I Wish Mo All the Best

Chapter 540 Do you dare to find her boss?

Chen Meng and Qianmo came back, Chen Meng glanced at her, and Chen Qianmo, who said she had half a roundworm in her belly, automatically took Tang Xin's hand.

"I'm going to the gym in the morning, will you come with me?"

"I...?! It's better not to do it." Tang Xin secretly pinched her little elbow. She didn't have the courage to split a beer bottle with one hand as Qianmo did.

She had seen her boss post a photo of Mrs. Mo chopping a wine bottle, captioned with the word ferocious, and her face even mosaicd.

Then within a few minutes, I was forced to delete it by the wife-protecting maniac.

"There is a beauty salon below the gym. Just lie there and take a rest. When I finish training, we will have dinner together."

Qianmo and Chen Meng exchanged a look, and Tang Xin felt cold for no reason. Why did she smell like a conspiracy...

You must be overthinking it, Sister-in-law Mo is such an upright person, she shouldn’t be able to deceive others...

There is a well-equipped gym in the courtyard, but Qianmo doesn't use it, so he has to choose the most expensive one in the city, which he calls the euphemistically--

"My master has a card. Wouldn't it be a waste if I don't use it?"

When Tang Xin saw the scale, a string of zeros immediately appeared in his heart.

This kind of location, whether it's a gym or a beauty salon, is beyond the reach of a working-class person like her.

"How about I go to the coffee shop next door and wait for you." Tang Xin said.

Qianmo pulled her, "I have a card! It's a gift from someone else. It's a waste if you don't use it."

Tang Xin saw that she really pulled out a VIP card from her bag, so she had no choice but to follow her in. She thought that when the boss gave her the salary owed to her, she would buy something for Mrs. Mo. She would be embarrassed to take advantage of her.

Qianmo dragged her to the beauty salon, went to the gym upstairs, and soon received a message from Chen Meng.

Very good, Lao San will come to the business district here with his partners for lunch at noon, and the guy from the master's unit will come over then.

Qianmo took Tang Xin on a "blind date", which happened to be seen by the domineering president.

This bloody and vulgar plot was a plan finalized by Chen Meng and Qianmo when they got up for a run in the morning.

The plot doesn't care about being bloody or cliche, as long as it works.

Seeing Chen Haoxuan baking cookies in the middle of the night, the whole family knew what he was thinking, except the boy himself.

A mother naturally has to push her son. As a worm in Chen Meng's belly, Qianmo naturally did her part to implement this plan.

I thought Tang Xin was safe at first, but now that she had diarrhea after eating the mistress's dark food, she felt that this girl was very reliable. Chen Meng decided that it would be better to choose a different day than to hit the sun. Today was the day, and she had to get this person.

Qianmo immediately saluted his master and promised to complete the task.

The two hours of training passed quickly and Qianmo gave up.

The one she was fighting with was a boxing coach from the gym. Qianmo was beaten until he was out of breath and gave Qianmo a thumbs up.

It's amazing that he, a man who has won awards, was beaten to such a state while fighting such a slender woman.

Qianmo usually practices with her family, but today she came out because Chen Meng had something to do and was a matchmaker. She is also very satisfied with her current progress.

If she had thought a year ago that she could compete with award-winning retired Sanda athletes, she would have never dared to think so.

This was all due to the detailed schedule she made for herself.

Qianmo has a daily work schedule. What she has to do every day is written down in great detail. The accumulation over time is superimposed on each other. It cannot be seen in one or two days, but it will be very satisfying to look back and summarize the progress after a period of time.

If one day you fail to complete the contents of the schedule due to special circumstances, you must make up for it the next day. If you stick to it unshakably, you will definitely have very good results.

After taking a shower, Qianmo went downstairs to find Tang Xin.

As a result, something happened downstairs.

Tang Xin got into a fight with someone.

When Qianmo came over, a group of beauticians were arguing. Tang Xin was grabbed by the hair and pushed against the wall, and her forehead quickly swelled.

Qianmo didn't hesitate when he saw this. He stepped forward and kicked the person down as soon as he raised his leg.

"What the hell are you doing, beating people? Are you freeloaders, letting customers get beaten in the store?" Qianmo asked the clerk, pointing to the woman who was kicked to the ground.

"I'm sorry, sister, we wanted to stop her, but this woman said she was a relative, so we didn't dare to take action..." The staff in the store looked embarrassed.

"Relative? What kind of relative with a dog's head and a toad's face would be so cruel? Come on, I'm also a relative of her. I'll kick her a few times too!" Qianmo saw Tang Xin covering her red and swollen forehead, and wanted to go up and touch her up a few times. Tang Xin Pulling Qianmo's arm to lower her voice.

"Stop fighting, she is my sister..."

The woman on the ground had shoulder-length hair, was carrying a Chanel chain bag, and was wearing designer clothes. She looked like a person of status, but she didn't say anything nice while sitting on the ground.

"Tang Xin, you shameless dragster, you kept saying you had no money, but you ended up running to such a high-consumption place, and even let me catch you, and you dared to let people beat me! You ×××... "

The remaining sentences are unpalatable and infinitely vulgar.

Qianmo understood, oh, she turned out to be Tang Xin's half-sister.

The master had told her about Tang Xin's family situation. Qianmo knew that she had a family of vampires. Her parents' combined salary was tens of thousands. They had a house and a car here, but they had saved all their money for financial management. The family lives on Tang Xin's salary.

And this younger sister was also a weirdo. She went to a costly art school, didn't wear anything but famous brands, and spent all her money on high expenses. All the money was spent by Tang Xin.

Hearing the girl scolding her harshly, Qianmo looked at her condescendingly.

"They are all people with ID cards, but why would they give up their face just for money?"

"Who are you!" The girl was a little afraid of Qianmo, and Qianmo's previous kick acted as a deterrent.

Qianmo smiled lightly, "It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that you don't know who you are. Having a grateful heart is the most basic morality in this world. You use your sister's hard-earned money to spend such a high amount of money." Not only are you ungrateful, but you also hit people. Do you know how to write the word "white-eyed wolf"? If you don't, I'll teach you."

The girl did not dare to lose her temper with Qianmo and pointed at Tang Xin and scolded her.

"You, a sinister woman, can't tell me what you have to say. You have to find an accomplice to criticize others. Wouldn't it cost you a few dollars? Is this what you want? You have been living and eating in my house for free for so many years. Why do you think so? Do this to me!"

Most of the people who use catchphrases like "Why are you" are angry youths, but the word "angry youth" is not appropriate to use on sister Tang Xin. At least angry youths are kind, responsible and have a sense of justice. This sister is at best He is an extreme white-eyed wolf.

"It's not good for you to beg for food! Instead of working and studying, you have to blackmail your sister and use chicken feathers as arrows. From now on, she will not provide you with a penny. If you are dissatisfied, just Go find her boss!”

If she dares...

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