I Wish Mo All the Best

Chapter 529 Please do not imitate (Thanks Xixixixixixi+ more updates)

The man spoke helplessly and hesitantly.

So you are living a miserable life, Qianmo thought in her heart, but she followed the man's words.

The current state of men is the "concord fallacy". They invest too much and cannot recoup the cost, and they are unwilling to face reality. If they go step by step, they will only cause greater losses.

In the tropical rainforest, the most experienced hunters will not hesitate to chop off their own legs with a hatchet once their legs are bitten by a crocodile in the water. Only in this way can they escape.

The same goes for real-life stock trading and financial management. Set a mental stop-loss price before investing. Once it reaches the psychological bottom line, stop the loss immediately. No matter how much you lose, it doesn't matter. As long as you do this, even if you lose, it won't hurt your muscles and bones. You can go to the stock market and ask those questions. Old stock investors, who have been trapped for decades and have lost half of their money, will all swear that if the stock market does not fall, if they hold their shares until they are old, they will one day rise back.

When you meet a scumbag man or a scumbag woman in your marriage, if you don't cut your losses in time, you'll be in it for the rest of your life, and you just pretend to be waiting for the other person to come back. After all these years of hard work, you're not the one who has suffered the loss.

It's a pity that these people who fall into the "Concord fallacy" don't understand these principles, and they are reluctant to let go of their previous investment, and they get deeper and deeper into it and can't stop.

This is also one of the important reasons why in a marriage, the scumbag party is not easily dumped.

Qianmo looked at the woman next to her and thought she deserved it.

I still feel confident about cheating money. I have reached this point. I follow the man's words and try to escape from the gangster. I don't even know the most basic survival skills. I have angered the gangster again and again, and I have no shame in cheating people out of money. In the end, I will be jumped over the wall. men risk their lives.

Listen to this meaning, the man had a wife before, but abandoned his wife for this woman.

Neither party is a good person.

Morality is determined in this way, but as a quasi-police officer, no matter whether these people are good or bad, even if they are scumbags and bitches, they cannot ignore them. This is their mission and responsibility.

"Sister, I urge you to say what you have to say. I see that this eldest brother has done a lot for you. If you have anything to say, let's come down and talk about it."

Qianmo's words gave the man a glimmer of hope. The woman was reminded by the emphasis in Qianmo's last sentence, "Ah, yes, let's talk later!"

"I promise to marry you, let's go down and talk."

Qianmo let out a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, the female liar's IQ was not extremely low.

When a woman encounters danger, there is a huge difference in strength between the two parties. Do not verbally abuse the gangster, and do not threaten the gangster to call the police. These behaviors will stimulate the gangster to commit further crimes. For example, in this situation, if this man had not been repeatedly insulted by the woman, The threat will not come to this step by step.

Crimes of passion have a very high probability in a hijacking incident. The robber is in a highly panicked state of mind at the moment, and the person being kidnapped is also in a state of high panic. Without Qianmo's professional negotiation skills, he would beep and point at others. Maybe one of the lines was wrong, and the irritating person was silenced.

So the best way is to remain silent and don't use words to irritate the other person.

The gangster was appeased, "Are you really going to marry me?"

"Really, let's go, let's go, there are so many people watching." The woman said perfunctorily.

Seeing the two of them walking along the edge of the pool in the direction of Qianmo step by step, Qianmo was also walking forward step by step. Just when Qianmo's hand was about to touch the woman's stretched out hand, the man suddenly reacted. .

"No! What if you regret it!"

At this time, the distance between the two parties was only three meters away. The gangster pointed his knife at Qianmo, and the woman screamed. Qianmo saw that the person had already reached this position. Not only was she not afraid, but she also walked towards the other party step by step. The gangster panicked and raised his hand. The knife inside began to tremble.

As soon as he trembled, Qianmo felt more confident.

"I'm a police academy student. You can't beat me. You haven't made a big mistake now and it's too late to turn back. If you dare to hurt a hair on my head, the nature of the matter will change immediately."

Saying these words at this distance is completely different from the situation just now. Qianmo's voice was louder than usual, with a natural righteousness.

Everyone was sweating coldly at Qianmo's move.

Although the security guards were outside, there were still many spectators who stretched their necks to look in through the half-meter-wide door.

Qianmo had just been some distance away from the hostage, so she took a step to calm down her emotions. Now that the two were very close, Qianmo's attitude suddenly became tougher.

The gangster was frightened by Qianmo's righteousness, and his hands began to tremble as he faced Qianmo who was getting closer and closer.


The knife in the gangster's hand fell on the tiles, making a crisp sound. The gangster knelt on the ground and cried loudly.

"I didn't mean it, I didn't..."

Qianmo kicked the knife away just as the police arrived and successfully took away the gangster.

The crowd applauded thunderously, heroine!

Qianmo waved to the crowd, indicating that everyone should be quiet and listen to what she said.

"The above behaviors are all professionally trained. Non-psychology majors are not allowed to imitate them. We will not be responsible for anything that happens..."

Because of Qianmo's intervention, Xue Laosi's situation was averted from a possible crisis, and the man and woman were taken away.

"I'll treat you to my most expensive tea...although I always feel that it was you who caused it." While Xue Laosi regarded Qianmo as an honored guest, he also complained about Qianmo's dark physique.

Duoduo stretched out his legs and kicked him into the pond, not forgetting to give him the middle finger.

"You can't tell the good from the bad, right? Is it wrong to help you make things right? There are people with twisted psychology everywhere, but we have a pair of eyes that are good at discovering! You think the years are quiet and you can write poems quietly, then It’s because we, the second generation, are there to bear the wind and rain for you where you can’t see it!”

Xue Laosi took two sips of hot spring water, wiped his face and came up, "Hey, this sentence is so philosophical!"

Come on, help me up. I can post on Moments and get some chicken soup for the soul or something!

Qianmo was also invited to the VIP room by Xue Laosi to continue drinking tea. This incident was a small matter to her, but it brought a huge visual impact to Ji Xiangyu.

Ji's mother was still saying bad things about Qianmo at first, but when she saw that Qianmo was brave enough to fight the gangsters and was brave and resourceful, she couldn't complain about Qianmo's finding a partner anymore and praised her dryly.

"This girl...is really nice."

Although sour grapes are the essence of this family, they have the courage to stand up in the face of critical moments and protect everyone's safety. Such a hero makes it difficult for the mean mother-in-law to say anything, but there is a richness in her words. What a pity——

Such a good girl, why not give her an excellent son from God?

Ji Xiangyu had similar feelings in his heart, and the self-deception and fabricated picture in his heart was shattered.

He thought that Chen Qianmo would be tortured by time and years, that she would have a bad life, that she would become worse and worse, and that she would eventually become separated from her relatives.


Thank you to the leader of Xixixixixixixi, for naming me and sending me more updates. There are still five updates left.

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