and are the east gate of Changsha.

Yang Guanji asked: "What is the governor of southern Hunan doing?"

"We raised money and food in Yuezhou and Changde, and called on the gentry to organize regiment training," Wang Qisheng said. "Governor Wang asked the gentry in Changsha to also organize group training, so I left this matter to Chief Ji. As for supervising the construction of the Wengcheng, let others do it. Can."

Yang Guanji sighed in his heart, cupped his fists and said, "Do your best."

After handing over the affairs of the Wengcheng construction site, Yang Guanji immediately left the city and went to the countryside to connect with the gentry and wealthy families. To be honest, he really wanted to become a thief at the moment.

Wang Qisheng, the prefect of Changsha, and Yang Guanji, the magistrate of Changsha, were actually Jinshi in the same discipline.

Yang Guanji grew up in a poor family. Whenever there was a shortage of food at home, his mother would take him to his grandfather's house for food. He suffered discrimination from his aunt and cousins ​​since he was a child. But he studied hard and passed the Jinshi examination at a young age. Unfortunately, he had no money to bribe officials.

A dignified Jinshi, he was originally appointed as the magistrate of Rugao County. As soon as he took up his post in Rugao, he was inexplicably demoted to the governor of Guangxin Prefecture.

He didn't offend anyone, and before he had time to speak or do anything, he was demoted from the seventh-rank magistrate to the ninth-rank magistrate. There is only one possibility: the position of Rugao County Magistrate was bought at a high price, and he, a genuine Jinshi, must give up his position.

After all the hard work and transfers several times, he is still a seventh-grade county magistrate, while his fellow Jinshi scholar is already a magistrate.

Yang Guanji is doing all the hard work, but the credit belongs to others.

Yang Guanji went straight to Shaping Village to meet the gentry Tao. The locals call it "Tao Rotten Valley", which means that the Tao family has so much rice that it rots in the barn. The number of servants the family kept and the tenants who farmed for them totaled tens of thousands.

The family is having a funeral. The patriarch, Tao Tianrong, has just passed away.

Yang Guanji went to express his condolences. He was a poor man and could not afford expensive gifts, so he simply went to the mourning hall to offer incense with empty hands.

That night, he called brothers Tao Bangxian and Tao Bangyong out of the mourning hall to discuss team training.

Before he opened his mouth, Tao Bangxian said: "Your Majesty, the Tao family has donated a thousand taels of silver to build the Urn City in Changsha. The imperial court has made additional contributions several times, and the Tao family has also contributed the most. Is it possible that the Tao family will be asked to pay again?"

"No, no," Yang Guanji felt a little embarrassed, "Your Majesty has decreed that the squires can organize regiment training. They only need to report to the prefect, and then they can recruit troops to suppress the thieves themselves."

Tao Bangyong immediately refused: "The Tao family can only read, not fight."

Yang Guanji advised: "The Jiangxi Zhao thief has captured Liling and surrounded Liuyang, and will soon reach Fucheng. This thief wants to divide the land of a large family, and the Tao family's tens of thousands of acres of land are in danger!"

Tao Bangxian held up his hands and said, "Please come back, your honor, the Tao family will not recruit troops to fight!"

Tao Bangyong also stood up and bowed. The two brothers stopped talking and returned to the mourning hall to keep vigil for their father.


Yang Guanji shook his head helplessly and could only give up, and went to find other big customers the next day.

The Tao brothers secretly discussed becoming thieves. They had eight sons in total and several daughters. The two unmarried daughters can be married to officials under Zhao Thief. The eight sons, as long as they are adults, can be sent to Zhao Zei to serve as officials.

As for the tens of thousands of acres of land at home, you can divide it as long as you can save your life.

Why is it so neat and tidy?

Because during the Wanli period alone, more than 20 peasant uprisings broke out in southern Hunan. As long as the peasant army reaches Changsha, they will definitely attack the Tao family.

In the entire Tao family, by the early years of the Apocalypse, all the men were killed, leaving only four descendants. After many wars, the Tao family's more than 100,000 acres of land now only have a few tens of thousands acres left.

The Tao family is already afraid of being killed and is extremely sensitive to disturbances.

Now, the number of males in the family has multiplied to ten. If they are slaughtered again, it is very likely that the family will be exterminated. They must find a strong backer.

They sent people to Jiangxi last year to observe Zhao Han's policy towards the rich families. The situation made them very happy. The Jiangxi Zhao thief only wanted farmland, not to mention grabbing money and killing people, and he would not even rob the grain in the warehouse.

"Father, uncle," Tao Aizhi, the eldest son of the eldest son, said, "Since you have decided to join Mr. Zhao, why not take the opportunity to make great achievements?"

Tao Bangxian asked: "How to make meritorious service?"

Tao Aizhi said: "In that county, the Tao family will pay for team training. When the time comes, we can lead the troops to fight back!"

Tao Aizhi was born in the early years of Tianqi. At that time, there were only four grandchildren left in the Tao family, so he was the only child of the new generation. Therefore, he was named "Ai Zhi", and he was trained strictly since he was a child. He hired famous teachers to teach him and sent him to Yuelu Academy to study. Although he is only eighteen years old this year, he has extensive knowledge and is quite strategic.

Tao Bangxian and Tao Bangyong looked at each other, but they were still frightened, especially afraid of war.

Tao Bangyong said: "The war is dangerous and you should avoid it if you can. It's better to wait at home and wait for the land to be divided. The most important thing for now is for you brothers to take more concubines and have children so that the Tao family can prosper."

Tao Aizhi said angrily: "Uncle, my nephew is only eighteen years old this year. The second and third brothers are sixteen, and the fourth brother is only fifteen. How can a handsome young man be obsessed with a woman when he is just making great achievements?"

Tao Bangxian's expression was a little frightened, and he sighed: "You are too young to know the dangers of war. A few decades ago, there were more than two hundred men in the Tao family. In your great-grandfather's generation alone, there were thirteen main brothers. Your grandfather's In the same generation, there were eleven brothers from the same clan. But there were numerous civil riots and countless killings. My father saw all my great-uncles killed before his eyes. The female family members in the family were often insulted and even tortured to death!"

Tao Bangyong also said: "The most dangerous time was when the thieves came too quickly. My mother and I jumped into the cesspool and soaked in the excrement for a whole day. We were covered with maggots and we only escaped in the middle of the night."

Tao Aizhi had never experienced that, and he was young and energetic, so he said categorically: "Father, uncle, why do the Tao family suffer so many misfortunes? It's all because of the corruption of the imperial court and the government forcing the people to rebel, which has led to civil unrest. Now Mr. Zhao has launched an army and Jiangxi Great rule has been achieved, and no civil unrest has been heard of again. This is the hero who calmed down the troubled times. Since our Tao family is determined to join us, we should not only offer our land, but also take the opportunity to make great achievements. In public affairs, we can make a living for the people; in private, we can do it. Make my Tao family rich again! How can we miss such a good opportunity? A man who was born in troubled times, should he still live an ignoble existence and enjoy himself at home with his wife all day long?"


The door was pushed open and three teenagers walked in.

But it was Tao Bangxian's second son Tao Jinzhi, Tao Bangyong's eldest son Tao Yunfeng, and second son Tao Aifeng. The youngest was only fifteen years old.

"Ask your father and uncle to recruit troops!"

The three teenagers all knelt down.

Tao Aizhi also knelt down: "Please ask father and uncle to recruit troops!"

The brothers were worried and happy at the same time. What worries me is the fear of war and disaster, but what makes me happy is that all my sons have great ambitions.

A few days later, the Tao family sent someone to the prefectural city to report. The prefect and county magistrate were very surprised. In ten months, the Tao family recruited more than 4,000 troops, led by the four brothers Tao Aizhi, Tao Zhenzhi, Tao Yunfeng and Tao Aifeng.


Li Zheng was extremely depressed at this time. He sent four troops to southern Hunan. Huang Yao conquered Liling, Liu Zhu conquered Chaling, and Zhang Tieniu conquered Lingxian. Only he was blocked at Liuyang City.

Although Feng Zuwang, the magistrate of Liuyang County, has been promoted to a different place, the rural courage he developed is still there. Although the new county magistrate had little ability, he also knew how to delegate power and left the township heroes to Wang Hui to lead.

Wang Hui held the city and could not get out. He had hot oil, gold juice, rolling logs, and falling rocks ready to defend Liuyang County impeccably.

There is no way to attack!

The former county magistrate Feng Zuwang not only organized and trained rural warriors, but also repaired and strengthened the county seat.

This Feng Zuwang, if he doesn't follow his father Feng Menglong's example in writing novels, why is he here to get involved in military affairs?

Li Zheng looked at the city helplessly and could only hope to besiege the city for reinforcements, but Changsha did not send reinforcements.

"The priority is to attack the city, but the priority is to attack the heart." Xiao Zongxian reminded.

Li Zheng asked: "How to attack the heart?"

Xiao Zongxian said: "The missionaries and farmers' associations were ordered to allocate fields to the brave family members in the city first, and then let these families go to the outside of the city to preach. If family members could not be found, the fields would be allocated to their neighbors."

Li Zheng suddenly woke up and said with great joy: "What a plan!"

Make a plan and act immediately.

A few days later, hundreds of farmers who had been allocated their fields first crossed the moat in small boats.

"Stop shooting, I saw my dad!"

"My third uncle is here too, please don't shoot arrows."


Guard General Wang Hui was immediately shocked and angry. He was from a large landowner family, and his family owned tens of thousands of acres of land. He had already brought his family to the city in advance.

However, most of the rural warriors under his command were small landowners and farmers, and some were tenant farmers.

He really didn't dare to order the hundreds of peasants outside the city to shoot arrows, otherwise the morale of the army would be in chaos.

A farmer shouted: "Brother Run, I am your father. Our land has not been divided, and we still have more than twenty acres. There are paddy fields, dry fields, and mountains! Don't fight for the government anymore. Surrender quickly and become Mr. Zhao’s soldiers!”

Another tenant burst into tears and cried: "Shitou, our family has a field, we have a field! We no longer have to farm for the landlord, we have our own field, go home and farm!"

"Liangzi, I am your uncle. Your father passed away early, and you brothers have lived a hard life since childhood. Come home quickly, your mother has already divided the fields, so you should also divide the family and the fields quickly!"

"Brother, I am the younger sister. Women can also divide the fields. My parents want you to go home quickly!"


After the shouting, all the defenders fell silent, listening carefully to what the people in the city were saying.

Wang Hui felt cold all over. How could he fight like this?

He looked at the soldiers around him. Except for the children of the rich clan, everyone else began to become restless, with longing written on their faces.

How can we still fight this?

As long as they keep shouting for two or three days, the rebels won't have to attack the city at all. Most of the defenders will flee, and they may even open the city directly.

Wang Hui walked towards another section of the city wall and said expressionlessly: "Your Majesty, I will lend you my head."

The magistrate looked horrified, and before he could beg for mercy, Wang Hui slashed him to death.


Wang Hui took the magistrate's head and led the country warriors out of the city to surrender. There was no fucking way to fight this battle.

Li Zheng came with his troops and said with a smile: "Are you the guard general Wang Hui? You are a good leader. Follow me to fight in the future."

"I am willing to die for Mr. Zhao!" Wang Hui knelt down on one knee.

Wang Hui had only killed bandits from Jiangxi before, and had never stained his hands with the blood of Datong soldiers. Moreover, his subordinates are all soldiers from his hometown, so it is impossible for him to kill people randomly in his hometown.

Apart from being born into a rich family, he would definitely be divided into fields, and he had no other conflicts with Zhao Han.

Most of Wang Hui's Xiangyong were sent home, leaving only a thousand people as a grain transport team. There is no formal establishment for the time being, just temporarily recruited auxiliary troops to transport food.

After taking a short rest, Li Zheng sent someone to report Huang Yao's victory and discuss the next battle plan.

At this moment, Huang Yao had left Liling and captured Lukou Town (Zhuzhou), blocking the land and water transportation routes.

When news of the friendly forces' victory came, Huang Yao immediately ordered Li Zheng to go harass Changsha. As for himself, he led his troops to Xiangtan. As long as Xiangtan was captured, he and Li Zheng could encircle Changsha.

While Li was waiting for the order, he suddenly caught a "spy".

The "spy" knelt down and kowtowed: "General, spare your life. I am a slave of Tao family in Shaping. My master has recruited thousands of soldiers. As soon as the general arrives, he will definitely fight back. If the general doesn't believe it, after arriving in Changsha, he can go to Shaping first." Divide the fields, and all the fields there are owned by Tao.”

Li Zheng was doubtful, and there were also big landowners who took the initiative to request land allocation?

(Penguin Boss’s Silver League has been updated and will continue to be added in the future.)

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