Wu Guangyao brought Keira, Chris, the private consultant team, and the Oriental Media Group team to the headquarters of the British "News of the World".

After "News of the World" entered the management team of Oriental Media Group, its painting style changed immediately, and a large number of breaking news was used, and it was common to involve explosives and emperors;

Because of this, the sales volume of "News of the World" has risen rapidly, from 300,000 copies per issue, to now it has stabilized at more than 1 million copies per issue.

Although some British scholars and officials will criticize the explosion and the emperor, but it can't change anything. Why do Europeans and Americans like to watch it!

After the "News of the World" came back to life, the Oriental Media Group united with a group of small shareholders to drive out the original "News of the World" chairman Carl, and supported one of the small shareholders to come to power.

Miller, the new chairman of "News of the World", was very surprised to see that Keira was also among the group!

Because Miller knew Kaila, who is one of the wealthiest women in Europe and the boss of the retail overlord Metro Group.

Miller quickly reacted, and said flatteringly: "Mr. Wu, you are welcome to inspect the work! Welcome, Ms. Keira! Welcome everyone!"

No way, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. After Miller received part of the shares of the Carl family, his shareholding was only 15%, while the shareholding of Oriental Media Group has reached 49%;

In addition, many of the management team and editorial team of "News of the World" were brought over from Hong Kong Island, mastering the core competitiveness of "News of the World".

In fact, Miller is also just a pawn of Wu Guangyao. Sooner or later, the European and American media businesses will be taken over by the Wu family in Europe.

"Hello, Mr. Miller!"

After the greeting, everyone held talks in the conference room.

Wu Guangyao presided over the meeting and said, "The one next to me is Ms. Kaila, the boss of the Metro Group. I believe many of you know each other."

Everyone nodded, Keira got up and briefly introduced herself, neatly.

Entering the main part of the meeting, Wu Guangyao asked everyone in the first sentence: "Are you only satisfied with a weekly newspaper?"

A small shareholder said: "Mr. Wu, you mean to run a daily newspaper?"

Wu Guangyao shook his head,

No talking!

Miller said tentatively: "Acquire a daily newspaper!"

Wu Guangyao nodded, and said, "In shopping malls, the siege area will always develop the fastest, and the only way to develop in a dull way is to be conquered by others!"

After Wu Guangyao uttered these words, all his own people looked at Wu Guangyao adoringly!

Everyone was thinking in their hearts that this sentence must be written down as a quotation from the boss.

A small shareholder waited for everyone to calm down before saying, "But the company doesn't have enough money to buy a daily newspaper!"

Wu Guangyao asked back: "Then let me ask you, do you think making money is important?"

The small shareholder said: "Naturally, we are willing to support your Oriental Media Group and drive away the Karl family for the sake of making money!"

Wu Guangyao nodded, speaking very bluntly, it was in line with his taste.

"That's right! Since it's for money, the bigger the company grows, the more money you will make. After investigation and evaluation, my team has targeted the Zuoyi newspaper "The Sun" this time. "The Sun" The sales volume of "Newspaper" has dropped from 1.5 million copies to 1.1 million copies in recent years, and it is facing a sale situation. Therefore, I predict that this newspaper can be won for only 1.5 million pounds, and the rest will be handed over to us. Guarantee that within half a year, it will undergo earth-shaking changes."

After hearing Wu Guangyao's grand goal, the minority shareholders were amazed!

Wu Guangyao went on to say: "So, we need to raise 1.5 million pounds. Everyone can voluntarily decide whether to raise funds or not; if they don't want to, the shares will be diluted at a fair price."

Fundraising and dilution are all powerful tools for major shareholders;

For example, the Karl family was ousted because the Oriental Media Group has attracted a group of small shareholders, holding 60% of the shares;

If everyone attacks the Carl family, then you take the money and leave decently, then wait for the company to hold a board meeting to raise funds and dilute your shares;

Also, come down from the chairmanship of "News of the World" first!

After some discussions, everyone decided to form the Star Media Group, and determined a new equity agreement: Oriental Media Group holds 30%, Metro Group holds 35%, Miller holds 15%, and the remaining minority shareholders hold 20%.

Miller originally had insufficient funds, but Wu Guangyao agreed to lend him part of the funds to keep the 15% stake unchanged.

For Wu Guangyao to do this, he naturally hoped that this puppet would be obedient!

As the Metro Group has become a major shareholder, Wu Guangyao is also worried that the acquisition of the British "The Sun" will be criticized. After all, although Wu Guangyao is a Hong Kong citizen, he is not a British citizen.

Three days later, Star Media Group acquired The Sun from the media tycoon Rupert Murdoch as it wished, which immediately caused a great disturbance in the UK.

After all, "The Sun" is a newspaper with a daily sales volume of millions of copies. Now that it is acquired by an unknown media company, it has naturally attracted widespread attention.

Wu Guangyao is not afraid. The chairman of Star Media Group is not himself, nor is the major shareholder. Even the president of Oriental Media has been handed over to Yang Kang.

In the Star Media meeting room

Wu Guangyao made three points:

"First, the editors of "The Sun" must follow our way. Those who are not willing to follow should be eliminated quickly and strictly. We don't raise waste."

"Secondly, "The Sun" is the daily newspaper of "News of the World". Its main target customers are people with low and middle levels of education. The news of "The Sun" is edited with abstract news (shorten the content and express it accurately.)"

"Third, intensify promotions, don't consider making money in the early stage, and mainly consider sales growth."

After three o'clock, Wu Guangyao's task will be considered complete, and the essence of Murdoch's later generations will be explained by himself. It depends on these people whether they understand it or not.

Those who do not understand, find someone who can understand.

After the meeting was over, Keira said worriedly: "Husband, if Star Media continues to develop like this, it will be blamed by others."

Wu Guangyao nodded and did not deny it, but if he didn't do this, how could he break out of the European and American media industry!

"So I let Miller be the chairman, and we are more of an investor! If Miller is sensible, the chairman will always do it for him. We only need to be behind the scenes to reduce the impact on us as much as possible."

Keira didn't say anything more. The media group is indeed very important to the Wu family in Europe, which is equivalent to a sharp weapon.

Just when Wu Guangyao was about to leave the UK, an invitation made Wu Guangyao's mouth twitch uncontrollably!

10 Downing Street

Wu Guangyao and Prime Minister Wilson talked and laughed, they were very friendly!

It turned out that when Wilson heard that Zuo Yi's newspaper "The Sun" had been bought by someone, he quickly ordered people to investigate, and Wu Guangyao was finally found.

Wilson is the representative of the Labor Party's Left Yi, so he is naturally very nervous to support his newspaper being bought by someone!

"Mr. Yingxiang, I personally support you. I believe that Star Media is also a supporter of the Labor Party! Of course, the chairman of Star Media is Mr. Miller, the major shareholder is Metro Group, and Oriental Media is just an investor. It's just business. .”

"Haha, Mr. Wu misunderstood, I came to you to catch up on the old days, and I hope Mr. Wu will invest more in the UK!"

After a friendly exchange between the two, they separated!

Wilson may be threatening, meaning that Star Media will continue to support the Labor Party!

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