I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 88

Assassin at the highest point turned his head immediately after the sword exploded, and looked in the direction of the sword explosion. Shirou thought in his mind that most Assassins should have gone to that place to check.

Shirou took the opportunity to move towards the highest point Assassin, and then detonated the second sword.


Followed by flashes, there was also a flash bomb fired by Kiritsugu in the distance.

Time has entered the countdown.

60 seconds!

59 seconds!


While calculating the time and distance in his mind, Shirou detonated the third sword.

The swords he placed all pay attention to the distance, calculating the distance.

After detonating the seven swords, Shirou was very close to the highest point Assassin, and saw two Assassins have returned to the highest point.

There is no doubt that even Assassin is an experienced veteran on the battlefield, far from being comparable to a rookie like Shirou who has not fought.

The constant bombing but no one is seen. It is a trick to attack the west at a glance, and the highest point is the best stepping point of vision, and it also means the base camp of the battlefield. For an old bird like Assassin, it didn't take long to see through this kind of trick.

But unfortunately, Shirou calculated from this point.

Therefore, Assassin's reaction is also within Shirou's calculation range!

Shirou stopped his body and detonated all the swords at once, the sound of explosions gradually rose, and the flames illuminated Shirou's profile.

Calculating the distance in his mind, Shirou fused the spirit foundation and began to chant without hesitation.

When singing to the second verse, a pitch-black dagger pierced the sky, broke through Shirou's leather case, and entered Shirou's right arm.

Mortals are mortals after all, and their short-sighted resourcefulness eventually went wrong.

Since the highest point is the base camp, how can there be no soldiers around the base camp?

The four-body Assassin appeared around Shirou and strangled Shirou.

Shirou sang while dodging. Not only the speed of singing has been greatly slowed down, but also a lot of color has been painted on his body.

When the chanting reached the middle of the third verse, most of the Assassins rushed over and strangled Shirou.

There is cold sweat on the forehead, the heart, pancreas, liver... the internal organs are trembling along with the eyes, hands and feet.


I can only gamble!

Either finish singing and kill Assassin, or be killed by Assassin!


Gamble your life!

"—Then his body will be set as an infinite sword system!"

The left arm was pierced with seven daggers, the right arm was pierced with three daggers, and the right thigh was also pierced with a dagger.


it hurts……!

However, he won the bet.

He's done singing!

With the Assassins less than three steps away from him, he finished singing.

The wind and sand are gradually rising, a huge sinking hangs in the obscure sky, a red wilderness full of swords, and burning flames dance on the horizon in the distance, like a tomb of swords.

Assassin stood in the [Unlimited Sword System], feeling a little uneasy, but his eyes finally fixed on Shirou standing on the field. They brandished short swords and rushed towards Shirou like a black mist of death.

"Do you think you will always be able to overwhelm me? Impossible! I will pull you down and kill them all! This is the grave of the sword and your burial—!"

With a wave of Shirou's hand, the magic power wasted quickly, and the sharp sword stuck in the field trembled and flew up, killing the Assassins like a torrential rain and a waterfall.


The sound of fighting was mixed with screams, and blood flowed like a river in the red field.

Dozens of people were shattered by the sword fight, but Shirou's heart was beating, but he remained indifferent. After seeing a truly bloody battlefield yesterday, it was strange that I would still tremble, change color, and feel unwell after being infused with that original wild spirit.

Shirou looked up at the lifeless and obscure sky. When I came back to my senses, I realized that I had already been changed by this sudden war.

But this change is good, at least, it can increase your chances of surviving in this war!

The fight was over, from the moment Shirou opened [Unlimited Sword Control], it was over.

Assassin Hassan has no treasures to fight against the city and the army, but only a delusion and illusion to divide himself. This kind of investigative Noble Phantasm that increases the individual is just.

Corpses were strewn everywhere, and blood flowed all over the place.

The lives of these Assassins are over, but Shirou's revenge is not over yet.

Shirou shook his hand, and several sharp swords flew down, rushing into the pile of broken corpses.


"Fantasy collapse!"

"Boom, boom, boom—!"

Not even the bones are left behind!

This is hate!

It is also revenge!

Take revenge on those Assassins who nearly killed themselves!

The magic power was wasted, and [Unlimited Sword System] was automatically turned off.


it hurts……!

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