I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 72 This is a handful full of...

On Kazuma's side, after eating, Kazuma decided to try to see how powerful his level 12 combat was.

In previous level 5 combat, I could use my teeth to poke all kinds of strong men into the air. Now in level 12 combat, I can probably poke people to the ceiling, leaving a human-shaped hole - yes, it's as exaggerated as in the animation. man-shaped hole.

Kazuma picked up the bamboo sword that Chiyoko had just used to crush Bando and the others, and assumed a sword-holding posture in the middle.

After posing, he suddenly recalled the feeling he had just held the Bizen Nagafune Ichimonji Masamune.

Obviously the bamboo sword should be much lighter than the real sword, but now Kazuma feels that the real sword that makes a sword sound when shaken slightly feels lighter.

Kazuma casually waved the wooden sword in his hand, but he missed the feel of the beloved sword he had just acquired even more.

I don’t know how long it will take for the Metropolitan Police Department’s so-called “go to the forensics department to go through the process.”

Kazuma couldn't wait to pick it up again and practice the Iai Slash or something.

Of course, there is also practicing swordsmanship under the cherry blossom tree, and then petals flying from the blade and being cut in half. You must do this kind of thing, maybe you can improve your skills and become stronger.

So far, Kazuma has personally confirmed that there are two ways to make this world stronger: temporary and permanent.

Temporary ones are more complicated. You can get temporary BUFFs by doing things with a sense of ritual, you can also get gains by emotional outbursts on the spot, and past experiences may also provide temporary BUFFs.

So in this world, you have to have a life, you can't hold it in, and if you hold it in for a level, you won't have a life, you can't get angry on the spot, and you'll probably be killed by someone with a lower level than you.

To be honest, this makes Kazuma feel a little uncomfortable. In his previous life, he read online articles and was used to stories about stuffing his head in for three thousand years to come out every second. When playing games, he also likes to find a place to level up first before looking for it. BOSS is in trouble.

Now we must have a life - but Kazuma then thought about it, in the swordsman story, don't those swordsmen like to travel in order to become stronger? Love is accumulating life, so as to provide temporary BUFF...

Therefore, after He Ma, he has to work harder in life and sweat as much as he can to embrace youth.

Not that this is a problem.

One of the ways to permanently improve your strength once and for all is the permanent entry. Now Hema has it. Although it seems to be a BUFF with the restriction of "cannot form a team with others", it should be very easy as long as you don't form a team. powerful.

You have to find a chance to try it before you know how strong it is.

The second is the various skill levels.

Kazuma took a look at his new swordsmanship, and saw that the experience bar did not increase much. It seemed that he had to fight with someone with high kendo skills in a kendo duel for the experience bar to increase quickly.

As for actual combat, I don’t feel like I need to practice it specially - no, I should not force myself to practice if I can do it. After all, actual combat involving life and death will kill people. You can’t read files in life. If you die, you will lose everything.

Kazuma didn't want to experience what happened today like this with the knowledge that there would be no return.

Thinking back to the many dangerous moments today, one of them died due to bad luck.

In addition to entries and skill levels, there is also a permanent way to become stronger, which Kazuma only confirmed today.

That's the knife, the weapon.

When Tsuda Masaaki picked up the Bizen Nagafune Ichimonji Masamune, the black and green arrogance on his body seemed to be desperately trying to escape from the sword.

Kazuma was sure that he saw it correctly and that it was not an illusion.

This sword was incompatible with Tsuda Masaaki, so Tsuda simply did not exert its full performance.

Kazuma looked down at his hand, released the bamboo sword with his right hand and turned his palm upward, repeating the process of grasping and releasing in the air, recalling the authentic feeling of Ichimonji's grip.

The touch of the character pattern on the handle of the knife was very prominent for some reason, and Kazuma couldn't help but recall the feeling when his fingers were dancing with the pattern.

Kazuma always felt that as long as he held this sword, his combat power would increase by a few percent out of thin air. The disadvantage was that he might not be able to hit the vital point.

But now that Kazuma is planning to take the police route, this may not be a drawback.

Moreover, if the murderous intention arises, Kazuma may still be able to kill him if he wants to.

Maybe in the future we will encounter an enemy whose crimes are so evil that he must be beheaded to be a good person. At that time, this Bizen Nagafune Ichimonji Masamune will surely let out a happy sword cry, telling Kazuma: "It's time to get on."

——Ah, my little knife, when will it be returned to me after the process is completed?

Kazuma's current mood is similar to when he paid the final payment and waited for the arrival of his favorite figure.

When the sword comes back, Kazuma will definitely want to lick it, just like he licked the figure.

At this time, Chiyoko entered the dojo. When she saw Kazuma's expression, she hesitated for a moment, and then she took a step back in fear: "Brother, what are you doing? Using my bamboo sword to make you crazy? Me, Mikako and I Sister, please file a complaint!"

Kazuma was surprised and quickly put away his silly smile.

"No, no, you misunderstood. I was just a little immersed in recalling the feeling I had when I just killed the enemy."

In fact, he was recalling the feeling of killing someone with a stolen knife, and Kazuma didn't tell the truth to Chiyoko.

Chiyoko put down the tea and snacks in her hands, ran to the storage room next to the dojo, took out a bamboo sword and ran back.

"Brother, please show me how you kill the formation. Come on, think of me as a member of the Tsuda group."

Kazuma shook his head: "No, no, I'm afraid I'll break you."

Now, with the blessing of level 12 actual combat, Kazuma's teeth may be broken, and he may be able to cripple Chiyoko.

"Let me tell you the specific process. I stood at the gate of the Tsuda-gumi office and recited the poem "Fifty Years in the World..."

Chiyoko: "Why?"

"Pray for the protection of Lord Nobunaga, the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, and obtain Okehazama's ultimate will." Kazuma made random remarks, but he couldn't tell Chiyoko that he had a system.

Chiyoko was speechless, and Kazuma took the opportunity to continue the demonstration: "Then, a guy came out of the door and yelled at me, so my teeth popped out..."

He struck a pose with the horse, and when he exerted force, the man shot out like a bullet.

Chiyoko's mouth opened wide: "What the fuck? Wait a minute, brother! You, you just had an afterimage, do you know?"

Kazuma: "The illusion is probably because the lights in our dojo are too old and the flickering frequency is low, so it looks like there is an afterimage."

Chiyoko thought for a while: "Oh, that's it... you're not bluffing me?"

I'm just bluffing you!

Kazuma said seriously: "No, it must be like this. You will also learn relevant knowledge in high school. This involves the principles of the human eye..."

Kazuma was just lying to Chiyoko.


In the small living room next to the entrance, Bando and a few others were sitting and eating instant noodles for a midnight snack. Originally, they could have bought better things, but because the Kiryu brothers and sisters said they also wanted to have a midnight snack, they had no choice but to spend most of the money. It was used to buy late-night snacks for the Kiryu siblings, and a bunch of yakuza could only huddle in the small living room and smack their noodles.

This group of people are all dressed in the standard Yakuza style, but now several grown men are crowded together, surrounding a kettle, and each holding a Nissin plastic instant noodle bowl. The scene is a bit funny.

"After eating enough, we will divide the shifts into guard duty at night." Bando said.

One of the boys frowned and complained: "Why do we have to guard the door that the Tsuda group broke down?"

Bando waved his hand and slapped the younger brother on the head: "Idiot, starting from tonight, there will be no more Tsuda group."

The younger brother who was patted on the head nodded: "That's right."

Another younger brother muttered: "Did you hear what I just said? There is a sword skill with afterimage. I also want to see it."

"It's fake, why is there an afterimage?"

Bando listened to the chatter of the younger brothers and did not stop them. He just concentrated on talking.

In Japan, you have to make a sound when eating noodles, otherwise it will be impolite. Especially when the chef is around, you must make a sibilant sound.

Although there is no chef here, everyone is still chattering very enthusiastically, and it has become a habit.

At this moment, Bando heard the sound of a car braking in the distance outside.

"Wait a minute!" Bando shouted in a low voice to stop his men's sly gestures, then raised his ears and listened carefully, "There are cars, parked not far away, three or four. Stop eating, let's go, and line up at the door. Row!"

After saying that, he put the instant noodles on the table, stood up, and ran out of the completely destroyed entrance hall and onto the road outside the door.

Several black high-end cars in the distance had their headlights on, forcing Bando to squint his eyes.

His younger brothers all ran out and gathered behind him.

One of them asked: "What to do?"

"You go back to the office and call someone, and the others will line up with me to guard the door!"

Bando ordered as if facing a formidable enemy.

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