I was Born in Hell

Three hundred and ninety-three. Vested interests

? Soldiers are strong and horses are strong. 35xs

Supplies piled up like a mountain.

The number of judges in the tribunal has reached three digits, all the way to more than 200, the number of punishers has reached 1,000, and there are countless ordinary guards.

The number of teams hired by the Hunter's Guild is even more astonishing, and each team has blood-stained hands and has rich combat experience.

In less than a day, the strength of both sides has already raised a large amount of manpower and equipment, the number of people has reached tens of thousands, and evolutionists and hunters account for the majority.

fear! !

The strength of these two forces can only be described as terror.

Thinking back carefully, when the apocalypse just started a year ago, every evolutionary was so rare, every hunter was so rare, but now there are more than 10,000 people gathered, ready to start a battle with the tide of corpses A decisive battle.

At this very moment... the official army at the base is arguing about it.

At the conference table, the atmosphere of the various forces was tense, and the opinions of the leaders were not unified, and they quarreled to the point of jealousy.

"I refuse to send troops!!"

"Our Twilight Alliance is at the best stage of development, and the situation at the Panshan base is still unclear. Let's take a step back... In the last days, even human beings have difficulty in protecting themselves, and now they are going to help others? ?”

"That's right, who will bear the loss??"

"Saving the Panshan base consumes a lot of material and manpower, so what should we do in the Dawn Alliance? What if a wave of corpses takes the opportunity to attack us?"

Many officials were chattering and arguing, but they just refused to take out the military power in their hands. In their eyes, the Panshan base was hopeless, and going to the rescue now was simply sending them to death. 35xs

They are right, it is reasonable to refuse to fight. Human nature is full of selfishness, and most people will not make such a "stupid" decision if they hold the power and hand it over to others to die.

Snapped! !

The table was slapped hard.

A man who seemed to be very young, but his eyes were full of vicissitudes slowly stood up.

He was none other than Xia Cunjian, a high-ranking military officer who was imprisoned some time ago and was later wronged.


Xia Cunjian's eyes were cold and cold, and he said these four words lightly, which caused dissatisfaction among a large number of high-level executives in the conference room.

"Bastard, what are you talking about!!"

A leader with a fiery temper was about to take out a pistol and aim at Xia Cunjian. At this moment, a straight and slender leg drew a perfect arc, and Adjutant Han Xue, who was beside Xia Cunjian, pulled him away several meters away with a whip leg.

The conference room was suddenly much quieter. Several people shut their mouths knowingly and silently watched this one of the most powerful figures in the Dawn Alliance.

They all know that Xia Cunjian's power is no longer what it used to be. Although he was imprisoned in the dungeon for a period of time, it was to support the secret operation of the "Adjudication Office". Zhong was released, and because of the backing of the tribunal, his status naturally rose steadily.

"I have experienced the fall of cities and the despair of military bases being completely destroyed."

"I wandered like a stray dog ​​and fled to this place. May I ask if anyone present has experienced the siege of corpses, and which one has felt the powerless horror?"

Xia Cunjian's words made people look at each other in blank dismay.

Although everyone has experienced countless storms and waves, not everyone has experienced such a thing as a wave of corpses attacking the city.

"Rescuing the Panshan base will kill many people, your rights will be weakened, and your interests will be seriously lost..."

Xia Cunjian directly pointed out the darkness in the hearts of those "vested interests\

,"Everyone is unwilling to lose the precious soldiers and resources in their hands in such trivial matters of rescue, thereby weakening their own strength.

Snapped! !

Xia Cunjian slapped his palm on the table again, almost roaring angrily: "But if the army of corpses really surrounds the entire Dawn Alliance, city-states will be destroyed one by one, our golden wheat fields will all be trampled, and countless alien species will be destroyed." Launching a devastating attack, can the power and power in your hands really resist it??"

"wake up."

"This month, three military bases have been destroyed, the next one is the Panshan base, and the next one is us."

Xia Cunjian's voice became louder and louder, hitting people's hearts like drumsticks: "We are not the Holy Mother, let alone a bad person who rescues for free. Even if the rescue fails, the benefits to us far outweigh the harm."

"You don't want your soldiers to be frightened when they face the tide of corpses in the future, do you?"

"We will fight the rotting monsters in other people's territory, and we will use all weapons to engage the enemy."

"Incendiary bombs, neutron bombs, gas bombs, and even nuclear bombs... All battles will be fought on other people's territory. Our fighters will gain rich experience, and we will also gain valuable combat data. There are more Experience dealing with those aliens."

"Generals, who wants a nuclear bomb to explode at their door?"

Xia Cunjian's words became more and more crazy.

He didn't want to be a badass and save the other party for no reason. The generals in the conference room were all shocked by these words.

Combat experience.

Precious data for the decisive battle against the tide of corpses! !

On the battlefield in the future, do you hope to get a group of veterans with rich experience and ease of use, or recruits who are scared to pee their pants when they see the tide of corpses? ?

They will use various weapons of mass destruction on the battlefield, which one is more effective, which one is used improperly, and which one is suitable for use at their own doorstep. These are extremely valuable experiences.

The generals in the conference room were breathing heavily.

In the corner, a mutant full of wild charm, the Leopard Queen who guards the city-state stood up first: "Interesting, I represent the aliens who guard the city-state and participate in this war!"

On the other side, a certain general also stood up slowly: "I am willing to give half of my soldiers to participate in the battlefield, but the commander must be Xia Cunjian yourself!!"

"I am willing too, but all battle data must be made public among the combatants."

"In that case, I will also participate. Recently, the arsenal has developed several new weapons, which are just for testing."

Several giants in the meeting room saw the real "benefits".

Although a large number of soldiers and supplies will be lost in this rescue, if their fighters can be "upgraded" to become experienced and turn some recruits into veterans on the battlefield, it will definitely be considered worthwhile.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime training opportunity.

More and more people agree to join this support, only a few stubborn conservatives are unwilling to lose a point of their own interests.

Xia Cunjian sneered secretly.

He seems to have seen that in the not-too-distant future, although the power of this group of people can grow and expand in a short period of time, they will be squeezed to the point where there is no room for survival in the face of more and more experienced competitors...



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