I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 77

There are many defensive techniques in the castle, and the ones that confuse the local residents are just small ones.

At this moment, this old castle is the base of Artoria and Irisviel.

The sound of galloping horses came from outside the castle.

Arturia stood in front of the castle with the holy sword in her hand, and looked towards the forest.

The visitor didn't intend to hide his intentions, and came to her in an open and honest manner.

It was Iskandar riding his beloved horse.

"King of Conquerors, what do you mean? Uninvited, is this going to attack us?" Arturia asked.

"Hahaha, that's not true. I just came to drink with you." Iskandar laughed.

Artoria's eyes fell on the beloved horse under Iskandar, her brows furrowed, and she asked, "Where's your chariot?"

"Oh—!" Iskandar rubbed his head, and said with some distress: "It was destroyed head-on by a hero, so I came to see if you can give me the Holy Grail directly."

"Do you think it's possible?" Arturia looked at Iskandar with a face full of disbelief. This idea is more naive than her.

"How is it impossible? The so-called war is not just a form of real swords and guns. All is the top, and the destruction is the bottom. If you can let me directly give it to me, you don't need to swing your sword and hurt you heroes. Then we can conquer the world together!" Iskandar laughed.

Artoria frowned and asked, "You said 'we'? Could it be that you are not the only one here?"

Iskandar nodded and said, "I saw that Jin Yingying on the way, so I also pulled him over."

"Thief! The king must not be humiliated! If you call me Jin Xingxian again, I will surely punish you!" Gilgamesh appeared, raised his eyebrows, and looked at Iskandar contemptuously and furiously.

"Why are you all so small? It's just a title. As long as you have a high ambition and a heart for the sea, you can be proud!" Iskandar laughed.

Then he looked at Artoria and asked, "King of Knights, this golden king and I are here. Don't you invite us to come in and sit down?"

Artoria glanced at the two, then turned her back and said, "Come in."



After Ryunosuke Yusheng committed suicide, Kiritsugu has been thinking of ways to remedy the crisis of the mysterious leak.

After thinking about it, he finally thought of only one way.

He used [hint] to come to the prison, killed six criminals in a row, tattooed them with various red marks similar to command spells, and then [hint] the head of the police department to expose them.

However, Kiritsugu's own headshot has already been exposed, even if [hint] the head of the police headquarters slowly eliminates his influence, it won't be able to disappear quickly at this moment.

In order to erase the possibility of revealing the mystery, Kiritsugu asked Hisau Maiya to perform plastic surgery on one of the criminals.

Hisau Maiya is an ordinary person, but to be able to serve as Kiritsugu's assistant in hunting magicians, he naturally learned a lot of skills. Among them, make-up, plastic surgery, the skills of changing appearance and lurking are naturally learned.

However, it would take time to make a prisoner into Kiritsugu's appearance, so Kiritsugu asked Hisau Maiya to take a prisoner's body away first.

"Then where are you going?" Hisau Maiya asked.

"Go and see Master Caster's body." Kiritsugu said.

"You don't feel right?" Hisau Maiya asked.

"This kind of appearance seems to have led me to kill that young man from the beginning, so it's strange."

Kiritsugu lit a cigarette, waved away, and left Hisau Maiya with a lonely and desolate back.


Early in the morning, Shirou reassured Spartacus to stay where he was, and then ambushed near the police station hospital.

After Ryunosuke Yusheng committed suicide yesterday, he did not die, but the bullet was stuck in the center of his brain and could not be removed. He was being treated in this hospital.

Emiya Kiritsugu found Ryunosuke Uyu step by step based on the clues he had left behind.

As for why he was so sure, it was because after he used Yusheng Ryunosuke to fake his death yesterday, he went to the police headquarters to investigate the monitoring.

It was found that the monitoring of these two time periods from 13:25 to 13:47, and from 17:14 to 17:34 was missing.

Among all the Masters, besides him and Emiya Kiritsugu who can play like this, who else? Furthermore, it was indeed Emiya Kiritsugu who brought the police to hunt down Ryunosuke Uyuu yesterday.

His strategy was not superb, but he just used the exposure of the mystery to force them to kill him. And the one who was finally drawn over was Emiya Kiritsugu.

Emiya Kiritsugu is a smart person, so he should be able to spot the anomalies in it. After helping him make up for the loopholes in the news, he will probably kill a wave of carbine guns to find out the truth.

And at night, the master is probably on patrol and fighting, so he didn't come last night. The most important thing is that the magic power monitor on Yusheng Ryunosuke has not been triggered, which means that no magician has touched him yet.

But now during the daytime, he will stay here to see if he can ambush Emiya Kiritsugu.

Even if there is no ambush, it is just sacrificing a day's time, which is not worth mentioning.

Hiding in the forest in the distance, Shirou, who has not fused with the spirit foundation, uses binoculars to monitor the police station hospital, but there is only one thing that makes him feel strange.


It's so peaceful!

The entire police station hospital seemed to be deserted, and the tranquility was a bit scary.

Shirou's brows were tightly furrowed, he didn't [hint] that the people from the police station hospital left, theoretically speaking, it should be people coming and going.

However, it was so quiet!

Quiet...as if no one was there!

It's like the calm before the storm, which makes people feel uneasy.

And at this time, someone came.

Is it Emiya Kiritsugu?

Shirou turned his head and looked, his brows raised involuntarily.

He didn't ambush Emiya Kiritsugu, but he did ambush another Master.

——Tohsaka Tokiomi!

But, how did he get here?


Kiritsugu used [Hint] to learn from the head of the police headquarters that Ryunosuke Uyuu was still alive, and directly asked about Ryunosuke Uyuu's whereabouts.

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