Chapter 168 166【Destiny】

"Headquarters, send a secret message from Nanchang!"

After receiving the good news, Zhao Han arranged some affairs and was about to return to Ji'an quickly when he suddenly received a secret message from Xu Ying.

After comparing the code and translating it, there were only eleven words: Our army was victorious, the people of Raozhou rebelled, and the city fell.

Zhao Han immediately laughed. Jiangxi was really a powder keg. When news of the defeat of the officers and soldiers came out, the farmers in Raozhou Prefecture immediately rebelled.

In terms of the importance of taxes and servitude, the entire Jiangxi Province belongs to Raozhou Prefecture and Jianchang Prefecture.

The people of Raozhou Prefecture can support King Huai.

The people of Jianchang Prefecture can make offerings to King Yi.

Although these two feudal princes occupied countless fields, the salaries of their clan members (including the feudal princes themselves) had to be provided by the local government, and the central court would not provide the money.

There are countless children in the clan, how can the common people afford to support them?

Even during Zhang Juzheng's reform, even a whip law could not be implemented here. Until Chongzhen hanged himself, the farmers in the two prefectures still turned over grain.

In addition to grain taxes, there are also Ding servants.

If the vassal princes want to build a garden, the people living for dozens of miles around will suffer, so just bring your own dry food to do the corvee.

It's great now. The peasants rebelled and captured the city. I don't know if the King of Huai escaped.

It can only be said that Zhao Han's successive victories gave great confidence to those who tried to rebel.

When Zhao Han returned to Ji'an Fucheng, more than ten messengers had gathered there, and even the Tantric Sect of Nanfeng County had sent people.

"Congratulations on the triumphant victory of the main town!"

At the pier in the south of the city, officials of all sizes shouted in unison, and many people also shouted.

Perhaps a few months ago, the people were afraid of the imperial court, but now a huge victory has immediately appeased people's hearts.

Even the gentry and merchants have become more honest.

A dozen anti-thief messengers from other places subconsciously wanted to kneel down and worship. But when he was kneeling halfway, he was stunned again. The local officials were just bowing. They were a different kind of people kneeling in the crowd.

Zhao Han handed over to Pang Chunlai, Li Banghua and others and said: "I have been fighting for more than two months, and it is all up to you to manage the rear."

"Don't dare to take it seriously."

"It's your job."

"Do your best to serve the town!"


Being surrounded by officials into the city, Pang Chunlai said as he walked: "More than a dozen rebel envoys came one after another, saying that they would elect the town as the communist leader of Jiangxi. Especially the rebels in southern Jiangxi were beaten hard by the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi and the governor of Fujian. Defeated, they asked the main town to send troops for rescue.”

"We'll talk about this later."

Of course, Zhao Han could not send troops. He had just fought a big battle, the food and grass consumption was serious, and the soldiers were also a little tired. They had to rest for at least half a year.

Moreover, the weaponry has been opened. After everyone changes their equipment, their combat power will be greatly improved.

Song Yingxing even encouraged Zhao Han to capture Ningdu County, because Ningdu had sulfur mines, which were necessary for making gunpowder.

Ningdu is just east of Jishui County. Zhao Han wrote a letter directly denying it. He would rather send people to buy it than continue to expand in the short term.

"Let them wait, I will go home to visit my wife first," Zhao Han winked and said with a smile, "My wife is pregnant."

Pang Chunlai and Li Banghua looked at each other with expressions of surprise on their faces.

The benefits brought by this news are no less than the defeat of the official army. The rebel leader has offspring, which can make the interior more stable and reduce many unnecessary troubles.

After entering the General Military Mansion, they immediately went to work without delaying Zhao Han's return home to visit his wife.

Fei Rulan was standing at the door of the inner courtyard, looking around. She did not go to the pier to join in the fun. Firstly, she was afraid of having a fetus, and secondly, she did not want to show too much face.

Seeing Zhao Han coming, Fei Rulan smiled and said, "Congratulations to my husband on your return from the victory."

Fei Rulan still wanted to salute, so Zhao Han quickly helped her and helped her go in and sit down: "You need to be more careful when you are pregnant. Can you hire an experienced mother?"

"Please," Xiyue came over with tea, "Master, have some tea."

Zhao Hanniu took a sip and then touched his wife's belly, which was already slightly bulging.

The pregnancy was confirmed in early May, and now it is early July. Counting the time before the diagnosis, the baby is at least four or five months old.

"Do you still vomit often?" Zhao Han asked.

Fei Rulan said with a smile: "I still feel like vomiting occasionally, but it's not as bad as last month."

"Be careful when walking, and don't bend down casually, as you might get fetal bloating," Zhao Han warned.

Fei Rulan felt sweet and funny at the same time: "Okay, you haven't been pregnant either."

Zhao Han called the old woman over again and asked some questions about raising the fetus to prevent Fei Rulan from eating randomly.

He really doesn’t believe in the level of motherhood and childbirth in ancient times!

When Zhao Han read novels before, he knew about a kind of midwifery forceps, but unfortunately he didn't know what they looked like. And even if he could invent it, he would not dare to use it when his wife is giving birth, because if it is not used properly, it is likely to cause brain damage to the baby and even cause dementia in the baby. Some countries have banned it.

That day, Zhao Han was restless at home, fearing that Fei Rulan would bump into him.

Finally, he simply hid in his study and started writing some medical knowledge. He was too professional and didn't know. He only knew that he should keep it clean during delivery, boil everything in boiling water, and ensure indoor ventilation during confinement.

On the second day after returning home, Zhao Han still did not go to work. He only asked people to carry all the official business and documents that had to be handled to the study in the inner courtyard.

There were many things that required his signature and seal, but in fact, officials from various departments of the General Military Mansion had already taken care of them. He didn't have to worry about small things, but certain big things had to be filled with seals. Zhao Han carved a seal of "Jiangxi General Soldier" for himself.

Chinese Valentine's Day, admiring the moon and stargazing.

Fei Rulan sat next to her, shaking a fan in her hand, looking at the Cowherd and the Vega, and said, "They meet once a year. I don't know when they will be able to stay together forever."

Zhao Han lay on the bamboo chair and said with a smile: "Madam, you know, one day in the sky and one year in the earth."

"That's true." Fei Rulan nodded.

Zhao Han pointed at the starry sky: "Don't we see the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl every day?"

Not only Fei Rulan, but also Xiyue next to her was so amused that she covered her mouth and snickered, thinking that Zhao Han's statement was so funny.

But the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet every day, and it doesn't seem that romantic.


Fei Rulan slapped the mosquito to death.

Zhao Han quickly said: "There are many mosquitoes in the yard. Let's go back to the room and sleep first."

Just as Fei Rulan was about to stand up, Zhao Han and Xiyue were already holding her on the left and right sides. Fei Rulan said with a smile, "It's really not that important. I don't even know how to walk with you like this."

Back in the bedroom, Xiyue fanned for a while to make sure there were no mosquitoes in the mosquito net, and then helped Fei Rulan go to bed to rest.

The couple leaned together. After Xiyue left, Fei Rulan suddenly said, "Husband, go to Xiyue's room."

"Sleeping." Zhao Han pretended not to understand.

Fei Rulan added, "I'm inconvenient. If my husband wants to, he can go to Xiyue's place at night."

Zhao Han had to make this matter clear: "I have already thought about it. If you are an emperor, you must have a concubine. That is a must, otherwise the court will be unstable. However, I have to set a rule. The emperor cannot have three concubines. Sixth Courtyard. There can be at most one queen and two concubines, just to ensure the continuation of the royal bloodline. Before I become emperor, I must not take concubines, otherwise wouldn’t I be breaking the rules by taking the lead?"

Fei Rulan also began to discuss the matter seriously: "What if one queen and two concubines gave birth to daughters? Even if they are sons, what if they die in infancy?"

Zhao Han was speechless. He had forgotten the level of motherhood and childbirth in ancient times and the extremely high child mortality rate.

One queen and two concubines really can't guarantee the prince's healthy adulthood.

Zhao Han definitely wants to be the emperor, partly out of selfishness and partly out of public concern.

If he institutes any outrageous political system, let alone implement it, there will be chaos if the news gets out. The situation in China is too complex and cannot be copied and applied by any political system in Europe or the United States.

What's more, are European and American political systems really that perfect?

Zhao Han thought about it carefully: "One queen and five concubines should be fine."

"Who knows?" Fei Rulan said.

"Then it's decided, one queen, five concubines, no more, no more concubines!" Zhao Han made a decision immediately.

As for eunuchs, should we have them?

I'm afraid that if Zhao Han says that he wants to abolish the eunuchs, the civil servants and military officials below will be in trouble. Civil servants hate eunuchs, they just hate eunuchs being in power. If the government really wants to be abolished, they will do everything possible to keep eunuchs.

The superficial reason is to ensure the purity of the royal bloodline and avoid the appearance of old kings, old men, old men, and old men in the harem.

The deeper reason is also to maintain the stability of the court.

What if someone with ulterior motives pops up one day, accuses the prince of not being the emperor’s biological son, or simply questions the emperor’s problems, and uses this as an excuse to launch a coup or rebellion?

The emperor's family affairs are no longer a family matter, but a major matter for the country.

If there is even the slightest mistake, lives may be lost, and the war may turn into rivers of blood!

Zhao Han continued to think and decided to reduce the number of eunuchs and only use them in the inner palace. Within the imperial city, as long as you are not in the inner palace, you can use normal men to work.

The number of palace maids must also be reduced. After the palace ladies work for a certain number of years, they can be released to the people and allowed to get married. A few old ladies who are unwilling to leave the palace can also be retained.

After thinking about it, Zhao Han became more and more irritated, so he simply covered his head and slept until he could deal with it later.

After resting at home for three days, Zhao Han finally officially went to work.

The first person he met was not the anti-thief envoys, but Wang Tiaoding, who specialized in theoretical research.

"I heard, what articles did you write again?" Zhao Han asked.

Wang Tiaoding presented a few pages of manuscript paper: "It has not been announced to the public, and I don't know whether it should be announced to the public."

Zhao Han took it and took a look at it, frowning and said: "It is said that the surname of the country is changed?"

"It comes from the Confucian Gongyang School's theory of changing surnames in the country, but there are some changes. The destiny of heaven is constant, but virtue is the supplement." Wang Diaoding was afraid that Zhao Han would not understand, so he explained in detail, "These two sentences come from " "Book of Songs" and "Book of Songs" are not apostasy, but serious Confucian opinions. The destiny of heaven is impermanent and cannot be permanent. The emperor was born in response to the destiny of heaven, and his virtue lies in promoting benevolent government and nurturing the people. Now the great emperor of tomorrow cannot implement benevolent government. The people below cannot care for all the people. This is called losing virtue and losing the destiny. If a virtuous person ascends high and shouts, implements benevolent government, and cares for all the people, then he will gain his virtue and his destiny will be fulfilled!"

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