I Wish Mo All the Best

Chapter 333 The house leaked and it rained all night (Thanks to Hongjie + more updates)

Qianmo used his notebook to search for the keywords of the case, and hundreds of related information came out immediately.

It has spread on the Internet, and people have said it again in major forums and post bars, and they have said it very unpleasantly.

Someone even published Liu Fei's personal information, and a bunch of people commented that she deserved it, and that such an unruly woman should end up like this.

It's hard to say whether Liu Fei had a "part-time job", but Qianmo thought that even if the girl did do that, her misfortune had nothing to do with it.

A large number of people have forgotten the seriousness of the case itself and focused on trolling Liu Fei.

It's as if those who sprayed a few words about "moral corruption" would improve their personal qualities.

Not only that, there were a lot of people questioning the police’s slowness in solving the case.

Qianmo originally wanted to reply with a few words of explanation, but the post was edited and never posted.

Her voice will eventually be drowned in the huge waves.

The masses have fallen into a carnival of eating blood buns to show off their "moral sense" and "high IQ", and any different voices will be attacked by the group.

No one realizes how unethical it is to publish the victim's information. All trolls feel that they are extremely righteous and ethical.

This is equivalent to a second injury to this girl who has already suffered misfortune.

Qianmo searched for similar cases on the Internet and found several things in common.

When faced with incidents of X workers being violated, people generally have a kind of "indifferent indifference". They may even sympathize with the perpetrators and strongly condemn and despise the victims. Even if the victims are not X workers, they will be scold.

It's so late, why are you out alone?

Wearing so little, don’t you just want to be fucked?

How come others are fine, why are you the only one being treated like this?


This kind of message exists behind almost every comment on similar cases.

These harsh views are voiced by both men and women.

The voices of the group twist into a terrible force, causing secondary harm to the victims. The few people who want to speak for the victims will also be attacked by the group.

There will be bandit logic comments. If you speak for her, are you the same person as her?

The saddest thing Qianmo saw was that if my daughter does this, I will strangle her to death. The avatar of the message is a girl, and there are more than 1,000 likes for her.

Qianmo understood where this ugly and shallow concept of a group came from.

She had thought like this in her previous life in prison.

There, some powerful women would force themselves to have relationships with weaker women out of loneliness, and everyone was not surprised.

The forced relationship between women is not worth mentioning in the eyes of everyone.

Men force men, and people who eat melons find it disgusting and funny.

When women force men, people who eat melons feel that men are taking advantage.

When a man forces a woman, some people will blame the man, and some will blame the woman. But if the victim himself is a sex worker, then most of the public opinion will tilt towards the perpetrator. Why is this?

Qianmo felt a little cold as she lay there. She rarely encountered opponents in one-on-one duels, but now she was facing a group of trolls. She felt powerless and had nowhere to use her energy.

I didn't get enough rest and got angry again. When I woke up the next day, my face was swollen.

She had a wisdom tooth that was crooked, buried deep in the tooth, and only her head was exposed. Every time she got angry, half of her face would swell, and the pain was so excruciating that she wanted to bang her head against a wall.

Qianmo wore a police uniform and looked quite formal, but she was not in a good mental state.

Professor Liu drove her straight to the meeting point. At the police station closest to the school, Qianmo, as Professor Liu's assistant, also received a temporary badge, which meant that she was qualified to participate in the investigation of the case.

The superiors attached great importance to this matter, and the crime squad was responsible for the investigation. At this time, Professor Liu was leading Qianmo as technical support, and Qianmo also saw a familiar face.

"Second child?!" Luo Duoduo had dark circles under his eyes. It looked like he had stayed up for several nights. Qianmo gave her the Red Bull she bought on the road. She knew that Xiao Biaozi was there, so she bought Duoduo her favorite drink. drinks.

Duoduo was sent by her master as a foreign aid. She was not a police academy student. She joined the group as a special psychiatrist from Qianzong Studio. She was a little surprised to see Qianmo.

"How did you get here?"

Qianmo patted her shoulder, "I saw you posted on WeChat that you stayed up late and I came here to cheer you up. How about it? Did you get anything from it?"

Luo Duoduo grimaced, "Don't mention it, it will make me exhausted..."

She was asked to help by her master on the second day after the incident. She followed the task force to the construction site to investigate the construction workers. She saw so many migrant workers for several days in a row, but couldn't see anything. She stayed up late every day.

"You two, stop mumbling and get ready for the meeting." Professor Liu called them.

Duoduo asked Qianmo in a low voice, "Do you think Mediterranean will give us small shoes?"

Qianmo had a bitter look and spread her hands, just take one step at a time.

Have a meeting first according to the rules.

Some data collected at the crime scene were played on the projector. Every day, each group would report on the latest investigation results. Qianmo, as the teacher's assistant, took notes for the teacher attentively with a small notebook.

There was no semen in the victim's body, and the other party was cunning enough to use a trap.

At present, all the construction workers have checked around and have identified a few people who can't tell where they went that night as key investigation targets, and they are still questioning them.

This is the first time Qianmo has joined such an action team. The seniors in the room are all wearing police uniforms. Everyone's face is full of exhaustion. Many people here are seriously sleep deprived.

For this case, everyone worked overtime and tried every means to investigate. Everyone firmly believed that this case must be solved. Among the 360 ​​lines, the police is a relatively difficult profession.

In order to solve cases, they are often overloaded with work. The progress reported in a few minutes at a meeting may be the data they obtained after days of sleepless nights. Solving crimes and collecting evidence is a very complicated task. Among tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of pieces of information, perhaps only One or two talents are useful, and they have to put in 200% effort for this one ten thousandth truth.

Qianmo looked at the busy seniors and thought of the voices criticizing them on the Internet, which made her teeth hurt even more. It was really raining all night when the house was leaking!

Thanks to Hongjie for the reward, the title and bonus will be given~

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