I Wish Mo All the Best

Chapter 703 Why is your man so bad?

When the song reaches the chorus, you basically have to open your black voice and go up your throat. People who don't understand heavy metal music can't shout it at all.

Qianmo even used her special skills to win the game for Xiao Hei.

Behind her, Duoduo was holding the team leader's mobile phone playing background music, and looked at Qianmo with the same look:


This expression.

Standing next to Duoduo was another rescuer, also using his mobile phone to broadcast live in the school auditorium, looking at Qianmo with the same bean-eyed expression as Duoduo.

The eyes of everyone in the audience were dull.

In this not-so-nice outdoor environment, Qianmo just screamed out the feeling of a heavy metal concert.

If she wasn't allowed to speak, Duoduo would really want to scream, but the second child actually knows how to rock and roll with a black voice, I'm going to die!

No wonder I rarely see her singing when I go out. Are they afraid that everyone will become her younger brother when she opens her voice?

When shouting a few notes, the voice becomes instantly thick and resonates strongly with the chest. The aggression is quite strong. No one would believe this voice even if he is not a professional singer.

It’s no wonder that the second brother is confident that he can fool the robbers by pretending to be real. This sound was broadcast through the radio station, but no one believed it even if it was sung live.

Others can't recognize Qianmo's voice, but Xiao Hei can.

When this voice came from the radio, Xiao Hei's hand on the steering wheel tightened first, and then the corners of his mouth raised.

When Qianmo yelled "somebody make feel alive shatter me!", Xiaohei stepped on the accelerator, turned the steering wheel, and sent the car flying.

The mountain road drifts around corners.

Qianmo stood on the top of the mountain and couldn't see the whole scene clearly, but she could see the occasional car lights on the winding mountain road. That was her man, and that was the signal he gave her!

Qianmo's blood boiled with passion and she shouted even harder. Her god-like singing voice and his fierce driving skills blended together in the night.

Those guys who said before that Xiao Hei didn't dare to drive on the mountain road should take a look. If Xiao Hei gets serious, everyone can be crushed to pieces.

Everyone who participated in the rescue had their eyes opened.

Looking at Yu Changmo's car racing wildly on the mountain road, and then looking at Qianmo turning on the black light in the night sky, those with a little bit of literary talent will think that the talent and beauty of a man and a woman are a match made in heaven.

For someone with a literary talent like Duoduo, my heart is like, holy shit, I’m so damn good! A face worthy of it!

Yu Changmo almost surpassed his opponent for several minutes before descending the mountain. He stopped the car and turned off the engine, took out a cigarette and lit it, all in one movement.

After his competitor's car got off, Qianmo's singing stopped, and the next step was a very critical moment.

Xiao Hei's competitor got out of the car and knelt directly on the ground.

According to the rules, he lost. He was taken as a hostage and important people were about to be released by the robbers, but he also wanted to commit suicide.

The man was kneeling on the ground. If Qianmo was here, she would definitely be able to read a lot of complicated emotions on his face.

There is fear, but also relief and relief.

Although facing death was scary, there was a sense of relief in his heart when the people important to him were about to be released.

Xiao Hei's cell phone rang and he pressed the speaker phone.

A harsh voice came through the microphone, and it sounded like it had been modified by a voice changer.

"Oh haha, what a wonderful game. Mr. Yu Changmo congratulates you for winning the game. You will escape the punishment of death, but your sweetheart will, oh haha~"

Another burst of harsh laughter.

Xiao Hei looked towards the mountain. Qianmo's singing had told him that she was safe now. Xiao Hei was naturally fearless. What he had to do now was to hold her back.

The longer the call went on, the easier it was for his men to track the mastermind's location.

Being able to call at the first moment of the game means that the mastermind is nearby.

"How much do you want, tell me a number, and don't touch my woman." Xiao Hei said.

"Haha, money, you ask me for money? It's useless, I just want you to suffer, I just want to see you unlucky, haha!"

Somewhere on the mountain, the rescue team who was with Qianmo was tracking the call. The conversation between Xiaohei and the man reached Duoduoqianmo's ears, and Duoduo curled her lips.

"I'm afraid the mastermind is sick. He said haha ​​several times. Why don't you make him laugh so hard that he goes crazy?"

Suddenly, the voice on the phone made Duoduo stop. It was Brother Four!

Xue Jize has been guarding the finish line. He has no idea about Xiao Hei's layout. From his perspective, Xiao Hei has won the game and his Duo Duo will not be saved.

Now that the kidnapper leader called, Xue Jize couldn't bear it anymore and rushed over to grab Xiao Hei's phone, shouting at the top of his lungs.

"Let them go! Say what you want, and don't hurt them!"

This voice was so sincere that Duoduo instantly turned red.

"Who are you?" the kidnapper asked warily.

"I am Xue Jize, the boyfriend of the girl you kidnapped. I own the inheritance rights of the Xue family. How much money do you want, I will transfer it to you now. I can also give you all the shares, as long as you can give Duoduo back."

Qianmo patted Duoduo, OK, this man is not good at writing poetry but he is a really nice person. He could say these words at a critical moment, and it was obvious that he was moved by real feelings.

Duoduo covered her mouth and shed tears.

They have only been dating for a long time. How could the fourth brother talk about transferring shares?

"Haha, I'm not interested in money. Go away and let Yu Changmo answer the phone." The kidnapper is obviously not easy to fool.

Xue Laosi refused to let go of the phone, "You don't want money, what do you want? You want to see us suffer, don't you, you bastard!"

Xiao Hei held a cigarette in his mouth and watched Xue Laosi roaring at the other party. The time was delayed quite beautifully and naturally.

The robbers didn't expect to kill such an infatuated person.

"You scold me? Very good, you successfully aroused my interest in you, do you want your girl to live? Okay, you commit suicide now. If you die, I will let her go, and you will take your life in exchange!" "

"Let me commit suicide...?" Xue Jize was stunned.

Yu Changmo took down the cigarette in his mouth and said, "Die, you are not an important person anyway."

Time dragged on for several more seconds unconsciously.

"No, fourth brother, don't!" Duoduo was completely committed, if Qianmo hadn't dragged her and rushed down.

Silly girl, this is so far away from the bottom of the mountain. If you run over, the body will be cold.

But how can people who are in love with each other think so much.

Xiao Hei was quite serious, "Then let's discuss how about letting this Xue Laosi die, and then letting my woman and her woman come back? I have a knife here, Xue Laosi, you go ahead and cut it according to the arteries in the neck."

Duoduo was so angry that he pushed Qianmo, "Why is your man such a loser!"

Qianmo had to hug Duoduo's waist after being pushed. This girl's IQ was all suppressed, and she couldn't even tell that this was Xiao Hei's delaying strategy.

Qianmo looked at the team leader, not locked yet?

The team leader made an OK gesture to her. He had locked her and now sent someone to catch her.

"How long?" Qianmo asked.

"We have several groups at the bottom of the mountain, and the closest one takes 2 minutes."

2 minutes...Xiao Hei and the others still have to delay each other for two minutes.

Qianmo looked at Duoduo who was about to go crazy with sympathy, and just hoped that Xiao Hei could perform extraordinarily well and be stronger!

It’s like this. The author particularly likes this song. He roars intoxicatedly, especially the sentence I wrote, “shatter me!” ! ! Then my daughter who was doing her homework started writing, raised her head, and looked at me worriedly like, "Ah, Mom, are you okay?", but hesitated to speak...

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