I Want To Be a Rich Man on Hong Kong Island

Chapter 386 [Partial Acquisition - China-Pakistan Mu0026A Battle II]

Although Yalong has three acquisition directions, there is a sequence. First of all, it is natural to secretly absorb odd stocks in the public market.

The newly established Everbright Securities came in handy, and then hired HSBC to proceed simultaneously.

At the same time, Dongfang Media is also cooperating with this acquisition, so it will write a lot of negative news about China and Brazil.

Yan Chengkun's frugality and diligence, and doing everything by himself is one of the factors for his success, and it is also the main factor that led to the decline of his bus kingdom.

Although China and Pakistan have developed rapidly in recent years, with the improvement of the quality of life of citizens, the market has also put forward higher requirements for the quality of bus services;

However, Yan Chengkun still firmly believes that citizens only need low-cost bus services, continues to maintain the low-cost operation policy of China-Pakistan, and refuses to modernize China-Pakistan.

Yan Chengkun's increasingly conservative management policy has made CMB present an old and dilapidated scene: the headquarters building for more than 30 years is dilapidated and under repair, the vehicles are old and dilapidated, the shifts are insufficient, and the morale of the employees is low.

The most important thing is that citizens often have nowhere to complain and complain about CMB.

The newspapers and periodicals under Oriental Media took advantage of this and wantonly attacked China-Pakistan's business strategy, which greatly affected the public affairs of Hong Kong Island.

The purpose of doing this is to lower the stock price of CMB and let some small and medium investors throw away their shares.

Of course, Oriental Media has factual basis, otherwise the citizens are not fools!

"That's a good point! Every time I take a CMB bus, it's overcrowded and the service attitude is poor! Thinking that Hong Kong Island's economic level has gradually increased over the years, the service level of this bus is still declining. It's a shame." A victim After seeing the newspaper, the reader couldn't help but agree.

The colleague next to him also echoed: "There is no competition, these bosses are monopolistic, so they don't think about us citizens at all, they only know how to make money. If you want me to say, CMB should change the boss, then Yan Chengkun buckle The detainees have harmed us ordinary citizens."

"You're right, you can't be careless about public relations!"

Citizens joined the discussion one after another, CMB became the target of public criticism for a while, and the stock price would naturally fall a bit.


After Yan Junnan hid at home for a few days, he continued to walk out of the house and become a playboy after learning through friends that there was no situation outside.

A few friends gathered together to have a good time, accompanied by some fashionable girls, and the atmosphere became hot.

"What's the matter with the wounds on the faces of the young masters?" A fashionable girl said something inappropriate for the occasion.

A group of sons were embarrassed, if it wasn't for the fact that everyone hadn't coaxed this girl into bed, I'm afraid they would have been swearing at her head and face at this time.

"Hmph, the last time we had a conflict with Sha Danyao, it was caused by our mutual fighting!" said the son who was beaten the most last time, with his mouth crooked.

All the girls were taken aback, even if they were prostitutes, they were still shocked by the reputation of Sha Dao in Hong Kong Island;

Unexpectedly, this group of young masters would dare to clash with Sha Danyao.

"No way! Sha Dan Yao has so many bodyguards, how could he still fight with you?" the fashion girl said in disbelief.

What's wrong with Sha Danyao, our Mr. Yan is also from a famous family, his grandfather Yan Daheng is a celebrity in both political and business circles, how can we be afraid of him. Of course, Sha Danyao didn't have the guts to join the battlefield. He escaped long ago under the protection of his bodyguards. We just had a fight with his bodyguards. You don't know how brave we were at that time..." In order to improve his image, the crooked boy brags about how he beat the sharks and the bodyguards rush around.

Who are the group of fashion girls? They are battle-tested women. You can tell by looking at the injuries of everyone. I am afraid that this group of young masters is the one who was beaten!

However, these women were originally out to catch babes, so they will be spotted there!

In fact, what happened that night was still spread in some places on Hong Kong Island. After all, Wu Guangyao appeared.


Yalong (a subsidiary of Global Freight) secretly absorbs the shares of CMB in the market, which is obviously not a matter of overnight;

There is plenty of money, but it must be acquired at the smallest cost. This is a classic case of acquisition warfare.

Wu Guangyao only needs to understand every important process. Even the executives of Universal Group did not participate in it, but arranged for Luo Rui, the general manager of the second-level subsidiary, to preside over the acquisition battle.

Oriental Media Group Headquarters

Wu Guangyao sat on the leather chair, meditating with his eyes closed, while Chris sat in the assistant's position and studied while waiting for the boss's instructions.

If it was her secretary, she might have come behind Wu Guangyao and started giving the boss a massage!

But obviously Chris can't do that, because she has such a close relationship with Wu Guangyao that she doesn't really need to do all the work of a secretary.

At this time, Wu Guangyao was thinking about which industries would be more profitable in the future, so he could arrange for his subsidiaries to enter this trip and acquire potential companies.

Earn Japanese money, cut Japanese bullshit...

Instant noodles have been developed by Nissin Company at this time, and it is not impossible to enter this business;

However, it should be difficult to compete with Japanese companies, and Hong Kong Island is not Taiwan, making instant noodles is difficult to break through the encirclement of Japan;

Been thinking about this for a while...

Is there anything worthy of plagiarism in later generations of Japan?

The manga seemed to be very good, Wu Guangyao opened his eyes suddenly and thought of a good idea.

"Call Yang Kang, Shen Baoxing, and Li He for me!" Wu Guangyao opened his eyes and said to Chris.


Ten minutes later, the three of them came to Wu Guangyao's office, apparently none of them were on a business trip.

"The three of you are preparing to acquire a Japanese special effects production company, the Tsubura Club, with Dongfang Publishing as the main focus. At the same time, Dongfang Publishing will establish a secondary subsidiary, Dongfang Comics, and there are no talents in this field. Just go to Dongying and dig it for me, and set it up for me as soon as possible." Wu Guangyao said, Yuangu Zhushi Club is Ultraman's owner.

However, Ultraman has not yet appeared at this time, and in January next year, the monsters in Ultraman (the beginning of the monster craze) will appear first;

The hero Ultraman seems to be born in July next year.

Therefore, Wu Guangyao prepared two plans:

The first is the acquisition of Yuanguzhushi, which is a special effects company that produces animation. This is still a bit difficult for Hong Kong Island; after the acquisition, it will happen to produce those animations that Wu Guangyao is familiar with.

Second, if the acquisition is unsuccessful, Dongfang Comics will immediately draw the comics of the Ultraman animation series to seize the opportunity of this character; the animation can reorganize a company in Dongying to carry out special effects shooting.

When the three of them heard it, it was an unfamiliar field. After all, comics are still a new thing in Hong Kong Island.

But if the boss said this, it means that this is very promising, just do it.

"Yes, boss! Then we will divide into two groups, the group company will form the acquisition team, and Manager Li will form the Oriental Comic Club." Yang Kang said.

Wu Guangyao nodded and said, "Well, you have to remember that comics are a huge market, and paper publishing and animation production are both hugely profitable businesses. It can be said that in terms of profitability alone, they may be more profitable than newspapers! "

Wu Guangyao specially reminded everyone, lest everyone is not forward-looking and does not pay enough attention.

"Well, we will pay attention to it immediately and report to the boss in time!"

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