Lin Yi stared at the door, silent.

I made an 'oh' for a long time and said, "Mr. 203, I can do it all, I'm not picky eaters."

After a pause, Lin Yi said, "It would be better if there were tea eggs."

Patient 203 outside the door didn't seem to expect Lin Yi to be so calm. After Lin Yi answered him seriously, he was stunned for a while.

After Patient 203 left, Lin Yi slowly walked to the window and watched Patient 203 walk into the cafeteria.

His expression was a little splendid.

Lin Yi even thought of a poem, 'The mountains are heavy and the water is full of doubts, there is no way, the willows are dark and flowers are bright and there is another village'.

But Lin Yi did not expect that Patient 203 locked him in the ward directly.

If Qin Zhou saw that he was not by Patient 203's side, he would definitely be suspicious, and the plan to use the death rule to lure the 16-8 monster to appear would also be put on hold.

"Ah this..."

Lin Yi scratched his head, not knowing whether patient 203 was an enemy or a friend.

Thinking that it wasn't him who wanted to leave Patient 203, Lin Yi didn't plan to jump out of the window and leave, um, it would be good for someone to bring breakfast.

Lin Yi simply returned to the compartment and lay back on the narrow bed. Last night, Patient 203 stared at him all night. Although Lin Yi was used to keeping his eyes open until dawn, last night was not easy. Now Lin Yi plans to sleep for a while.

Lin Yi paused, then turned over and sat up.

Zheng Anjian stopped eating at breakfast yesterday. Earthworms really don't eat fresh food. Thinking of this, Zheng Anjian's mutation has matured. If Dean Zhu regards patients as experimental products, he should not allow mature experimental products to appear in front of other patients, which is likely to be discovered.

So, the smell he smelled now should be that Director Zhu came here to feed Zheng Anjian while the patients and nurses were going to breakfast.

Ward 101.

President Zhu probably did not expect that patient 203 would lock the nurse in the room and go to the cafeteria to have breakfast alone.

He smeared the soil with organic matter on the floor of the ward, and took some leftovers that he had not eaten the previous day.

The leaves of the vegetables had gone sour, and Zheng Anjian, who was no longer able to walk and twisted on the ground, first rolled on the surface of the soil, so that the moist soil covered the surface of his body as much as possible. Some bristles grew on his body, and he sensed the food by relying on the bristles, so he arched hard in the direction of Dean Zhu.

Dean Zhu threw the rotten vegetable leaves to him. When Zheng Anjian was eating, Dean Zhu took out a saw.

In order to avoid soiling the white coat on his body, Dean Zhu first took off his white coat, then squatted down slowly, then put on medical gloves and picked up the saw, and saw the center of Zheng Anjian's body. down.

Zheng Anjian did not call for help, the earthworm did not have a vocal organ, and his voice was degenerated.

All he could do was roll or curl up, but it didn't work. The saw in Dean Zhu's hand quickly cut off his newly born bristles and cut open his skin. The sawtooth sank deep into Zheng Anjian's flesh and blood, and then pushed and retracted slowly to break Zheng Anjian's bones.

There is blood running down the saw on the floor, the color is rose red, which is also the color of the blood of earthworms.

Blood dripped from the floor, Dean Zhu stood up and quietly admired his 'masterpiece'.

Zheng Anjian's upper and lower parts have been separated.

President Zhu observed the incision of the upper and lower sections of Zheng Anjian, and he was watching the contraction of the muscle tissue on the section.

If the test is ideal, the muscle tissue will intensify the contraction, and some muscle cells will rapidly dissolve and form new cell clusters.

Undifferentiated cells form regenerating shoots. Organs, nervous system, blood and other tissue cells in Zheng Anjian's body will multiply very quickly and in large numbers, grow turbulently in the regeneration bud, and then a new head or tail will grow out of the cross section. 1

In the end, the upper and lower parts of Zheng Anjian cut by the saw will become two independent individuals, that is, two Zheng Anjian will appear.

Dean Zhu had a crazy mood in his eyes, and he really wanted to see this feat.

From one life, another individual like yourself is derived.

In the field of vision, the muscle tissue of the cut surface has been contracting, and blood gurgling out from time to time. Dean Zhu waited tightly, waiting and waiting, his face became gloomy.

The muscles stopped contracting, but the upper and lower parts did not grow a head or a tail as Dean Zhu expected.

Zheng Anjian can't move.

Earthworms have no eyes. Zheng Anjian's eyes could not see anything last night. He could only stare wide-eyed, seemingly staring ahead, but it was actually darkness.

President Zhu looked at him disappointed and angry. After watching for a while, he crouched down again unwillingly, and touched the muscles of the cut surface with his hands.

Muscle tissue has indeed stopped contracting, but there are no regenerative buds, as if the beating muscles are just nerve reflex arcs, like fish, the muscles are still twitching and twitching after death.

This time, the expression on Dean Zhu's face was a little unbearable, and his facial muscles trembled because he was too angry.

He kicked Zheng Anjian away, then stood up and left ward 101.

After locking ward 101, he went to ward 102.

President Zhu noticed at a glance that Shi Xuan was not in the ward.

But he was not in a hurry, he estimated that Shi Xuan was still a while away from mutating and matured, so he did not lock Shi Xuan in the house.

Director Zhu walked into the bathroom, took off the medical gloves, and washed the rose-red blood on his wrists. Then patiently sat on the sofa and waited for Shi Xuan to come back.

Shi Xuan will no longer eat the food in the cafeteria, because rice is not the food that the jellyfish likes, and the jellyfish likes raw meat.

Shi Xuan who can't eat will come back to the ward soon. The sun today is too good, and the marine creatures living in the water will not like the too dry environment.

President Zhu hit a wall with Zheng Anjian. He now wants to check Shi Xuan's gene fusion to avoid another failure like Zheng Anjian's.

While waiting for Shi Xuan to come back, Dean Zhu picked up a magazine. is a fashion magazine. President Zhu vaguely remembered that it seemed that Patient 101 and Patient 102 were running a clothing company in partnership. The brand they created is very well-known now, but unfortunately the two bosses are old, and the desperate struggle in their youth gave them revenge in their later years, and they both fell ill.

I am rich but I am not comfortable. I heard that he can change his life, so the couple put down everything and came to him. In order to get a place for treatment, they gave Dean Zhu a lot of money money.

The patients here are all rich, and it is the patients who provide the funds to make his trial run smoothly.

Dean Zhu looked at this magazine. He didn't like books with pictures very much. He turned two pages and Shi Xuan has not come back, which made Dean Zhu feel more and more irritable. more and more prosperous.

Just when his irritability was about to peak, it seemed like there was a sound from outside the window and above his head.

"President Zhu."

Dean Zhu's face sank instantly, there are still people in the three-story building?

"Dean Zhu—"

After hearing the second sound, Dean Zhu locked the source of the sound, which was upstairs outside the window. He threw away the magazine, went to the window, and pushed it open.

Sure enough, there was someone in Ward 203 on the left hand side upstairs. What was the name of the nurse who troubled him with a stomachache last time? Oh, Lin Yi.

Lin Yichong beckoned to Dean Zhu, he pretended not to see Dean Zhu's gloomy eyes, and said: "President Zhu, you mentioned Li Hong last time, I suddenly thought that there seems to be a record, Li Hong was killed by Wu Zetian."

President Zhu was stunned for a moment, then Lin Yi said, "President Zhu, are you free?"

The locked door of ward 203 was opened by Dean Zhu, and Lin Yi invited Dean Zhu in.

At first Lin Yi was still thinking of opening remarks, but Dean Zhu said first: "Oh, was it still discovered?"

Lin Yi guessed that Dean Zhu was talking about Li Hong, so he nodded.

President Zhu continued to speak, Lin Yi was listening in front of him, his mind was spinning rapidly.

As before, Dean Zhu gave Lin Yi the impression that he was Li Hong himself.

Before Director Zhu arrived in Ward 203, Lin Yi had three assumptions in his mind:

1The method of immortality possessed by Dean Zhu is invalid.

2 The immortality method owned by Dean Zhu is 'backward', or it is difficult to implement. I want to find a new immortality method through experiments.

These two assumptions are relatively easy to think about, but Qin Zhou said that each doubt has at least 3-5 assumptions or more, so Lin Yi insisted on the third assumption.

3 There is no immortality at all, everything is just Dean Zhu's imagination.

These three assumptions all require Lin Yi to formulate words. After Lin Yi waited for President Zhu to force it, he asked: "President Zhu, which dynasty's history do you like the most?"

President Zhu said: "I can't talk about whether I like it or not."

Lin Yi asked: "Do you know the history before and after the Three Kingdoms?"

Compared with other dynasties, the division of the Three Kingdoms and the three kingdoms make it appear 'chaotic', and the more chaos, the easier it is to go wrong. After all, when it comes to history, President Zhu always has a sense of substitution and Always outraged.

Before the Three Kingdoms, there was the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the Three Kingdoms followed the Jin Dynasty.

The emperor of the Jin Dynasty was surnamed Sima, and the Sima family during the Three Kingdoms period also had a name. If President Zhu was Emperor Hui of Jin who was poisoned in tea by a close official, how would he treat his ancestors? There are some feelings.

Lin Yi is testing whether he can find anything from Dean Zhu's words.

President Zhu nodded: "Remember some."

Lin Yi asked Dean Zhu, "Do you remember Cao Cao?"

Sima Yi, the founder of the Western Jin Dynasty, was under the command of Cao Cao.

Sima Yi is also the great-grandfather of Emperor Hui of Jin. If President Zhu is Emperor Hui of Jin, Sima Yi is also the great-grandfather of President Zhu.

Open the door, Lin Yi's first question made Dean Zhu's face darken immediately: "He is the one who remembers the most."

Lin Yi looked at Dean Zhu's reaction and said deliberately: "Indeed, Cao Cao is also a representative of history, a generation of heroes."

"A hero? History judges him like this?" Dean Zhu said angrily: "Just a lecher, can he be called a hero?"

Lin Yi said, "You mean Tongquechun Shensuo Erqiao?"

President Zhu gritted his teeth and said, "Not more."

Lin thought to himself: "Du Shi?"

In addition to Suo Erqiao, Cao Cao also occupied a beautiful woman, Du Shi.

President Zhu immediately showed a hateful and angry expression: "Du Shi's beauty surpasses Diaochan, it's not just that I have a filter for her, many people think so, she is very good, Very gentle, I will never forget her, even though I know there are always many people coveting her!"

Lin Yi said: "Then you must remember Qin Yilu."

When saying the name, Lin Yi paid special attention to Dean Zhu's expression. Mrs. Du is Qin Yilu's wife.

President Zhu's expression was a little sad: "Remember."

Lin Yi asked President Zhu: "In history, we only know that Qin Yilu was killed by Zhang Fei, it seems that he died..."

President Zhu said: "199."

Lin Yi glanced at Dean Zhu.

President Zhu remembered the time of Qin Yilu's death so clearly. It must have been through such an experience that Dean Zhu could not forget it. Dean Zhu was probably Qin Yilu who was multi-wife by Cao Cao.

This made Lin Yi guess that Dean Zhu's method of immortality was just like the sanatorium at this time, waiting for the end of his life before the next life occupation.

He now wants to determine whether the occupation of life is the same as the sanatorium, which directly occupies the life of adults. Just as Patient 101 became Zheng Anjian, did he become another person completely, or did he start from a new life.

Lin Yi asked: "Qin Yilu's birth year is unknown, and I don't know how old he lived. Do you know, President Zhu?"

President Zhu paused, "I don't remember this."

Lin Yi nodded, since Dean Zhu doesn't remember Qin Yilu's birth time, there is a high probability that Dean Zhu's 'immortality' does not start from a freshman, because almost no one will not know their own year of birth.

As long as this is clear, his three assumptions, one or two, can basically be established.

But Lin Yi worried that Dean Zhu had experienced too many occupations of life and had too many lives. In this case, it is normal to mix up or not remember the birth date of a certain life.

While thinking about how to verify, Lin Yi sighed: "The history books only record Da Qiao and Er Qiao, and there are not many people who know that Cao Cao took away Madam Du, even Du There is no record of Madam's name in the history books, only the surname is Du."

President Zhu sneered and said, "I said that history books are stories made up by later generations."

Lin Yi nodded in agreement, and followed Dean Zhu's words: "Director Zhu, so what is Du's full name?"

Lin Yi was thinking about how to bring the topic back to Cao Cao, and then from Cao Cao to Sima Yi, so he asked a question casually, just to echo President Zhu.

How can I know that Dean Zhu is like a shell stuck in his throat, "Du...Du..."

Lin Yi saw Dean Zhu's reaction, but he was stunned.

President Zhu doesn't remember Du's name, but the key is that Dean Zhu just expressed his love for Du.

This is not possible.

Unless President Zhu doesn't know Du's name at all.

President Zhu grabbed his hair: "Du... Du Shi's name... Du Shi..."

"I am Qin Yilu, Du Shi is my wife, her name..."

Looking at Dean Zhu's reaction, Lin Yi suddenly thought of the name of the sanatorium.

Yu City Huayuan District Sanatorium Hospital.

From the very beginning, Lin Yi thought this was a bad sentence. Now, for some unknown reason, Lin Yi suddenly thought of changing the bad sentence.

Sanatorium and Hospital in Huayuan District, Yu City, 'sanatorium' and 'hospital' are repetitive and cumbersome.

Change to:

Mental Hospital of Huayuan District, Yu City.

Just right.

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