Chapter 216 214 [Young Mathematician]

Fei Rulan took her son, Xiyue and nanny to visit her mother, Lou.

The official seal carved by the Ministry of Rites is handed over to Secretary Haosheng for safekeeping.

As for the official uniform, let the guards take it back to the inner chamber. The guards only dared to enter the main room, so they packed it in a rattan box and placed it neatly on the table.

Zhao Zhenfang and Fei Rumei returned together, chattering all the way. Although the female teachers in school always teach girls to be quiet and dignified, eight out of ten students studying in girls' schools are becoming more and more lively.

"Sister, sister!"

Fei Rumei ran into the courtyard and shouted, but no one answered.

A maid came out of the kitchen: "Miss Rumei, my wife has returned to her parents' home. She said she would be back before evening and asked me to cook the food first."

"Oh, go and do your work," Fei Rumei walked into the main room, tossed her schoolbag, and muttered, "I finally came here, but my sister went to my house instead."

Zhao Zhenfang went back to her room and put away her schoolbag, poured two glasses of water, and handed one to Fei Rumei: "The annual leave is tomorrow. Miaotong invites you to go to her house to play. Are you going?"

"Go ahead, there's nothing to do if you stay at home." Fei Rumei said with a smile.

Seeing a rattan box on the table, Fei Rumei put down her cup and went over to open the box. She was surprised and said, "Ah, is this an official hat? The wings of the hat are so long."

Public uniforms are only worn by officials when they are on duty. Ordinary people have never seen them. Fei Yinghuan would not show off his official uniforms when he went home.

Zhao Zhenfang dissuaded her and said, "This is my second brother's thing. Don't touch it."

Fei Rumei said: "This is the official uniform of the Ming Dynasty. My brother-in-law is a rebel. He will not wear such a thing."

"That's true." Zhao Zhenfang nodded.

Fei Rumei raised her official hat, put it on her head and said, "Do I look like an official?"

Zhao Zhenfang couldn't help laughing: "Your head is too small."

Fei Rumei took out the suit of clothes again, put them on randomly, raised her hand to support the unsteady official hat, pretended to be a lustful and corrupt official, picked Zhao Zhenfang's chin with her fingers and said: "This little lady is handsome, today How about going back with me to enjoy your happiness?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhao Zhenfang was so amused that she burst out laughing. She suddenly snatched the hat, put it on her head and said, "You are so bold, take off my clothes!"

The sleeves and hem of the official uniform looked too long on Fei Rumei. It could be used as a costume. She followed the example of the actor and fluttered her sleeves. Then she began to show off her figure, twisting and moving forward.


Fei Rumei stepped on the hem of her clothes with her toes and was thrown forward violently.

Feeling the light at the door go dark, Fei Rumei looked up, quickly got up and said, "Brother-in-law is back."

Zhao Zhenfang took off her official hat and quickly put it into the box. Fei Rumei also quickly took off her official uniform.

Zhao Han said with a smile: "Wear it to play if you like, just don't wear it outside."

Fei Rumei explained: "We just find it strange."

"I'll put it on my second brother." Zhao Zhenfang was afraid that Zhao Han would be angry, so she picked up the official hat and put it on Zhao Han's head.

Fei Rumei also said: "I dress my brother-in-law."

Zhao Han didn't refuse, he just stood there with a smile and let the two little girls toss him around.

Before she had put on her official uniform, Fei Rulan had already returned from a visit. When she saw Zhao Han's appearance, her eyes suddenly lit up: "My husband is really dressed up in this outfit."

Zhao Han put his official hat on the table without taking off his official uniform, and said, "Find someone to sew a set of uniforms for military attachés. I want them to be of the second grade."

Fei Rulan didn't ask why and immediately responded: "Okay, I'll go find a tailor tomorrow."

After all, he has accepted the recruitment and will inevitably have to deal with officials in the future. Regular clothes are the daily clothes of officials. They are usually made by oneself. Zhao Han should have a lion embroidered on his chest.

While the couple was talking, the two little girls had already run away to tease Guner, who was about to turn one year old.

They put the children on the carpet and lured them with toys made of bamboo and wood.

But Qian'er sat there stupidly, staring at them blankly, with no idea of ​​crawling over to get the toys.

He doesn't look very lively, and he eats a lot and is as fat as a meatball. Sometimes Zhao Han wonders, will his eldest son become a fat man in the future?

The nanny kept saying: "Children should eat more to feed themselves. They have a big appetite. They look fat now, but they will lose weight when they grow taller when they are one or two years old."

"Zhang'er, Zhang'er, come here quickly!" Zhao Zhenfang shook the rattle.

Gun'er was attracted by the sound of the drum, stunned for a while, and crawled forward. But after only two steps, he suddenly lay down and rolled over. Because he was too fat, he only rolled around once and then became too tired to move.

Fei Rumei pouted and said, "Guns are not fun at all."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang'er suddenly crawled out of the carpet, hugged the legs of the bench and pushed hard, and actually pushed a stool forward.

It seems that the rattle is too small and boring, and the stool is his toy.

Zhao Han and Fei Rulan sat nearby, saying nothing, just smiling and watching their son play.

The next day is a holiday.

Zhao Zhenfang and Fei Rumei, escorted by two servants, went to a classmate's house to play.

This female classmate’s surname is Liu and her maiden name is Miaotong. I heard that her eyes were open when she was born, and her eyes are very beautiful.

The house of Liu Miaotong's family is very large. As long as he is willing to hand over the land, Zhao Han will not confiscate other properties of the gentry. It's just that there are fewer servants. Unlike before, where there were hordes of domestic slaves, and without the income from thousands of acres of land, big families really don't dare to hire too many servants.

The garden is directly a garden, and an artificial lake was dug.

"I'll take you to play on the swing." Liu Miaotong said with a smile.

Fei Rumei said: "My house used to have a swing."

Zhao Zhenfang ran with them, looking at the garden scenery from time to time, and suddenly saw a young man writing something by the lake.

Zhao Zhenfang asked: "Who is that?"

"My cousin is a nerd," Liu Miaotong said. "My uncle asked him to observe politics so that he could serve as an official for Mr. Zhao in the future. He insisted on learning those Thai and Western numbers. Numbers that look like earthworms make me upset when I look at them. He It’s like getting a treasure.”

The three girls went to play on the swings, but the boy was completely immersed in mathematics.

This young man's name is Xiao Shixuan, a native of Fenghengang Village, Taihe County. One-third of the whole family was killed by the rebel thief Sailu Bu. His family ran very fast and fled with several hundred taels of silver.

All property is gone, so I can only stay with my relatives.

Xiao Shixuan's father, Xiao Weigong, has been with Zhao Han for more than a year and currently serves as the director of the criminal chamber in Anfu County.

As for Xiao Shixuan himself, he was only seventeen years old and had no interest in the imperial examination. Since I came into contact with mathematics, I have been living at my uncle's house, corroborating ancient Chinese mathematics and European mathematics.

He found it troublesome to write algebraic symbols such as A, B, and C when doing problems, so he made a string of symbols using cursive script as a prototype.

Then he lost control and used those symbols to make random equations. He studied a lot of things in half a year.

This guy discovered Vedic theorem. Although it was a hundred years later than the West, he did infer it by himself. After that, based on this theorem, a series of related laws were derived.

Xiao Shixuan was completely trapped. His father asked him to go to the Yamen to observe the government, but he refused to go - Zhao Han made a rule that scholars who were willing to be officials could go to interns in certain departments. Bring your own dry food, do not get paid, help with work, and the internship period is at least half a year. If it is done well, a chief officer and two assistant officers of the department can sign jointly and become a reserve official. Whenever there is a vacancy, these reserve officials will be selected.

In Xiao Shixuan's opinion, how can being an official be as interesting as studying mathematics?

The three girls first played on the swings, then played shuttlecock for a while, and walked slowly towards the lake.

"Cousin." Liu Miaotong shouted.

"Yeah." Xiao Shixuan only responded without bothering to raise his head.

Liu Miaotong simply sat down and asked with a smile: "What formula did you research today?"

Xiao Shixuan felt that his cousin was very annoying. He looked up and found two strange girls. Although they were both beautiful, he had no fluctuations in his heart.

Women will only influence his study of mathematics!

He was supposed to get married last year, but his fiancée was humiliated and committed suicide, and he has never thought about getting married again.

Zhao Zhenfang glanced at the manuscript paper on the stone table and asked curiously: "What are these symbols?"

Xiao Shixuan wanted to send these women away quickly, and explained casually: "A, B, C, and D are algebraic symbols. I decided them randomly myself and can write them out in one stroke."

"It's convenient," Zhao Zhenfang asked again, "Why don't you have many numbers in your equation? Who came up with the math problem?"

"I wrote it randomly myself," Xiao Shixuan was a little surprised, "You also know equations?"

Zhao Zhenfang smiled and said, "My brother taught me."

The two began to discuss mathematics. Xiao Shixuan was very disappointed because Zhao Zhenfang's level was too low, just like a king facing bronze and silver, and they couldn't talk together at all.

Xiao Shixuan didn't want to talk any more and asked directly: "What is your mathematical attainments like?"

"My brother is very good at mathematics." Zhao Zhenfang said.

Xiao Shixuan was eager to find like-minded people and quickly asked: "Where does your brother live? I must go and visit him one day."

Zhao Zhenfang said: "Let's go today. My brother will definitely be happy. By the way, bring your manuscripts with you."

"Okay, let's go now," Xiao Shizhong stood up immediately, "I still have some manuscripts in my room. You can get them when I get back."

After saying that, he ignored the three girls and disappeared after a trot.

Fei Rumei pointed at her brain and asked, "Miaotong, is there something... wrong with your cousin?"

Liu Miaotong smiled and said: "He has been very idle since he was a child, learning all kinds of messy things. Others are working hard to be a scholar. After he was admitted to the Tongsheng Examination, he has been reading those idle books."

Fei Rumei said to Zhao Zhenfang: "This person won't talk nonsense. Will he offend my brother-in-law?"

"No, my brother definitely respects him." Zhao Zhenfang said firmly.

Not long after, Xiao Shixuan ran over with a mathematics manuscript in his arms. He did not regard himself as an outsider at all, and said happily: "Let's go quickly. Does your brother live far away?"

Zhao Zhenfang smiled and said: "It's not far."

Everyone went all the way to Fucheng, and when they arrived outside the General Military Mansion, Xiao Shixuan felt something was wrong.

"Your home...is that the right place?" Xiao Shixuan said confusedly.

"Please, Mr. Xiao." Zhao Zhenfang was very proud, thinking that she had recruited a talent for her brother.

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