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Yingling was crying, but this did not stop its feet from coming into contact with the edge of the shredder.

So when the tip of his toes could almost feel the hum of the blade, Yingling really panicked, and it raised its cry, screaming close to exhaustion.

Xiao Li was so close to it, he could clearly hear the hiccups in it, and it made him a little headache.

Zheng Yi daily cracked down on his opponent's fans: "You are so scared by this kid? Are you a man? You just need to cry, just cry?"

Ye Zeqing's face turned blue when he was angry, and he took a deep breath: "Heh, I mean this is an infant spirit, a special kind of spirit body that usually appears in aborted hospitals."

Xiao Li carried this Yingling's neck like a cat, with a slippery feel, like an earthworm.

Yingling continued to cry, crying to the point of rising and bubbling two nasal blisters.

Xiao Li looked around. He took a leaflet that had not been contaminated by Ying Ling, rolled it up against a small yellow notebook and stuffed it into his pocket, while the other hand carried Ying Ling to the tin cabinet.

The ghost in the tin cabinet was still observing the outside world through the gap, but the gap was too small, and Xiao Li and others stood behind the wall, causing the distorted person to be unable to see what was happening outside.

But one thing is certain is that it heard footsteps from far and near, and howling close together.

When Xiao Li opened the tin cabinet door from outside, he was greeted by the tin cabinet ghost's innocent smile.

...If its face is not upside down, the effect is even better.

Xiao Li looked inside the cabinet, motioned the tin cabinet ghost to move outside, then raised his hand and threw the Yingling in.

This Yingling's buttocks were facing down, as thin as a piece of paper, and it could easily fall in.

It was crying and sad, and suddenly it was stuffed into a narrow cabinet, and it was a distorted human face in sight.

Ying Ling: "............ Huh?"


The sound in the tin cabinet became more lively, and even a little echo when it reached the office, but they did not break through the unlocked tin cabinet in a unified way.

In this cheerful bgm, Xiao Li swayed his mobile phone to check the desktop and under the chairs of each workstation, and by the way, tinkered with the coffee machine on the bar outside the bathroom.

Ye Zeqing: "No power."

"I know." Xiao Li pressed the switch, no response, then he shook the coffee machine again, still no response, "but the printer can print without electricity, and the coffee machine should be able to..."

However, there is no use for eggs.

Ye Zeqing: "The printer can print things because of the Yingling. If you want coffee from the coffee machine, you may have to expect another ghost, such as a barista who died tragically."

"How miserable is the barista? He died so tragically that he still loves to make coffee for others?" Fu Guangbo was inspired to complain and couldn't help but said.

Xiao Li is a bit regretful.

Zheng Yi said: "It's okay, Hercules, next time I come to my house, I will ask you to eat top-quality handmade coffee."

Xiao Li: "...Forget it, I'm just a little curious."

Except for the entanglement with the coffee machine, there was nothing strange about this office. Soon, they walked to the opposite conference room.

The conference room is big, but because there is no visual obstruction, it can be regarded as clear at a glance.

The large projector, round table, and chairs scattered around the round table...

Nothing special.

As the end office of this floor of the office building, the president's office is also open to the reincarnations.

Xiao Li held the doorknob in his hand, pressed it down, and opened General Sun's office.

The display of facilities in the office is no different from that in daylight, except that the windows on the side are not closed, and the pots of green plants are placed in the windows.

The rain hadn't fallen outside, and the dark clouds were overwhelming. The sky looked like a torrential rain, but Mr. Sun still hadn't closed the windows, and didn't care that the rain would wet the high-quality carpet in the room.

"Are there any clues here?" Zheng Yi flashed a flashlight to the pile of documents on the table, looked at the window, and suddenly suggested, "Should we look through it?"

Before he finished speaking, he had already started, and Fu Guangbo stepped forward to help him.

The documents on the table are mostly contracts, the top one is the contract with "Avena Company".

Zheng Yi raised his flashlight and read the contract word by word: "Our company concluded a friendly agreement with Avna in April this year. Avna promised to supply our fry..."

Xiao Li didn't turn over those things. He roughly scanned the tabletop with his eyes. Without finding what he was looking for, he leaned against the window and reached out to touch the objects in the middle of the green plants.

There was nothing special about this object when he looked closer, Xiao Li lost interest after a few glances, and looked over the green plants to look out the window.

From this perspective, you can see that the lights in the whole park are all turned off, but at this time, sporadic lights are lit up in the exhibition halls, as if someone is there.

The lights in the pavilion are on and off, and will not always maintain a level of brightness.

Xiao Li closed his eyes slightly, and pulled the green plant with his fingers.

I always feel that he has overlooked...what is it?

Something subtle, something that will be overlooked if you are not paying attention.

The doll stood in his pocket, looking at the green plant, hesitated for a long time but still did not come out to save the green plant.

... After all, it's not a flower.

Zheng Yi over there has finished reading his first contract and started to look through the following stuff.

This time he learned well and only picked important ideas, roughly ranging from "How Orangutan Breeders Are Recruited" to "The Rise of the New Confectionery Industry".

When he bent over to open the drawer, Zheng Yi hesitated and looked up at Xiao Li.

In the past, this was done by Xiao Li Chong at the forefront. At this moment, Xiao Li was thinking about it as if he was troubled by a problem, so Zheng Yi wanted to share the troubles for the boss a little bit.

Before opening the drawer, he made up for many possibilities, such as a grimace suddenly appeared in the drawer, and how he would react.

But Zheng Yi soon knew that these imaginations were futile.

Because before he opened the drawer, Xiao Li had already opened his eyes and threw away the green leaves in his hand.

"What's wrong? What did you find?" Ye Zeqing didn't join Zheng Yi's "treasure hunt". He had been paying attention to Xiao Li. At this moment, seeing that his expression was different, he asked quickly.

Xiao Li raised his hand, put it on the edge of his nose and smelled the smell of the palm. It was a kind of plant-specific fishy smell, which was subtly different from the smell when hovering downstairs.

His expression moved slightly, before he could rub the green liquid in his palm onto his clothes altogether, someone had already stepped over and held his hand.

Shen Mirchi pulled out a paper towel from the paper box on President Sun's desk and carefully lowered his head to wipe the palm of his hand with Xiao Li.

The fingers of a teenager are slender and slender, and the bones are distinct. Even if they are dyed with green plant liquid as they are now, they look like jade paint, very beautiful.

The young man put his hand in his palm in turn, like holding some rare treasure, his fingertips lingered in the palm of the opponent, trying to use force but not daring to use force.

Shen Mirage only wiped it twice before being drawn back by Xiao Li.

"No need to do this," Xiao Li said indifferently, his fingertips hanging beside him naturally curled up, answering Ye Zeqing's previous question, "Let's go down."

Xiao Li opened the door of General Sun's office and walked forward quickly.

The elevator facing him was the elevator, but when Ye Zeqing and the others took it for granted that he was going down the elevator, Xiao Li turned to the left and directly pushed open the door of the safety staircase.

Zheng Yi and Ye Zeqing, who think they know Xiao Li well:? ? ?

They glanced at each other, trot three steps in one step and followed them: "Why don't you take the elevator?!"

Ye Zeqing knew that Xiao Li’s cliff was not because the elevator was dangerous, it could also be... the stairs should be faster to get to the next floor? But he changed his mind, maybe the other party could really calmly say "because walking up the stairs can better exercise" the answer.

However, Xiao Li's answer was beyond his expectation.

Xiao Li didn't slow down his steps downstairs, but at the same time, he would subtly turn his head to look at the corner of the stairs and the triangular opening on the high wall.

Ye Zeqing tried to look at it from his point of view, but saw nothing but the safety stairs that needed to be cleaned.

Xiao Li said, "Did you not hear?"

His voice was very soft, and he pointed his ears with his fingers.

Ye Zeqing's hair began to frighten in an instant.

Even when he was facing a desperate ghost, he didn’t feel like this, because Xiao Li was there at that time, but now Xiao Li seems to have seen things he couldn’t see and heard certain things. Unnecessarily sound.

Ye Zeqing turned around and asked the others behind him: "What sound? Did you hear it?"

The others shook their heads together: "No...?"

"Does the cries of those two in the big office count?"

"Don't scare me, boss."

"Hull, are you okay? What did you hear?" Ye Zeqing asked. At the same time, he was worried about whether Xiao Li was upset by a ghost, and kept his eyes suggesting the doll in his pocket.

Tan Li looked at him blankly.

Xiao Li: "A flowing voice."

Ye Zeqing was at a loss: "What flowing sound? Flowing? Air? Why can't I understand?"

At this moment, they have already moved down from the 20th floor to the 15th floor, but Xiao Li has no intention to stop. Sometimes he suddenly stops his movements, listens to the so-called "flowing sound" for a while, and then runs down. .

Zheng Yi didn't dare to disturb him at first, until when they were close to the bottom, the look on Xiao Li's face was no longer so subtle, and he said: "Hull, what are you listening to? Is it only you can hear? Why don't we feel anything?"

This time Xiao Li thought for a while, he said, "The sound of water flowing."

Soon, he denied himself again: "It shouldn't be water, it's some kind of more turbid liquid, and some fixedly mixed together, along the water pipe, have been ‘moving’ all the time—"

Halfway through Xiao Li's words, he stopped. He stopped in front of the escape door on the first floor without directly reaching out to pull the door.

Because outside the door, a dark shadow that was obliquely long and taller than ordinary people was reflected on the door.


@Say to Hercule Bot.

What's inside, my tin cabinet ghost, I just want to say, Yingling is really noisy.

Like I am not born with Ou Huang, please collect it: ( I am not born with Ou Huang's literary update the fastest.

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