I Wish Mo All the Best

Chapter 747 Make Conditions

"I have to let you know objectively what kind of person your biological mother is."

When the child was young, he didn't want to tell Qianmo about Mu Feifei at all, fearing that this woman would influence Qianmo and cast a shadow on the child. Now that Qianmo has grown up, Mu Mianmian feels that she can no longer hide it.

"She is the kind of lazy woman who can talk but never take action. She doesn't want to coax her children if she doesn't do housework, so she works hard when putting on makeup. She is also very perfunctory in cooking. When I was very young, I had to stand on a small bench to reach the stove. Cook on the table.”

This description is more objective. Qianmo feels that she is not diligent and doesn't like housework and cooking.

I changed it after entering school. If there are lazy children at home, they should be thrown into a place with strict management like this, and they will be completely transformed in four years.

However, Xiao Hei's good internal affairs, independent and excellent qualities cultivated by the school have deteriorated. Qianmo privately thought that she might become more serious after graduation.

Fortunately, she got the little black fool...it's okay to be lazy.

"Although she is a combination of a treacherous, lazy, greedy and slippery person, she doesn't have any advantages at all. Your father didn't make much at the beginning. She set up a stall to tell fortunes and cheated people out of a lot of money to support the family."

Qianmo had never heard of this. But in her heart she felt...

When Mu Feifei gave up the food to Mu Mianmian, there was a 90% probability that it was because she didn't like eating that kind of food at all.

Mu Mianmian is also a real person. Although she hates Mu Feifei, she can't completely slander her and seek truth from facts.

"The four elderly people in the family are often sick, especially your grandma and grandpa. Your dad doesn't earn enough at all. You can't blame your dad for this."

In those days, except for people like Mu Feifei who made money through cheating, every household living on salary was very tight, so if the elderly in the family got sick, it would be a heavy drag.

"Yes, medicines at that time were not as expensive as they are now, but the elderly have high nutritional needs after getting sick. If they want to eat meat today and eat fruits tomorrow, she will pay for them."

"It sounds quite positive."

Mu Feifei nodded, "No one is born a bad person. She left later because the pressure was too great."

The poor and humble couple have everything to suffer, the family burden is heavy, there is an old man and a young man. In addition, although Chen Baichuan is a good man, he is also a dull and straight man, and he cannot get along with a luxurious woman like Mu Feifei.

"Actually, there is something your father has never allowed me to tell you, that is..."

Mu Mianmian seems to be suffering from the guilt of conscience. Should she say it or not...


"Forget it, it's nothing, you go to bed early. I'm not saying this for anything else, just to let you know about your biological mother's past. She did a lot of wrong things and doesn't deserve forgiveness, but you are innocent and shouldn't worry about her. .”

Qianmo had an intuition that what Mu Mianmian didn't say was important.

But Chen Baichuan refused to say, what could it be?

It was impossible to find clues from home, so Qianmo turned to her former neighbors.

After moving, many neighbors dispersed. Qianmo thought hard, and with the only memories she had from her childhood, she recalled the families with whom Mu Feifei had a good relationship who often played cards together when she was setting up a stall.

Using Xiao Hei's personal network, she found that the nearest family to her was in a village in the east of the city. The two made an appointment to go there together the next day.

Chen Meng was explaining the pros and cons to Yu Changmo, breaking it into pieces and talking about the risks and opportunities that Qianmo might encounter. The old mother's mouth went dry as she talked, but when she looked up she saw her son playing with his cell phone.

There was still a love smile on her face, but the old mother was very angry.

"I have said so much, have you listened?!"

Xiao Hei's answer was just four words, "She has the final say."

Chen Meng knew this would happen.

"Have you considered the consequences of failure?"

"I am where she is."

If she goes crazy, he will resign from his position as director of the group and concentrate on being with her at home. As long as she doesn't hurt herself or others, anything will do.

If she becomes blind, he will resign from his position as director of the group and focus on being with her at home, cooking, doing housework and being a good person. Anyway, nothing will be delayed.

Chen Meng is also a strange person. When his son said this, he felt that it made sense.

"You are considerate and like me, unlike your arbitrary father. Your father wants to take care of everything. What's his is his, and I'm still his. It's like -"

The door opened, and the second master was standing at the door holding a wire. Very good.

He was worried that she would make a special trip to see her, and as soon as he entered the door, he would hear his wife complaining about him again.

"He is simply a peerless good man. There are thousands of kinds of good men. The one that suits you is the best. Your dad and I are a perfect match." Chen Meng changed the topic and smiled at the second master.

Xiao Hei stood up and couldn't stand these two old guys who had been showing off for half their lives.

Turning around, Tian Qianmo and Xiao Hei drove to their former neighbor's house.

Along the way, Xiao Hei introduced the findings to Qianmo.

The family's surname was Sun. In the early years, she set up a stall in the park selling dog skin plasters, which were also used to treat bruises. They were next to Mu Feifei's stall. She was a middle-aged woman at the time.

Now more than ten years have passed, and she is already in her sixties. It is said that she has a weird temper and does not get along well with people around her. Her wife has died and her children are out of town. She no longer runs a stall and lives alone.

Xiao Hei felt that such a weird-tempered person might not be able to ask anything.

But Mrs. Sun did have the best relationship with Mu Feifei back then, and they talked about everything.

Qianmo went over to find out that the door of Old Mrs. Sun's house was locked. After asking for help, she found out that they were doing some errands across the street and asked Old Mrs. Sun to come over and play the suona.

In addition to selling plasters to treat bruises and injuries, Mrs. Sun also mastered the skill of playing the suona. She would be invited to any family having a funeral, and she could earn some money to buy groceries.

The distance was not far, so Qianmo and Xiao Hei rushed over. The house had a funeral shed, which was very easy to find.

To do the white things here, we have to invite folk musicians, suona drums and erhu to play for three days. We also invite two actors to perform and then bury them.

At this time, the mourning shed was set up, and a group of people wearing sackcloth and mourning seemed to be arguing.

Qianmo and Xiaohei rushed over and saw the small stage next to the memorial shed. They went over to watch it for a while and understood.

Mrs. Sun had a heart attack and couldn't play the suona as she lay there.

The funeral was scheduled to take place in just two hours, so it was taboo not to brag or act.

It was too late to find foreign help in such a hurry. Seeing that their trouble was about to be solved, the family was so anxious that they asked Mrs. Sun to return the money.

Mrs. Sun was sitting on the ground with a sallow face. Xiao Hei lay in Qianmo's ear and said, It's her.

He looked at the photo yesterday. Qianmo no longer recognized this person. This memory was too long for her.

Qianmo leaned into Xiao Hei's ear and replied. Xiao Hei looked strange and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"You...are not joking?"

Qianmo clasped her hands together.


Xiao Hei gritted his teeth and said, "I have conditions!"

You have to pay more, this seems to have become Xiao Hei’s mantra.

Who asked him to find such a wife for himself? There is nothing he can do.

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