I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 87 Here comes the question

Because Kazuma is a man, Chiyoko can only leave it to Chiyoko to help them put on protective gear.

The first one to come out was Nanjo. She stood in front of Kazuma, holding a bamboo sword in her middle: "I saw you used a thrusting move before, Kazuma, and it looked quite clean and neat. Don't you mind..."

Nanjo's light fell on Kazuma's bandage, and he immediately changed his words: "Forget it, I'll come back for advice when you get better. But, how did you get injured? I asked the school, and the school said Chiyoko was because her brother was sick. You have to stay at home and take care of her. The reason why she’s not going to school is not because she’s injured.”

Kazuma could only smile awkwardly: "If you tell the school directly about some things, it may cause unnecessary trouble. In fact, I asked for leave out of righteousness, and the police uncles in Tokyo helped me to ask for it."

Dismantling a third-generation Yakuza organization should be considered an act of righteousness.

Nanjo-san immediately showed an expression of admiration: "Are they the gangsters who bravely fought and robbed people on the street?"

It seems that this is the most courageous thing Nanjo-san can think of.

Kazuma couldn't bear to expose the flowers in the greenhouse's beautiful imagination of the world, so he nodded and said: "It's almost the same, but the number is a little more, otherwise I can be unscathed."

Kazuma didn't brag, it was true that he would be injured because there were a little more enemies.

A little bit.

Nanjo-san said with a longing expression: "You are brave enough to do what is right. It feels like Mito Komon."

Mito Huangmon is the grandson of Tokugawa Ieyasu and became the famous name of Mito Ban. The story of his private visit in private is very famous in Japan, and his popularity is comparable to that of "Kangxi's private visit in private" to the Chinese.

However, the story of Mito Huangmen will basically be solved in the end by using the identity of the general's grandson to engage in deus ex machina. It is more like an adult fairy tale.

Kazuma looked at Nanjo's profile and had very complicated feelings about this girl.

These are real flowers in a greenhouse, and they are a little too well protected.

Although the beautiful and well-educated temperament appeals to Kazuma, Kazuma still prefers those flowers that bloom in the wilderness and have strong vitality compared to the flowers in the greenhouse.

At this time, Mikako also came out wearing protective gear and carrying a bamboo sword.

Seeing Kazuma chatting with Nanjo like this, Mikako ran over and interrupted the exchange between the two: "I'm ready! Let's get started!"

Kazuma took the referee flag from Chiyoko who followed Mikako out, and then stood with his sister on both sides of the dojo.

"Get ready."

Nanjo and Fujii stood face to face, squatting facing each other in accordance with the rules of competitive kendo, and posing to draw their swords.

Then they both stood up together.

Kazuma, as the referee, gave the order to start.

Then Mikako thrust towards Nanjo's chest.

Nanjo decided to dodge in an instant, and while stepping to the side, he used the bamboo knife in his hand to divert the path of the thrust. As a result, the thrust still hit Nanjo's upper arm.

Chiyoko raised the flag to indicate a foul.

Kazuma shouts stop.

Chiyoko has already leaned forward: "How are you doing, senior? Is your arm okay?"

Nanjo was obviously holding back the pain and pretended to be calm and said, "Fortunately, the bamboo sword is protected by a leather blade."

She looked at Mikako through the grille of the mask: "Miss Fujii, this move looks very familiar. Is it a move taught by the coach at your school?"

Fujii Mikako replied proudly: "No, I learned it from Kazuma. Kazuma personally taught me for a few days!"

Nanjo turned to look at Kazuma: "Is that so?"

"Yes." Kazuma didn't hide it either. Mikako and Chiyoko knew this trick anyway, but Mikako's was a weakened version modified by Kazuma himself, while Chiyoko's was the original version.

Chiyoko said: "I also tried to promote this trick among the girls in the junior high school. Senior sister, you have been focusing on high school affairs, so you don't know."

Nanjo: "That's right. Then, Kazuma-kun, can you teach me this move?"

Fujii Mikako shouted: "Whether we teach or not, that's up to us to finish the fight first! We haven't decided the winner yet!"

Kazuma originally wanted Mikako to seal this move. After all, this is more practical. In the competitive kendo of bamboo sword fighting, it seems that it is not easy to achieve an effective breakthrough. As long as the enemy responds properly like Nanjo, the attack may be canceled.

But Kazuma thought about it and realized that Mikako's level was not as good as Nanjo's. If he sealed this move, he would be beaten. Nanjo could defend it anyway, so be it.

With Mikako's strength, he shouldn't be able to send Nanjo flying.

After all, she couldn't stab the afterimage.

Kazuma returned to the referee's position and glanced at Chiyoko, who was also in position, and the latter nodded to him.


Kazuma gave the order.

He judged that Nanjo would take the initiative to attack this time. After all, if the opponent has a strong thrusting ability, taking the initiative to attack is the best defense.

As expected, Nanjo-san shouted and attacked.

This shout was completely unlike the sound that the quiet Nanjo could make.

Kitagashi High School Kendo Club is a co-ed training, and Kazuma is no stranger to such high-pitched shouts from the girls.

But this kind of harsh shouting was too out of tune with Nanjo-san, so Kazuma was a little surprised.

Mikako also shouted, trying her best to defend against Nanjo Xingyunliushui's attack.

In Kazuma's view, the gap in swordsmanship between the two sides has been fully reflected. Mikako was able to defend herself probably just because she didn't want to lose.

Sure enough, a special entry appeared on Mikako's head.

However, this entry made Kazuma very embarrassed, saying: It was obviously me first.

Kazuma is actually quite helpless. At this stage, he doesn't really want to establish a romantic relationship with the girl, because that would be equivalent to putting the girl in danger.

Although there is no so-called danger as long as I am admitted to the University of Tokyo next year, it is still better to be prepared for this kind of thing.

However, as the saying goes, the tree wants to be still but the wind does not stop.

The girls would not give up taking action just because Kazuma showed a refusal attitude.

It's already May, and soon hydrangeas will be blooming all over the streets of Tokyo, followed by summer.

Summer is the season of love. Amidst the chirping of cicadas and fireworks, young hearts will become restless.

While Kazuma was sighing, Chiyoko raised her flag: "One copy!"

Kazuma also raised his flag, indicating that he agreed with Chiyoko's penalty.

Nanjo-san goes to the next city first.

"Damn it!" Mikako patted her helmet in frustration, "Continue!"

Nanjo-san returned to his original position and took a stance: "I'll accompany you."

He holds his forehead with the horse.

Obviously, this is not the time to fall in love!

Obviously you can't fall in love now!

Although having a rich life is also a necessary way to become stronger, I always felt that this kind of development was too daily and too romantic comedy, and it was a bit too tension-free.

"Two copies!" Chiyoko raised the flag again.

Kazuma: "The outcome has been decided, Nanjo wins."

Mikako took off her helmet and threw it to the ground, shouting at Kazuma: "I won't give in! Kazuma, come and teach me some tricks!"

Kazuma was about to respond when he saw Nanjo also taking off his helmet and shaking off his tied long hair handsomely.

Then she looked at Kazuma: "Please teach me the thrust move. Please."

Kazuma could only sigh.

"Okay, but I have to charge tuition."

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