I Wish Mo All the Best

Chapter 488 What is love (monthly ticket + 5 updates)

Wang Xiaoyao took the initiative to find Qianmo, probably because he was suspicious of what happened yesterday.

Seeing his silence, Qianmo simply gave him a few words of encouragement.

"This matter is not a small matter. If you are in trouble, think about your roommate, my man's brother."

Sha Muyu immediately appeared in Wang Xiaoyao's mind.

"You two are good brothers for life. How do you hope he will feel when he thinks of you in the future? Does he hope to fight side by side with you, or does his heart hurt when he thinks of you, regretting that he didn't stop you in the first place? From you to the abyss of depravity.”

The more Qianmo talked, the more evil she became, and she only had to sing a few lines: Iron doors, iron windows, iron chains~

Wang Xiaoyao's mouth twitched at what she said.

"You should just be the aloof school beauty you are." If this guy were to be funny, it would be an unbearable lightness in life.

At the intersection, Qianmo got off the bicycle, but did not stop the taxi immediately. Instead, she looked at Wang Xiaoyao. The two looked at each other for a while, and Wang Xiaoyao was defeated.

She caught him in his weak spot.

"I have something to tell you. My father today..."

Wang Xiaoyao was doing this to Qianmo, and Qianmo's brows furrowed a little, then relaxed a little, like this...

Although it was a bit surprising, it was reasonable. If this was the case, the mystery in Qianmo's mind would be solved and the logic would be correct.

It seemed that the God of Justice was on her side. The well-timed encounter in the afternoon gave Qianmo inspiration, and the clues given by her senior brother strengthened Qianmo's belief in continuing the investigation.

With yesterday's experience, Qianmo's "guest appearance" today seems to be very familiar.

She would never pass early again.

This industry does not require dedication. Sooner or later, it depends on appearance and popularity. In addition to doing serious things yesterday, Qianmo also distractedly studied the rules of this industry.

According to her sitting backstage for two hours and listening carefully, she found that the good-looking ones are indeed more popular and proud, but there are a few very popular ones whose looks are not particularly outstanding. At most, they can be seen after makeup. That's all, Qianmo focused on those women.

I found that my emotional intelligence is very high, my speech is very good, and my makeup is not very heavy. If I don’t tell me what I do when I go out, no one will be able to tell. I also have a sense of innocence. This kind of woman is quite popular.

Qianmo also made a professional analysis. For Phoenix men who started from the bottom, or those men who rose to power by relying on their wives' natal family, after achieving certain achievements, the first thing they do is to find a woman with a lower background than him to raise him. Looking for a psychological compensation.

Qianmo was ten minutes late today, but she knew no one would complain about her.

As soon as she got out of the taxi, she saw a circle around the door. She went over and saw that a group of men were beating a woman. That woman was the foreman who had been trying to make Qianmo the leader last night.

"Beat me to death! I'll make her a bitch!" A woman nearby, who looked to be in her forties or fifty, put her hand on her waist and directed these people to beat her.

This scene looks very familiar, is the first wife beating the mistress?

Qianmo walked around the crowd, asked the security guard to come out, and shouted at the top of her lungs, "The police are here!"

When the men who were beating up stopped, Qianmo took the opportunity to lead two security guards to separate the crowd, grabbed the foreman and ran away.

Those people came to their senses and were deceived. If they wanted to pursue Qianmo again, they had already dragged the foreman in. As soon as the door was closed, the two women were safe.

The first wife outside shouted loudly, "You damn vixen, if you can, you will never come out!"

Not to be outdone, the foreman said, "Who do you blame if you can't control a man?"

Qianmo followed the foreman. The foreman's clothes were damaged, so he didn't go back to the lounge directly. Instead, he went into a private room. Qianmo found a change of clothes for her. The foreman watched nonchalantly as he took off his torn clothes and only wore the inner clothes. Sitting cross-legged on the sofa and talking on the phone.

There was a look of indifference on her face, and she even gestured to Qianmo to find a cigarette to light for her. But as soon as the call was connected, her voice suddenly turned into a sweet and crying voice.

"My dear, she was beaten. The person from your family came over and blocked her door. She was beaten all over. Her body is covered with injuries. Her people haven't left yet, which is delaying our business."

Qianmo was dumbfounded.

She has also seen people who are good at changing their faces in the casino, such as the master gambler who picks his feet. Now she feels ashamed when she sees little people changing their faces, and begins to doubt her own expertise.

The foreman had a faint, even contemptuous expression on his face, but his voice sounded pitiful. If Qianmo were to close her eyes and listen, she might also cry and become soft-hearted if she were a man.

From the corner of his eye, the foreman saw Qianmo dumbfounded. He chuckled and put his cell phone on speakerphone to let Qianmo listen to how she dealt with the problem.

I just heard an old man's voice on the other end of the phone.

"Baby, stop crying. My husband will transfer that dominatrix away soon and she will never come again."

"Hey~ But it's very shameful to be beaten in front of so many people~"

"I'll buy you diamonds, don't cry."

"Diamonds are so expensive. Husband, please don't spend money on me. I don't want diamonds."

Qianmo was confused when he heard this conversation. The foreman followed a married man for no money. Could this be the legendary true love?

"Didn't the baby always want diamonds? Why didn't he suddenly want them?"

Listening to the old man talking about a baby at a mouth really gave Qianmo goosebumps.

The foreman's face was full of determination to win, but his voice was full of tears, "I follow you wholeheartedly. Recently, I went to see a house close to the elementary school. When our son comes out, there will be a house in the school district, but the sales there are not at all They looked down on me. At that time, I thought that if I had diamonds to support me, others would not dare to criticize me, but what if I have diamonds? I can’t afford a house.”

"Baby, don't cry. Let's go shopping tomorrow. Let's see who dares to look down on you."

"It's a deal."

The foreman hung up the phone and took a deep breath from her cigarette. The bruises on her body were still there. She looked down and felt dissatisfied, so she took a cigarette butt and burned it!

"Ah! What are you doing!" Qianmo felt pain just looking at her, and a piece of her snow-white skin was instantly burned.

The foreman patted her little face and said, "Little girl, I was just like you a few years ago. I was stupid and only thought about love. Now I think about it. What is love? Can it be used as food? Learn from my sister. If this wound continues, are you still afraid that the old man won't buy a house?"

"You have a child, this is not good for your health..." Qianmo heard her chatting with the old man on the phone. It seemed that she was pregnant?

The foreman chuckled and said, "I only care about money and not a position. Now that I've got the house, it's time for this kid to say goodbye to me."

Under the smoke, the foreman's face looked a little weak, and Qianmo wasn't sure if the emotion she read in this woman's eyes was sadness.

"In our industry, the most important thing is to know your position, how much you are worth, what you can get, and make money based on your ability. Once you have the money, the men and children are useless."

The foreman was entranced when he saw Qianmo's young face. She wasn't a beautiful woman like Qianmo a few years ago. But in this industry where young people are the only ones, how many more years can she earn if she becomes the foreman from the top spot? If you don’t make a fortune while you still have the ability to provide for your retirement, why are you still waiting for love to redeem you?

What is love, haha.

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