I Wish Mo All the Best

Chapter 434 Everyone loses and he makes the profit alone

The cold wind stirred the earth, and the campus was covered with white snow. Qianmo walked out of the classroom just after the final exam for the last subject.

As a mature district leader, he must have the consciousness to consciously organize his team members to clean up the campus. Qianmo has changed a lot this semester, especially in the inspection of various health aspects, which has reached the pinnacle (nitpicking) level.

It ranges from incalculable errands such as checking sewers and construction waste to small tasks such as checking fallen leaves on campus, checking the sanitation of each dormitory, and even taking a look at the toilet in other people's bathrooms.

In the words of sesame oil, Qianmo's god-like eyesight is the strictest in history when it comes to checking hygiene. He can tell with a hair. Under her almost turtle-haired request, the overall internal affairs level of the third district is far higher than that of the other several District, such a strict female district chief was not criticized in private. This was due to her super self-discipline.

What Qianmo asked others to do, she must have done so well herself, down to every detail, that no one could find any faults even with a magnifying glass.

Of course, other district chiefs also have similar skills. In the final analysis, the reason why they are so strict and yet they are not thrown into a fountain with a sack is because of their appearance.

If you're good-looking, you can't use it as food, but there's nothing wrong with using it as a pass.

"Second brother, how did you answer the last question?" Duoduo asked Qianmo.

Qianmo told her answer, and Duoduo felt relieved, okay, okay, just like the second child.

When he turned around and saw Sesame Oil's sallow face, he said, "It's over. I'm on the verge of failing the exam. I answered it wrong."

He quickly checked other questions with his second son. After finishing the questions, Hemp Oil clasped his hands together and looked expectantly at Chen Daxian, who was always hitting the mark in their dormitory.

Qianmo did a little mental calculation and said, "As long as the teacher's hands don't tremble, I should just brush the passing line."

Se You was so happy that he bowed to Qianmo in a serious manner, thanking the Immortal for his golden words.

Chen Daxian was very accurate. After the final exam, everyone attended school for another week and had a holiday after the results were announced.

Qianmo firmly ranked first in the department, Duoduo was above average, and the sesame oil passed by at low altitude to avoid the bad luck of making up the exam.

On the day of the holiday, everyone was dragging their luggage, and Duoduo stood at the door with emotion.

"I came gently, just as I left gently, my lovely alma mater, the most unforgettable tenderness."

Rubbing sesame oil on my arms, I got goosebumps all over my body. It felt like the temperature was even lower after being read by Duo Duo.

"Fortunately, my old man lives nearby and will come to pick me up soon. Hey, do you want me to drop you off -"

Before Hemp Oil finished speaking, a big G drove over. Everyone was familiar with this car, and Qianmo's "brother" was here.

Yu Changmo got out of the car and put Qianmo's suitcase in the trunk. He then took out a bag of steaming sugar-roasted chestnuts from his pocket and said to Qianmo dotingly.

"It's cold, warm your hands."

Hemp oil makes my face hurt!

Duoduo was so stimulated that he could no longer recite poetry.

Qianmo was a little embarrassed and handed the chestnut bag to the two friends.

"How about...I'll send you off?"

Out of hatred for the show of affection, Seyou and Duoduo snatched the whole bag of chestnuts, kicked Qianmo into the car, and said goodbye to you quickly!

After Qianmo got in the car, Xiao Hei gave Qianmo a big bag of snacks, which Sesame Oil and others saw through the glass.

"I'm going to go, this 'brother' is so good, do you have one of the same style for me?"

Every time this pair of fake German orthopedic surgeons show off their affection, there is an urge to beat her up collectively.

Qianmo rolled down the car window, "He has a younger brother who can have three girlfriends a week. Do you want him?"

Xiao Hei drove his car away quickly. If he didn't run away, he felt that his obedient bedmate was going to kick his big G.

"How do you know I didn't eat well at noon?" Qianmo opened the snack bag and took out the steaming roasted chestnuts with a smile on her face. There were a lot of them inside.

Yu Changmo looked at her with a smile. It had become a habit to bring his own feed every time they met.

"When does your vacation start?" Qianmo asked.

Xiao Hei had a few days off this time. It was Chen Meng who fought for him and Qianmo. Qianmo had previously assisted the captain in solving the Xue family case. The captain reluctantly gave Xiao Hei a few days off so that he could accompany Qianmo. Mo went to Shizhou to find his grandma, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, to take care of his health.

"Today counts as a full day."

Qianmo sighed. The captain was a profiteer. It was already afternoon by the time she and Xiao Hei got home. They had to rest at home for a day and then go to Shizhou. After all the back and forth, their vacation would be gone.

The two-hour drive was very comfortable for Qianmo. There were delicious food and a handsome man driving the car. They chatted all the way back home.

She was so excited about the vacation that Qianmo was in a good mood the whole time. When she got home, she rushed out of the car. She hadn't seen Mu Mianmian for several months and missed her very much.

Mu Mianmian was pregnant now. Qianmo thought she would be fatter, but she felt heartbroken when she saw it.

"Why have you lost so much weight?"

Other pregnant women are fat, but hers has lost a lot of weight, her face is sallow, and the flesh on her body is soft when pinched. She is all puffy.

"I'm vomiting so much..." Mu Mianmian's pregnancy reaction was relatively severe. Qianmo didn't think much about it at first, but she just felt distressed. The two of them were sitting there chatting. It didn't take much for Qianmo to figure out something.

Mu Mianmian being so haggard is certainly related to the pregnancy reaction, but the main reason is that she has not rested for two consecutive days.

There was something wrong with the family's breeding farm. Chen Baichuan had been very busy these days, and Mu Mianmian also got angry.

Mu Mianmian didn't go into too much detail about the specific situation. He just said that the problem was unlikely to be solved, and told Qianmo not to worry about it. He should rest and take a bath when he got back and take Qianmo out for dinner in the evening.

Qianmo agreed with a smile on her face, but her eyes met Xiao Hei's, and he nodded to show his understanding.

Qianmo went upstairs to take a bath and came out feeling fragrant. Xiao Hei had already investigated the matter clearly.

The origin of the matter has something to do with Xiao Hei.

Yu Changmo had previously used his own connections to find two experts for Chen Baichuan's farm to transform the overall environment and facilities, which led to an improvement in the quality of his ginseng.

The transition between winter and spring is the peak season for sea cucumber diseases. Most of the farms were affected by the disease some time ago, and the pattern of sea cucumber farming has changed. Chen Baichuan’s farm avoided risks because of expert advice. Not only did it not get sick, it also bucked the market trend and rose. Twenty percent off the price.

Everyone blamed him for the profit, which caused trouble and made his colleagues jealous.

Qianmo once gave her father an idea to set up a joint association to facilitate communication and group development. Chen Baichuan shared his experience. The old Wang next door usually opposed Chen Baichuan, but this time he followed Chen Baichuan to renovate the facilities and became a Not everyone listens to the winner this time. Some people don't listen to Chen Baichuan. After losing money, they are greedy for these companies that make money.

Mu Mianmian got angry because someone threatened to take off Chen Baichuan's arm.

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