I Signed-In in Tokyo

Two hundred and seventy-eighth, starting with the Kuroda couple, has Yoko Okino ever had a boyfriend

The man who can be hailed as the undead dragon really has an inhuman physique.

If it were an ordinary person who was hit on the temple by a heavy elbow, and hit his head against the wall by the way, even if he didn't die on the spot, he would probably have a concussion sequelae.

But the undead dragon is fine!

Although he fell into a coma for a brief moment, he even foamed at the mouth.

But after a few minutes, he recovered as before, as if nothing had happened.

Good guy!

With this physical quality, he really can't be treated as an ordinary human being!

"Sorry to make you laugh."

Kuroda Miku repeatedly bowed and apologized to Lynn for the mess she caused at home.

In this regard, Lynn waved his hand, then shook his head slightly.

"I'm fine."

"Mr. Kuroda's body is indeed very strong, which is really admirable."

"Speaking of which, I have another job here. I don't know if Mr. Kuroda is interested."

"Eh? Will Mr. Lynn also introduce jobs to my family, Aaron?"

Hearing what Lynn said, Kuroda Miku also had a happy expression.

She didn't have to make her husband feel at ease as the husband of the house, but the appearance of the Immortal Dragon meant that he was not suitable for ordinary work.

Didn't you see that she was implicated as the wife of the undead dragon?

In this world, the extreme way is doomed to be impossible to be accepted by ordinary people, even if the golden basin washes its hands and retires to the world, it is no exception!

Then if Lynn can introduce a suitable job for her husband, Kuroda Mijiu would naturally be more than happy.

"Is such that."

"My idol agency has successfully launched a band and an idol writer, both of which have achieved pretty good results."

"However, the security work of my firm is not very sound at present, so I would like to hire Mr. Kuroda to join the security team of my firm.

Provide security for our idol activities. "

"Because our idols are all students, Mr. Kuroda usually works after school or on holidays."

"Of course, in terms of salary, I will definitely give a figure that satisfies the two, but I don't know how they would like it."

Since even the wife is accepted, the husband naturally has no reason to let it go.

What's more, Lin En has already planned whether he should find an opportunity to pull the undead dragon into his team.

After all, don't look at this guy who looks fierce, but is actually surprisingly innocent.

In addition, as a married person, Lynn is quite at ease with him.

"I'll take over Mr. Lynn's job!"

Wait until Lynn finishes talking about his conditions.

Looking at the Immortal Dragon again, he bowed deeply towards Lin En, the kind of ninety degrees, expressing his wishes with this gesture.

But when he raised his head, he saw a determined expression on his face.

"But I took this job, I don't care about the salary, I just want to repay Mr. Lynn's kindness."

"Mr. Lynn, please don't misunderstand!"

It should be said that he really deserves to be a person of Yuanji Dao?

No words or deeds can escape extreme righteousness.

Although most people would avoid this like a snake and a scorpion, but for Lynn...

"Okay! As expected of Mr. Kuroda, it's refreshing!"

"Then such a happy decision!"

Originally, he just wanted to ask the Immortal Dragon for a favor, but ended up taking both the couple under his command. This was definitely a surprise for Lynn.

Of course.

Aside from being happy, Lynn did not forget his original purpose.

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Even after briefly explaining the purpose of his trip to Immortal Dragon and letting him know about his work today, he took out his cell phone and called Yoko Okino.

"Miss Yoko, I have already found a professional for you, and we have also conducted an analysis of how you were being followed."

"Then now, I have something very important to ask you, and please answer it truthfully."

Lynn knew the whole process of the murder in the idol's secret room for a long time.

But the problem is that he has one of the most critical points, which he cannot escape no matter what.

He...can't remember the name of Okino Yoko's ex-boyfriend, this is an embarrassing question!

no way.

Who would deliberately memorize the name of a passer-by who died while watching anime?

So there is no other way but to start with Okino Yoko.

"Please... Excuse me, Lin Enjun, as long as I know, I will definitely not hide it!"

On the other end of the phone, Yoko Okino also shuddered at Lynn's serious tone.

She thought that she had offended someone, so she hastily promised again and again, expressing that she would know everything without saying anything.

Look, such a cooperative attitude is very good.

"Miss Yoko, according to our analysis and investigation, we can confirm that the person who followed you all the way and even sneaked into your apartment must know you to a certain extent."

"This is definitely not something that ordinary sasaeng fans or fanatical fans can do."

"So we suspect that this is most likely done by an acquaintance."

"So Miss Yoko, can you tell me the name of the boyfriend you dated before?"

Since Okino Yoko was willing to cooperate, Lynn simply admitted and announced.

However, what he didn't expect was that after hearing his question, Yoko Okino on the phone denied it!

"Lin Enjun, I have never dated a boyfriend. I have been doing idol activities since graduating from high school. Where did I find the time to date a boyfriend?"

Never had a boyfriend?

Such an answer obviously exceeded Lynn's expectations.

Is it a deliberate concealment?

Or did the change of the world line cause the original plot to change?

Although the possibility of the latter is not impossible, in Lynn's view, the possibility of the former is even greater!

"Miss Yoko!"

"Are you sure you've never had a boyfriend?"

"But according to my investigation, why do you seem to have dated a boyfriend in high school?"

Although the situation has not been clarified yet, this does not prevent Lynn from continuing to swindle the truth.

Anyway, Yoko Okino didn't know who the helper he had found was, and without knowing anything, he naturally did what he said.


"Lin Enjun! Please believe me!"

"I don't know how you investigate, but I really have never had a boyfriend!"

Even now, you still don't admit it?

Could it be that Okino Yoko really never had a relationship partner?

But what happened to the so-called ex-boyfriend in the original plot?

Especially listening to Okino Yoko's voice, it didn't seem like it was faked.

In this way, Lynn found it very interesting.

"Okay, Miss Yoko, I believe you."

"But please think about it carefully. When you were in high school, was there any boy you had a good relationship with? Or... among the boys who confessed to you, are there any more suspicious ones?"

After calming Yoko Okino's emotions a little, Lynn changed the subject and continued to ask the other party sideways.

After all, no matter how you think about it, the ex-boyfriend who committed suicide in the original plot has nothing to do with Okino Yoko.

So I had no choice but to ask in another way.

"Boys with a better relationship..."

"That's right! I thought of it!"

"When I was in high school, there was indeed a boy with whom I had a good relationship."

"His name is Fujie Akiyoshi, because our two families used to be neighbors, so we should be regarded as childhood sweethearts."

"I've always treated him as my brother, but...he confessed to me just before graduation."

"Because I planned to set foot in the showbiz, and at the same time, I really didn't have any feelings for him other than friendship, so I rejected him."

"After that, we rarely communicated again."

"So what do I think...he shouldn't be that stalker..."

Fortunately, although the original plot seems to have changed, the suspect who should appear has still appeared.

With Okino Yoko's memories and the official appearance of the name Fujie Akiyoshi, Lin En knew that he had found the right owner!

What should I say?

If what Yoko Okino said is true, it would be quite speechless.

In the original plot, it seems that Akiyoshi Fujie took the initiative to break up for the sake of his girlfriend's career, and after the breakup, he was reluctant to give up this relationship. As a result, all thoughts were lost because of a series of misunderstandings, and finally he went to the road of no return.

But now?

It's obviously not a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, but you are entangled with Okino Yoko, then it's not a bloody relationship, but a complete hentai.

Of course.

There is also another possibility, that is, this incident has nothing to do with Akiyoshi Fujie, and the real criminal is someone else.

However, Lynn felt that even if there was such a possibility, it was not very great.

All in all, everything must first find Fujie Akiyoshi and find out the truth from him!

"Okay, I understand Miss Yoko."

"The information you revealed to me is very important, so leave it to me."

After hanging up Yoko Okino's phone, Lin En directly took out the black technology reward he had obtained before - the target locator.

With this prop, just enter Fujie Akiyoshi's name in it, and then add a series of keywords such as Okino Yoko and tracking, and then Lynn's mobile phone will mark the other party's exact target.

Isn't this very convenient?


What a coincidence, Mr. Akiyoshi Fujie, you are also in Mihua Town?

In this way, the suspicion of you as a stalker is even greater?

"Let's go, Mr. Kuroda."

"Time to work!"

Half an hour later, in an Internet cafe near Mihuacho 4-chome, Lin En and the Immortal Dragon blocked Fujie Akiyoshi.

"You... who are you?"

"What do you want to do?"

Trapped in a small private room, Fujie Akiyoshi's expression changed drastically when he saw someone coming, his whole body was flustered, and his body trembled subconsciously.

So sure enough, it's easy to have a murderer with a very good face by his side.

Seeing that Fujie Akiyoshi was in a state of confusion, Lin En immediately leaned forward with a smile.

"Mr. Fujie Akiyoshi, right?"

"What do we want to do, don't you have any points in your heart?"

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