I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 570 Sixth Formation, Fifth Formation—Breakthrough! [six thousand words]

"Ittosai..." Inamori murmured, subconsciously squinting at Matsudaira Sadanobu who was also in a state of astonishment beside him.

Before, he had always ignored Matsudaira Sadanobu's idea that "Ogata Ittosai might ask for reinforcements" - but he never thought that Matsudaira Sadanobu's long-standing worries would come true.

At this time, the messenger sent by Gui Yizheng also reported another important piece of information: the cavalry brought by Ogata Iktosai were Lucian cavalry.

Although the question of "who brought this cavalry team over" was resolved, more questions emerged.

Why did Ogata Ittosai bring people to attack them?

Is Ogata Ittosai still connected with the Lucians? Can you invite Ogata Yidao Zhai?

What does Ogata Ittosai want to do? Do you want to take our army directly, or do you just want to harass us?


Although all kinds of questions squeezed together, Inamori felt that his head was aching, but at this moment, he instinctively quickly displayed the qualities that he should have as the commander-in-chief of the entire army.

He regained his composure quickly, and then looked around.

All the generals in this formation are now in a state similar to "petrification" because they learned the name of the attacker.

Inamori, who knew he had to find a way to revive everyone's morale, after a few moments of contemplation, said loudly:

"I'm still wondering which idiot dared to attack our army formation! It turned out to be Ogata Ittosai, a lunatic who has been changing ways to fight against our shogunate!"

"Hmph! Since he personally led this cavalry team, it's just in time!"

"There are less than a hundred cavalry under his command."

"And our army has tens of thousands of people!"

"With less than a hundred people against ten thousand people, I have the advantage!"

"No matter how sharp his Ogata Yidaosai's sword is, can it still defeat our 10,000 army?"

"No matter how powerful his skills are, there is only one person after all! There will be a time when his physical strength is exhausted!"

"When his strength is exhausted,

It is I who will get rid of this scourge and leave my name in the history books! "

Inamori's cadenced and impassioned speech succeeded in boosting the morale of many generals in the formation as Inamori wished.

Some of the generals, probably to further embolden themselves, said loudly:

"That's right! Master Inamori is right! No matter what we say, there is no way we can't even deal with cavalry with less than a hundred men!"

"Is there something wrong with this Ogata Yidaosai? Why does he come to trouble our army so frequently? This is the third time he has attacked our army, right?"

"Kill that executioner!"


Looking at the changes in the surrounding generals, Inamori secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Inamori turned his head and shifted his gaze back to the direction of the 6th formation that was being ravaged by Ogata and others.

He has now conveyed the order to defend against the enemy to all the generals in the army, and has done everything that can be done.

All he can do now is to pray for the generals and troops to intercept and defeat Ogata Yidaosai as soon as possible...



Team 6——

After rushing all the way to this point, Ogata has turned a man into a blood man, and a horse into a blood horse, just like Shura from hell.

And the appearance of Skulucci and others behind him is also extremely terrifying because their bodies are splattered with blood.

Originally, the Don horse used by Ogata and the others was extremely large, taller than many samurai.

Ogata and the others, who were riding on horses that were exceptionally tall in the eyes of generally short generals, already felt extremely oppressive.

The bloody appearance of Ogata and the others made this oppressive feeling even more intense, and made the generals of the shogunate feel suffocated even more.

Many soldiers were stunned by the appearance of Ogata and the others, and they froze in place.

Of course—these generals who were frightened by the bloody appearance of Ogata and others were only a minority.

Most of the soldiers were frightened by the banner behind Ogata... To be precise, they were frightened by the name "Ogata Ichitosai".

This was Ogata's purpose of revealing his true face, of tying this flag to the saddle.

The reason why the big flag with the painting "Xufang Yishi, the unparalleled sword in the world" was tied to the horse was not only to keep Skulucci and others from losing their way—it was also to make the generals of the shogunate army We all know: Ogata Yishi is coming!

What Ogata did was to use "psychological warfare" to destroy the fighting spirit of the shogunate generals.

Judging from the current results of the battle - Ogata's "psychological warfare" was quite successful.

Ogata had already heard many soldiers wailing words similar to "It's Ogata Yidao Zhai" while fleeing in a hurry.

In order to further intensify the fear of the generals and destroy their fighting spirit and morale, Ogata never showed mercy to all the generals who blocked his way forward.

Just like now - there is a soldier dressed in ashigaru in front of him, roaring and rushing towards Ogata.

Ogata is now fully immersed in the word "breakthrough", so facing the three ashigaru who are rushing towards him, Ogata immediately calculated the distance between the two sides like a conditioned reflex, and swung his sword to kill the three ashigaru. Soldiers cut down.

Da da da……

There was the sound of hooves ahead.

According to the reputation - it is a general wearing a mighty battle armor, riding a horse and holding a knife to kill Ogata.

Behind the general, only twenty or so infantry followed.

To be able to wear such a luxurious battle armor, its level must be a general in the army and above.

He led such a small force to meet him, probably because the time was too urgent to mobilize too many troops.

"I am the general of the Morioka Clan—Takeshi Yoshimura!"

The military general announced his house loudly.

However, Ogata didn't pay attention to hear this guy's name at all.

Ogata, who is in a hurry now, is not sensitive to self-introduction of his family name and so on - and he is not interested in listening to the self-introduction of a dying person.

The two rushed straight at each other.

The weapons used by Ogata and this Yoshimura Meng are both swords. Although Da Shitian's length is longer and Ogata's arm span is also larger, the attack distance of the two is actually not much different.

When the horses of the two were about to cross each other, Yoshimura grabbed the knife tightly in his hand and wanted to slash at Ogata's horse.

Ogata also gripped the knife at the same moment.

The timing of the two swords is the same - but the speed and strength of the two are too far apart.

Just as Yoshimura was about to swing the sword, Ogata's slash had already been swung.

Sakakibara Ichidou Ryu.

The horizontal knife light swept across the head of Yoshimura's war horse, and after cutting off the horse's head in one go, it swept towards Yoshimura's neck without losing momentum.

Yoshimura Meng's head was chopped off almost at the same time as his horse's head. The human body and horse body that lost their heads fell to the ground weakly.

General: Yoshimura Takeshi - die in battle!

Yoshimura was suddenly killed by Ogata, and the twenty or so infantry soldiers he brought were all scattered by Ogata and others.

Ogata guessed: This general who was beheaded by him just now should not be some unknown general. Because after defeating the general, Ogata clearly heard the dense screams and wailing from the surroundings, and the defeat speed of the generals in front of him also accelerated further.



The 6th formation, this formation——

"Damn it! What the hell is Kuroda doing! Why didn't he lead someone over to intercept Ogata Yidaosai!"

Gui Yizheng looked at Ogata and the others who were getting closer to him with panicked eyes, and then looked at Kuroda's direction with anxious eyes from time to time.

He had just sent an order to Kuroda to lead his troops over as soon as possible to hold back Ogata's footsteps and buy time for his formation.

However—until now, he hadn't seen Kuroda's figure.

Gui Yizheng didn't know that while he was waiting hard for Kuroda's help, Kuroda was very "leisurely" now.



6th formation, flank——

"Hurry up!" Kuroda yelled loudly to a senior general beside him, "Hurry up and gather more people! The current strength can't stop that bandit army!"

The general servant did not dare to resist Kuroda, and after a loud echo, he turned and left to carry out Kuroda's task of "gathering more troops".

After the waiter general left, Kuroda turned his gaze back to the direction where the main formation of the sixth formation was about to be attacked.

——Lord Gui, please ask for blessings.

Kuroda said silently in his heart.

——I can't help it... I don't want to die.

In the short period of time just now, Kuroda's state of mind has undergone an earth-shaking change.

When he first learned that there was an attack by bandits and received an order from Gui Yizheng to "stop the bandits", Kuroda was full of enthusiasm and wanted to fight hard.

But when he used the binoculars to check the enemy's situation, he saw Ogata's familiar face, and Kuroda's blood immediately cooled down.

The scene where Ogata killed three of their "Seven Guns of Xianzhou" in one breath is still deeply engraved in Kuroda's mind, leaving a deep psychological impression on Kuroda. shadow.

So after seeing Ogata's face, Kuroda quickly changed his mind: What bandits? I don't know yeah~~

But Kuroda couldn't say clearly that he feared the enemy like a tiger and would do nothing. So Kuroda chose to use "during" as a disguise.

Kuroda has been deliberately using the excuse of "this number is not enough" to ask his subordinates to gather more troops, in order to delay time, and intends to delay until Ogata leaves the sixth formation.

After Ogata was far away, he led his men to chase after him in a pretentious manner.

Kuroda secretly rejoiced - Qiuyue is not here now.

Qiuyue is recuperating in the big camp behind them because her injury is far from healed.

If Qiuyue was present, Kuroda could tell that—Qiuyue, whose brain was far less flexible than Kuroda's, would definitely stop Ogata desperately.



The 6th formation, this formation——

"Master Gui! Let's go! If you delay any longer! The bandit army is about to kill you!"

A general standing next to Gui Yizheng persuaded Gui Yizheng to flee quickly with a look that was about to cry.

Gui Yizheng's facial features are now all twisted together due to emotional entanglements.

The samurai education he received from an early age told him that it is shameful to run away.

But his desire to survive told him: Although running away is shameful, life-saving is more important...

Ogata was now only 20 steps away from him, and the distance was so close that Gui Yizheng could see clearly that half of Ogata's face was already splattered with blood.

And his spear array——still doesn't even have a prototype.

Gui Yi was struggling, and finally—the desire to survive defeated the honor of the warrior.

He hurriedly rode his war horse, and dodged away from Ogata.

Gui Yizheng dodged in time, and he dodged Ogata's butcher's knife.

After Gui Yizheng fled the position, the defense of the 6th formation also completely collapsed.

Like chasing a fleeing lamb, Ogata pursued the generals who were already fleeing in front of him.

Team 6 - Breakthrough!

Although the soldiers of the 6th and 7th formations did not stop Ogata at all, they also bought time for the defensive deployment of the rear troops.

When Ogata and the others broke through the 6th formation and were about to launch an assault on the 5th formation, they suddenly discovered that the soldiers of the 5th formation had already set up their gun formations, waiting for them.

It's just that due to lack of time, the spear formations lined up by the soldiers of the fifth formation... To put it bluntly, they are tattered, with gaps everywhere.

The dense spear formation is the natural enemy of the cavalry, and no cavalry has ever been able to break through the dense spear formation.

But on the other hand - the sparse gun array that is not dense is just a slightly harder paper to the cavalry.

Ogata casually found a gap closest to him and launched an assault.

He swung his knife in big circles one after another, and Ogata was becoming more and more proficient at swinging a knife on horseback. Wherever the blade passed, the generals of the shogunate army were either killed or injured.

Ogata expanded the small gap in the spear formation by himself, and the subsequent Cossack cavalry followed the gap like a long dragon and rushed into the fifth formation.

It is different from the 6th and 7th arrays. The soldiers in the 4th and 5th formations are all soldiers from the 3rd Army (Aizu Army).

Although the generals of the Aizu Army are far more elite than those of other troops, no matter how elite they are, the generals of the Aizu Army are still human.

In the face of the enemy cavalry suddenly attacking from the rear, there is no way to quickly complete the defensive deployment. It can also be exhausting and frightening.

The news of "attack in the rear" and "rusher: Ogata Yishi" has already spread to the positions of the 4th and 5th formations.

Facing the successive bad news, the generals were already in a state of panic, but after seeing Ogata break through two formations in a row and reach their fifth formation, the panic intensified uncontrollably .

Where the light of the sword passed, there must be blood flashing. The soldiers of the fifth formation faced Ogata's onslaught, like rice cut by a sickle.

Wherever the "sickle" of Ogata and the others harvested, the corpses would be discharged there.

Compared with the generals whose morale and fighting spirit were in an avalanche, Skulucci and others led by Ogata, their fighting will was like a flame pouring thick oil, constantly rising.

If you are brave, you will be brave, and if you are a bear, you will be a bear—this is an eternal truth.

Ogata led them, smashing through two thousand-strong shogunate army formations like a shattering one. Ogata's bravery far exceeded the imagination of Skulucci, who was more familiar with Ogata.

Sculucci asked himself: If he were to play forward, he would definitely not be able to achieve this effect.

Even Skulucci, who was more familiar with Ogata, was frightened by Ogata's current bravery, let alone other people.

In the eyes of others, Ogata now seems to be possessed by the Archangel Michael.

Ogata's bravery made the Cossacks all excited. Because of their high emotions, they forgot their physical fatigue and became more and more courageous as they fought.

Some of the generals who stood in front of them were directly killed by the blade.

Some were hit head-on by war horses, and when they landed, even if they did not die, they only had one breath left.

Some were very unlucky—after being knocked into the air by war horses, they were trampled into meat paste by the hooves of the horses that arrived later, or they were trampled to death by their terrified own people.

The shogunate soldiers who have been using the pony produced in Japan did not expect that the combination of man and horse can form such a killing machine, and wherever it passes, it will be bloody.

Under the beam of light that fell after the dark clouds dissipated, the Cossack cavalry led by Kazuto kept waving their sabers, and group after group of generals trying to intercept the cavalry rushed forward. They charged, attacked, intercepted , and then—death, leaving only corpses on the ground.

Some of the soldiers who couldn't stand the terror brought by Ogata screamed in horror, shoved and squeezed, making the already chaotic army formation even more chaotic.

After leaving another place of corpses, Ogata's sickle successfully penetrated the entire fifth formation from south to north.

Team 5 - Breakthrough!



When Ogata just started attacking the sixth formation, someone on the city wall of the Red Moon Fortress noticed that there seemed to be something strange in the Japanese formation outside the city.

It wasn't until the 6th formation was broken through and the 5th formation was defeated that the Ainu people on the city wall were finally convinced that reinforcements were coming!

"Look, everyone!"

A certain Ainu shouted.

"It's reinforcements! Reinforcements are attacking He's army formation!"

The Ainu's voice was very loud, and most of the people on the city wall - including Qianup, Shendu and others heard his shout.

"Reinforcements..." Shendu, holding the Japanese sword and still maintaining the stance of drawing the sword, looked out of the city blankly, "Why are there reinforcements coming... Where are the reinforcements from?"

Compared to Shendu whose face was only covered with the emotion of "doubt", the expression on Chanup's face was much more complicated.

He stared blankly at the cavalry team fighting outside the city.

Although the distance was too far to see the whole picture of the cavalry, Chanup knew who brought the cavalry.

"I can't thank you enough..." Chanup, with reddish eyes, murmured in a low trembling voice, "So... it took only 13 days to get back..."

More and more people discovered the cavalry that suddenly broke out outside the city, and discovered the bloody battle outside the city.

On the inner wall of the Red Moon Fortress, a strange "truce" appeared.

Be it Kazuto or Ainu, all of them were attracted by the battle outside the city, and then showed various expressions.

The Ainu people looked hopeful.

And the people are panic-stricken.

"Where did these reinforcements come from? Why did they attack Heren?"

"It doesn't matter where it comes from! As long as it helps us deal with Kazuto!"

"These reinforcements are so few in number!"

"It's small, but look! Kazuto is completely defeated! Maybe he can defeat Kazuto in one go!"

"Quick! Destroy these and people!"


On the city wall, the Ainu people who had become disheartened because they felt that there was no hope of defending the city, the flames in their chests were rekindled with the flames of hope due to the arrival of Ogata.

Many people spontaneously supported Ogata and others who were fighting, even though they knew that their voices could not be heard at all.



The shogunate army, the main line of the army——

The generals in this formation have been stretching their necks, trying to observe the battle situation.

After seeing Ogata break through their 7th, 6th, and 5th formations, and start to attack the 4th formation, their expressions at the moment are quite exciting.

They looked at each other in dismay, and what they wanted to say had been engraved on their slightly terrified expressions.

"They're still rushing straight in...without any intention of leaving or changing direction...their target...couldn't be...our army's main formation...?"

I don't know who said that with a slightly trembling voice.

Although the sound of this voice was not loud, it was just enough for everyone in the formation to hear clearly.

The general's words expressed the anxious questions that everyone had been circling in their minds since just now.

"Damn it, Ichitosai..." Inamori gritted his teeth, "Do you want to imitate Yukimura's final blow in the Osaka Summer Battle..."

Sanada Yukimura, in the final decisive battle two hundred years ago to decide whether the surname of the world is Tokugawa or Toyotomi: In the battle of Osaka Xia, seeing that the odds of winning are slim, he pretended to be the last fight-leading the cavalry to attack the Tokugawa army's main formation , intending to directly take the commander-in-chief of the Tokugawa Army: The deeds of the leader of Tokugawa Ieyasu are naturally no strangers to generals like Inamori.

"My lord!" A certain general seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, and shouted at Inamori, "The bandit army is almost here! Let's retreat!"

Inamori's home team is between the 3rd and 4th teams. And Ogata has already begun to attack the fourth formation, which means that if Inamori and the others don't withdraw quickly, their main formation will be completely exposed to the front of Ogata's troops.

Inamori is in a very bad mood right now.

After hearing the general's suggestion to retreat, Inamori finally couldn't bear it anymore, and threw the counterweight in his palm to the ground, roaring:

"The 7th formation, the 6th formation, and the 5th formation—a total of 3,000 troops in the three formations, can no one stop this executioner?!"

Under Inamori's roar, all the generals in the formation lowered their heads one after another, not daring to say even half a word, for fear of offending Inamori's current bad luck.



The author fulfilled his promise today and added a 6,000-word chapter. This kind of fight scene has always been difficult to write, so it has been difficult to increase the output...

I just want to humbly ask for a monthly pass (Leopard Head Cries.jpg) Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass!

In the "Writer's Words" of this volume, I released the information of the final volume that will be serialized soon, and those who are interested can take a look~~

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