I Wish Mo All the Best

Chapter 351 Treatment of fainting blood

It took Qianmo a long time to react, "Master, what did you say...?"

Chen Meng said it again.

Her grandmother is an old Chinese medicine doctor, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a master of traditional Chinese medicine.

Specializing in treating all kinds of difficult and complicated diseases, especially the kind Qianmo mentioned, the old lady still has a secret recipe in her hand, and some pharmaceutical companies are selling it at exorbitant prices.

"The old lady was stubborn and refused to mass-produce and reduce the efficacy of the medicine. She said that it would ruin the brand of our ancestors. There is no medical student in our family. She could not find a suitable successor. This prescription has not been made into a Chinese patent medicine..."

Qianmo suddenly felt like a dream, thought for a moment, and smiled bitterly.

I looked for it thousands of times in the crowd, and suddenly I looked back.

She didn't believe in reincarnation before, but now she does. If she hadn't been too constrained by the status gap in her previous life and refused to meet his family, how could she have missed the opportunity to meet her great-grandma?

If she could meet his family earlier, maybe her body could be cured, and she wouldn't suffer from heart disease due to overthinking later.

In her previous life, Qianmo also looked for various prescriptions to cure herself. She had heard that there was an old Chinese medicine doctor who was very powerful, but when she went to look for it, the old Chinese medicine doctor had disappeared.

It is said that Qianmo was taken away by his children to take care of him until his old age. Qianmo searched for her but could not find her. After all, she lost her first child.

These seemingly unwilling pieces are put together, and there is an inevitability in the coincidence.

Seeing Qianmo's irritated look, Chen Meng patted her hand distressedly, "I'll take you there in person during the winter vacation. It's not a big deal. Don't put too much pressure on yourself and be brave."


Qianmo came to a realization. If she had been braver... many things in her previous life would not have turned out so bad.

Many times people think about things very badly and are cautious because they are afraid of losing. But the more careful they are, the more they lose. It is not just her, but many people are like this.

Chen Meng took Qianmo to see Lao Qian, and Chen Meng chatted with Lao Qian. Qianmo herself thought about her past and present lives that day.

Her absent-minded look attracted Lao Qian's attention, and Lao Qian asked Chen Meng.

"Bureau Chen, what's wrong with your beloved disciple?"

"She's been a little irritated and is getting into trouble here. It's okay. I'll just go back and give her a good beating." Chen Meng is very experienced in parenting.

What should I do if my child can’t think about it? Most of them are owed, just give them a beating.

"Haha, young people, there must be a process of development, just live every day as the last day. Look at me now, I am happy every day, not afraid of anything, and the more I work, the more I earn. At the beginning of this year, the doctor said that I The cancer cells have not spread at all, and it is possible to live for another five years."

Lao Qian's good attitude made Qianmo's heart clear.

Compared with Lao Qian, she had no reason not to face her fears.

After leaving the police station, Qianmo said to Chen Meng.

"Master, is there anything that grandma likes? I'll prepare a gift in advance."

A smile bloomed at the corner of Chen Meng's mouth.

She knew that Qianmo would be able to overcome her fear and face her inner demons with courage.

"The old lady likes to eat braised pork. She asked the little black dog to follow her. He cooked it deliciously."

Qianmo nodded. No matter whether she could be cured or not, she would not back down easily this time. The bloody experience in her previous life told her that no matter how cruel reality is, it cannot compare to her own imagination. Face it bravely. No matter what the outcome, escaping will never solve the problem. The best way.

After breaking up with Chen Meng, Qianmo did not go back to school directly. She called Nuonuo.

"Sister, are you busy?"


"Can I ask you a favor?"


Thirty minutes later, Qianmo appeared at the door of the funeral home.

Qianmo's request to Nono was that she wanted to see the autopsy scene with Nono.

She wanted to treat her haemorrhage.

Sickness is also a type of phobia. Qianmo didn't know that her sickness was so serious before this case. It may be related to the fact that she had less chance to see blood in her previous life.

If you are not a police officer, syncope is not a fatal disease for ordinary people. Blood is not very common in daily life. A small amount of bleeding will not have a big impact on Qianmo, but the police profession is different.

Those bloody crime scenes will bring great trouble to Qianmo.

Since it is a phobia, the treatment method should be the same as that given to Xiao Hei - this is what Qianmo understands.

She plans to use exposure therapy in behavioral therapy. To put it simply, it means facing the fear directly. If she is afraid of blood, she will go to the place where the blood is the most and use extreme methods to force herself to face it.

She treated Xiao Hei in a similar way, pushing him down and forcing him to do this and that, going up and down.

Xiao Hei was cured almost immediately. The first time, he was a little uncomfortable. The second time, he refused to resist verbally but was very honest with his body. By the third time, he was familiar with the road and everything was fine...

Yu Yinuo's assistant led Qianmo in and told Qianmo the rules.

"The chief doesn't like to talk when he's working. Don't say anything when you go in. Don't take off your protective clothing when you enter the autopsy room. You're not allowed to take off your gloves and masks, and you're not allowed to take pictures."

The assistant complained, "Today's TV dramas are so messy. Look at those forensic-themed ones, where they wear suits and ties to pick up little girls. How can they be forensics? In our case, the chief executive can kill these unprofessional people."

When dissecting a corpse, protective clothing and gloves must never be moved. Wouldn't leaving DNA damage the scene?

Afraid that Qianmo would not remember it, the assistant once again emphasized the rules for entering. Qianmo wrote them down one by one and followed the assistant through the funeral parlor.

The funeral parlor was built on the outskirts of the city, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. As the end of life, it was the last stop for the body to say goodbye to its relatives. It was solemn. Qianmo only found out today that the funeral parlor not only has the function of cremation, but also that forensic autopsy is performed here. .

"I always thought your autopsy room was in the police station." It seemed that way on TV.

"The examination room is in the bureau, and the autopsy room is in hospitals, funeral parlors, and some forensic schools. It depends on the situation in each place. In most places, the autopsy rooms of funeral parlors are built with funds from the bureau. After all, it is more convenient for funeral parlors to preserve corpses. "

There is no morgue in the Public Security Bureau, no!

The anatomy room is in the innermost part of the funeral parlor, with a separate small courtyard that requires walking through half of the funeral parlor. The funeral parlor does not accept cremation services in the afternoon, so it is eerily quiet.

Qianmo had also been to the funeral parlor before when she accompanied her father to do ceremonial affairs for her grandparents. There were so many people in the morning that she didn't feel any fear. It was so quiet in the afternoon that Qianmo's palms felt a little cold.

The assistant took Qianmo to change into protective clothing and put on a mask and gloves. There were different choices of protective clothing depending on the degree of decay of the body. Today's corpse was not severely decayed. Qianmo wore an ordinary surgical gown, just one layer. They are blue and have three layers of gloves. The innermost layer is the kind of disposable glove you usually use for eating spicy duck heads, and there are two layers on the outside.

After being fully armed, Qianmo followed his assistant into the dissecting room.

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