I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 231 The shogunate army is dispatched! (superior)

Inamori's complexion is very bad now.

Because he was very dissatisfied with Hanjing Zongxuan's late behavior.

According to the original plan, Zongxuan Banjing, the doctor in charge of the second research on ogres, should have arrived here the night before.

But for unknown reasons, Banjing's car was suddenly delayed for nearly 2 days along the way.

Only now has it come slowly.

As a soldier, Inamori is naturally extremely sensitive to time.

I hate this kind of late behavior even more.

If this person was his subordinate, he would definitely punish this guy who didn't know what to do and dared to be late for so long in accordance with military law.

It's a pity - Sogen Hani is not Inamori's subordinate.

At the same time, because Banjing Zongxuan is the general's personal doctor, after Banjing came, not only could he not lose his temper, but he had to greet him in a friendly manner.

Thinking of this, Inamori's face became extremely ugly because of being aggrieved.

The distant skyline suddenly kicked up dust.

Looking at the cloud of dust raised, Inamori raised his eyebrows.

"Everyone, Mr. Banjing is coming." Inamori turned his head and said to the subordinates behind him, "Cheer up."

After all, Inamori took the lead in cleaning the armor on his body.

Needless to say to outsiders, Inamori knew that his current expression must be very stinky.

So after trimming the armor on his body, he rubbed his face vigorously, reorganized the expression on his face, and tried to make his face as gentle as possible.

As more and more sand and dust were raised, a group of cars gradually floated up from the horizon, revealing their complete appearance.

There are 2 carriages in this team, and there are more than 20 cavalry on the periphery of these 2 carriages for personal protection.

These more than 20 cavalrymen were all dressed in fiery red armor, with flag fingers inserted on their backs, and the military flag painted with "shamrock pattern" fluttered in the wind behind them.

Judging from the riding movements of the more than 20 cavalrymen and the level of their equipment, it is not difficult to see that all of the more than 20 cavalrymen are elite soldiers.

Looking at the more than 20 cavalry in fiery red armor, Inamori frowned involuntarily.

He saw the identities of these more than 20 cavalry at a glance: they belonged directly to the general, and they were the most elite cavalry team of the Edo shogunate - the red squadron.

The Red Army can be regarded as one of the troops with the longest history in the Edo Shogunate.

Since Tokugawa Ieyasu learned Takeda's military system and established the "Tokugawa Red Army", the "Tokugawa Red Army" has a history of more than 200 years.

To this day, the Chibei team is still the most elite cavalry team of their Edo shogunate, directly commanded by the general, and the total number has been maintained at about 1,000.

Only banner samurai who are proficient in martial arts have the opportunity to join the Chibei. Therefore, although the Chibei team is small in size, its combat power is amazing. It is their well-deserved ace division of the Edo Shogunate.

The reason why Inamori frowned involuntarily after seeing the twenty or so red cavalrymen was because - an escort team of this level seemed a bit too grand...

Inamori knew that Sogen Hani was the general's doctor and one of the most skilled doctors in the Edo shogunate, but Inamori felt that his status should not be so noble that he needed to send so many red cavalry to escort him... …

Moreover, there were 2 carriages in this team - this also made Inamori very puzzled.

Before Daomori had time to explain himself, the team of cars had already arrived in front of them.

After suppressing his full of questions for the time being, Inamori led the generals behind him and hurriedly greeted the driver in front of him.

The door of one of the two carriages was opened, and a middle-aged man with a shaved head who was neither fat nor thin walked out of the carriage slowly.

Inamori had met Sogen Bani several times before, so Inamori recognized at a glance that this person was Banai.

"Master Banjing." Inamori put on a polite smile on his face and saluted Hanjing, "Long time no see."

"Master Inamori." After Inamori bowed to him, Hanai quickly returned the salute, with an apologetic smile on his face, "Thank you for coming to welcome me."

Inamori had never liked such polite occasions, and he only wanted to take Banai into the camp as soon as possible, and end this tedious welcome task.

"Master Banai! Please!"

After casually exchanging a few pleasantries with Banjing, Inamori turned his body to one side, and then made a gesture of "please" towards the military camp behind him.

However—Hamii was unmoved.

After showing a wry smile at Inamori, Banai said softly:

"Master Inamori, I am not the only one who has come to your place this time."

Just when Inamori was puzzled by what Banjing said just now, several red cavalrymen opened the door of another carriage located behind the carriage that Banjing was riding in.

Afterwards, a middle-aged man slowly walked out of the carriage along the opened door, and then showed a faint smile to Inamori:

"Long time no see, Inamori-sama."

"Master Shenshan?!" Inamori exclaimed.

This middle-aged man was none other than Koshinosuke Kamiyama, who was dispatched temporarily by the shogunate to take charge of the material deployment of the army responsible for monitoring Butterfly Island after the "Ogre Rebellion" broke out in Kyoto Town and Butashima.

While Inamori was still wondering why Shenshan appeared here, another middle-aged man followed Shenshan and walked out of the carriage.

The appearance of this middle-aged man caused Inamori's pupils to shrink suddenly in shock.

Then, like an instinctive reaction, Inamori immediately knelt down on one knee and said loudly to the middle-aged man:

"My lord!"

"Inamori." The middle-aged man smiled slightly at Inamori, "We haven't seen each other for a while."

The middle-aged man who appeared in front of Inamori was none other than the current elder of the Edo Shogunate—Sadanobu Matsudaira.

Kneeling on one knee, Inamori was puzzled as to why Matsudaira Sadanobu came here, but at the same time he also understood why the convoy was escorted by the red team.

Nakamatsu Taira, who is under one person and over ten thousand people, is in this team of cars. It is normal and reasonable to dispatch the most elite cavalry to escort.

"My lord!" Inamori said respectfully, "Why did you come here?"

"Of course I came to see the famous ogre." Dingxin Songping said in an unhurried tone, "I also wanted to come here temporarily, so I didn't tell anyone that I wanted to come to Ji Yi. "

"About the rebuilding of Kyoto after the 'Tianming Fire', I want to ask Shenshan about some details, so I brought Shenshan here, and I can discuss with Shenshan in the carriage while rushing here. about Kyoto."

"Okay, Inamori, let's stop the gossip for now, take me to see the legendary ogre. It is for this purpose that I came to Kii."

"Now?" Inamori asked suspiciously.

"That's right, now." Matsudaira Sadanobu said firmly.

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