I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 702: Enzang Mountain

"Saber, Lancer, Caster, Assassin, Berserker... These are the five ranks that have descended so far, and the other two Archer and Rider have not been summoned."

Kotomine Kirei looked at the chess pieces in front of him and said, "Now you only need to be responsible for secretly devouring other humans, and at the same time investigate the summoning of other Servants... After determining who the seven knights are, find the most powerful one among them." The weaker one can swallow it up."

"So, Saber seems to be the weakest from now on, right? It's scary, it's the weakest at that level!" A/venger said, stunned for a moment: "Oh? Why do you look at it this way? The weakest Servant?? I can't beat that Saber either—"

"Saber... Servant Gao Wen." Kotomine Kirei frowned: "He is indeed very difficult, but if we use him as an opponent, we can take action at night and defeat him before dawn. As for the other one... is that really an Assassin?"

"Ah, there is no doubt that the spirit base reveals that it is Assassin, one of Hassan... Maybe Hassan is known for his frontal combat... Is there such a thing?"

"How is it possible, such a thing that the assassin's group is famous for fighting head-on..." Kotomine Kirei shook his head: "In short, he should focus on Gao Wen, who can be head-on and triple-state as an Assassin Fighting... If this ability is used for assassination, can you block it?"

"Hahaha, I can't stop it, I can't stop it at all." A/venger pointed to himself: "I said it all, I—weaker than Gawain, even Gawain in the night, if I want to win, I have to win." It's a lot of money to pay!"

"Really... This time the Holy Grail War really summoned dangerous guys." Kotomine Kirei sighed, but the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably. There were only Assassin and Saber when they fought against the Supervisor in this Holy Grail War.

No one else was drawn to that fight.

In other words, it was not observed because it was in the dark.

And the previous actions also failed... Unexpectedly, Oda Nobunaga, who was just living like a useless person, saw their mistakes at a glance.

Or else... just eat that morsel mixed with black mud.

They're screwed.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you fail now. Those two people didn't know who did it to them at all, and they had completely forgotten about it long ago.

In other words... as long as A/venger doesn't appear in front of them next time...

Then it doesn't matter in the slightest—

"Archer and Rider are left... but they haven't been summoned at this time. Afterwards, the Holy Grail will randomly search for two Masters in Fuyuki City. There is a Master of 'necessary evil', but that's all. Yes, there is no doubt that the next two Masters should be ordinary people with only this qualification...in other words..."

"Perhaps it is the best prey."


"I remember, this is where the Overseer of the Holy Grail War is located." Smelling the burnt smell in the air and the heat in front of him, Ishizaki Rito knew that there was a fire here even if he couldn't see it.. .

But, unexpected? Or man-made...

"It's better not to get close to the front."

Scathach dispelled the spirit form beside him and came out and said: "There is something bad on the ground. Although it has turned into flames, it is better for you not to approach this land in a short time."

"Something on the ground? What is it?"

"To put it simply...it should be black mud." Skaha looked at the thing and frowned: "It's full of malignant factors, ah...that thing hurts the eyes just by looking at it."

"The black mud... the holy grail of Fuyuki City." Ishizaki Rito muttered to himself: "Okay, let's go, let's go to Enzang Mountain next."

"It seems that you are investigating something." Skaha sighed slightly: "I ignored the battle in the suburbs before, and I don't know what I know now... Maybe you can discuss this kind of thing with me one time."

"...After the Fourth Holy Grail War, Liudong Temple became a thing of the past, and Enzang Mountain over there also collapsed, and now it has become a sealed place, and ordinary people are forbidden to enter, but... Having said that, there is still a way to enter. I went to investigate once before, and a lot of magic power was gathered there. But... the specific situation, because I lost my vision, I can't see it clearly, this time... Please be my eyes and tell me about the situation over there—"

He said as he touched the Command Seal on the back of his hand...

Not to warn Scathach or anything, but to remember the danger of this Holy Grail War.

This time the Holy Grail War... Leaving aside the Servants, the Masters are all possessors of 'evil'...

In his opinion, it belonged to those who would do no harm to the world even if they died.

However, his Command Seal is not his own, but his master snatched it from other Masters.

Forcibly placed on his body.

Although I don't know why... why people like him are allowed to participate in the Holy Grail War, there should be many other qualified people in the Holy Church...

"As for the information on other Servants...I will get it from Kotomine Kirei." Ishizaki Rito thought for a while and said, "Although, Master told me,【That man can't be trusted, Alvin that guy is simply Playing with fire.] But... a certain level of basic intelligence is still okay, such as the previous battle."

"Besides, this time the Holy Grail does not have the function of fulfilling wishes, what we need is to completely destroy it—no problem, right? Lancer..."

"Of course, you are my Master no matter what, and..." Skaha smiled: "I don't hate men who have their own opinions, it's okay, I'll just wait and see before the real battle starts , by the way, learn about my Master's personality."

As he said that, Scathach closed his eyes and his body gradually disappeared and began to transform into a spirit body: "But, Master, only now, when we really start fighting, my Celtic soul will not allow me to stop."

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