Lin Yue continued to recall.

Step 2,

It's a headless corpse, face down.

The position of the neck is relatively good.

The direction of the body extends outward in the shape of a flower.

It's exactly what the scene looks like now!!

Step 3,

The severed skulls were buried in the direction where the toes of the five corpses were pointing.

Depth, fifty centimeters!

Lin Yue thought of this and hurriedly stopped the professionals who were about to pack up their tools.

Regardless of everyone, they looked at him puzzled.

Run in front of Team Wu.

"Team Wu, I know where the skulls of these bones are!".

Everyone was shocked, this kid was afraid that he was scared stupid!

Why are you still talking nonsense?

Lin Yue looked at everyone in disbelief.

Said anxiously

"These bones told me !!."

At this moment, everyone looked

like they were ...... hell

Team Wu still retained a trace of sanity.


"Don't worry, speak slowly!".

Rarely did he get so serious.

Lin Yue hurriedly explained the matter of resentment to everyone.

Team Wu felt that the position of this skull should be roughly the same as Lin Yue guessed.

Anyway, the tools on site haven't been put away yet.

Let's dig a little further and try it!


Professionals, again, continue to work hard.


In the direction of the toes of the skeleton, fifty centimeters in position.

The missing five skulls were !!

Everyone present was amazed by Lin Yue's profound knowledge!

Especially before, Bao Lei, who was inseparable from Lin Yue.

I thought I was the best among my peers.

I don't want to, there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.

Lin Yue is not only in martial arts attainments, but also not inferior to himself.

In terms of the amount of knowledge reserve, I don't know how many steps higher than myself!

Such an unpopular, even such a private thing is known.

It seems that I will learn more from him in the future.

Bao Lei secretly made a decision in his heart.


The discovery of this momentous case.

Because the location where it was found was relatively remote.

Well done confidentiality.

And it didn't let anyone from the outside know.

Because the facts of the case also involve the ancient forbidden art of country T.

Biju had to pay attention to it.

Ordered, all personnel involved in the excavation of the site.

No matter to whom.

The facts of this case are to be kept confidential.

Then, go to the provincial office in person to report the situation.

The facts of this case are too significant.

The provincial bureau did not dare to take it alone.

Directly took Biju and set off to the political center of Yanguo.

The report was sent to the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Teachers.

Nothing is too small.

The scene of the burial of the corpse was narrated from beginning to end.

And take out photos of the burial site.

When I heard,

is a newly recruited petty police officer.

Important clues were found.

That's right, this little police officer, became curious.

What kind of brain is this?

I've seen something for so many years, and I remember.

is still in the process of handling the case, and there is such a great help.

What a malleable talent.

Lin Yue is like this, without knowing anything.

In the minds of the high-level leaders of Yanguo, it left a deep impression.

This time the case was different.

It's also very important, but no one in the outside world knows about it.

Moreover, considering that this case has a long annual span.

Therefore, the state did not demand that the case be closed as soon as possible, as it did last time.

Just emphasis.

In this case, the real culprit must be found.

Moreover, all situations that may involve international relations must be reported in a timely manner.

After mentioning the heart of many days, I can finally let it go.


In the process of transporting these five skeletons, it took a lot of effort.

Although the movements have been as gentle as possible, the results are not very ideal.

All have varying degrees of bone fragmentation.

This undoubtedly makes the case more difficult.

The forensic doctors in the Department of Forensic Medicine were also helpless for a while.

It was Ling Ling who was the first to react.

She was young though.

But whatever you encounter, you have a spirit of not admitting defeat.

She believes that as long as you work hard, there will always be a way.

From this day on.

Ling Ling has basically been soaking in the library, looking for relevant materials.

Lin Yue's side was not idle.

also deliberately returned to Lin Lao and found this ancient book on resentment.

I watched it all over again.

He really didn't miss anything.

That's reassuring, and I want to know where to start next.

The first is to confirm the identity of these skeletons.

This is a lot of work and tedious.

Look at the situation. Let's assume that these five people are a family.

Well, look for it.

Fifteen years ago, there was no case of a family going missing at the same time.

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to rush immediately(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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