I Really Didn’t Want to Be Famous

Chapter 587: In April, it belongs to "remote"! (Four thousand words!)

Jiang Lun.

In fact, his mood was very good two days ago.

One is that Li Duojun’s new film is ready to be shot, and the other is that Lu Yuan’s company in the United States has gone bankrupt...

When Xu Dongsheng heard the information from Hollywood, he felt very satisfied.

In his opinion, this is entirely Lu Yuan's own composure.

In other words, it's not an exaggeration to say that there is a lack of human heart!

Hollywood is Hollywood after all.

It is impossible for you to continue to grow wildly because of your vigorous presence in China.

You can be their actor, you can be a tool for them to make money, but you can't be a bandit who grabs their cake.

Undoubtedly, since Lu Yuan's Hollywood company was exposed, Lu Yuan has completely become a bandit in the eyes of Hollywood companies.

How could they let Lu Yuan continue to do things?

Next, Lu Yuan feels better for you.

Xu Dongsheng felt very happy when he thought that Lu Yuan was about to deflate in Hollywood.

Many things seemed inevitable to Xu Dongsheng, and even Xu Dongsheng taunted Lu Yuan overtly and secretly that he wanted to learn to fly without learning how to walk. He was about to watch Lu Yuan's joke!


After looking around, he found that Lu Yuan had not become a joke, but had become a joke himself!

Many times, things unfolded so dramatically.

It spread so much that he doubted his life!

The Li Duojun album that he created with great care and spent a lot of money to find channels to promote did not become the April sales king as previously expected. Not only did it not, but was suppressed by Wang Hao's "Flying Higher". Even the daily sales have been pulled apart!

In more than half a month, Wang Hao’s album sales have surpassed nearly 10 million, while Li Duojun’s album sales have remained at 6 million, and even can only sell upwards with more than 100,000 albums a day. , And this data is shrinking...

Judging from the sales data, this album seems to be gradually becoming saturated!

Xu Dongsheng was a little depressed and could not do anything about it. After all, Lu Yuan’s reputation as a golden sign was too great. Looking at the entire China, it seemed that except for the appearance of a few heavenly kings who could suppress Lu Yuan’s arrogance, No one else is Lu Yuan's opponent at all.

Even if it is a title song.

Xu Dongsheng admits it!

The first one cannot be kept, so surely keeping the second one is not a problem, right?

The album sales runner-up in April, although the title is not as bluffing as the champion, it is not such a failure.


Until now, Xu Dongsheng could only comfort himself so much.

After all, he has done everything he should do, and all the resources and publicity channels that should be given are also given...

He couldn't think of how to increase the sales of this album!

In this environment, "Remote" Entertainment's second album "It's Me" was released.

The album did not have any other publicity titles. "Remote" Entertainment just stated on the official Weibo that the songs in this album were personally selected by Lu Yuan and he paid much attention...

As for the others...

"Long-distance" entertainment has never made those messy bells and whistles.

Xu Dongsheng never takes this album seriously!


When Zhao Xiaohan's "It's Me" album was released, Xu Dongsheng was stunned by the first day's sales!

He stared at the amazing number of three million like a ghost!

He wiped his eyes!

This number is even worse than when "Flying Higher" was released!

Is this person refreshing data?

This was his first thought, but then he felt wrong.

This is an album. What's the point of using millions of album data? It's a completely loss-making business, okay, with Lu Yuan's temperament that can only enter and can't get out, it is absolutely impossible to get rid of!


The first day album sales are really!

Broke three million?

Really broke through 3 million?


Did Lu Yuan personally choose this title? its not right!


Xu Dongsheng felt that his worldview had been subverted, and he even felt that he was living in a dream!

"Mr. Xu..."

"The data for this album is true?"

"According to my various investigations and field visits, the number of sales of this album is real!"

"What! What's the matter with this person, her album has... almost surpassed the king of singers, this... the songs in the entire album are composed and composed by her herself? Lu Yuan has not participated in it?"

"From the information we currently control, Lu Yuan has not participated in the selection, or that Lu Yuan has only participated in the selection..."


Xu Dongsheng was horrified.

He stared at this incredible album sales like hell.

"You go down first!"


"Go down!"

"it is good!"

After the assistant left, Xu Dongsheng rubbed his eyes silently.

The sales of the album on the first day were given a bonus by the name Lu Yuan. Although the sales explosion was amazing, it was barely acceptable!

The key is to look at the next day!

One day passed quickly.

When the next day came, when the single-day sales volume of the album appeared in front of Xu Dongsheng, Xu Dongsheng suddenly felt that his heart couldn't stand it!

"Me, Li Dajun" sold 80,000 copies in third place!

"Fly Higher" ranked second with 1 million copies!

Two million copies of "It's Me"...

got first place!

the first!

The next day, two million copies, this...

Xu Dongsheng gasped.


Are you crazy?

Xu Dongsheng subconsciously opened every major media outlet, and he suddenly discovered that every song in the album "It's Me" had been screened.

The popularity is not at all lost to Wang Hao's "Flying Higher", and there is even a tendency for the two to compete!

What about the song discussion in Lee Dajun's album? How about so many navy soldiers I have hired?

Why are they completely suppressed?


Xu Dongsheng checked Li Duojun's news like hell.

After flipping for about ten minutes, he not only failed to flip some news about Lee Dajun's album songs, but instead saw another topic of discussion frantically rushing to the charts!

There is a video in the discussion topic.

He clicked on this video.


He was stunned!

"Some things I have forgotten

But i still remember

In one night

My mother asked me

Why are you not happy today? "


Xu Dongsheng was dumbfounded.

He saw a young man with dyed green hair twisting his enchanting dance, and then dancing like a lunatic...

Friction friction...

Friction friction...

When this video was halfway through, Xu Dongsheng felt that his IQ was rubbed by this young green-haired young man!

Even if the computer is turned off, this kind of rubbing sound always appears in my mind. This thing is like brainwashing, constantly hovering, hovering...


What is this thing?

this person……

Somewhat familiar.

It seems to be remote...

Wang Xiaoyang?

At this moment, as if thinking of something, Xu Dongsheng clicked on the news of other news and opened the headlines of other portal websites!

"Shocked, the sales of Good Voice's champion album exceeded 3 million in a single day, which might become a big dark horse this year? Lu Yuan, Bole?"

"The "Flying Higher" album is still hot. Compared with "Me, Li Dajun", it is completely two concepts..."

"The brainwashing tune "My Skate Shoes" strikes, the album Liu Hongzhu: This is a sound that insults the ears. I really can't believe that Lu Yuan would create this kind of music!"


After seeing these countless news headlines, Xu Dongsheng sat back in his chair silently.

He didn't lose his temper, let alone hit anything.

Instead, he felt an indescribable sense of powerlessness supporting him.

In the past few days, China has basically been flooded with news from "remote" entertainment artists.

And Lee Dajun...

As if disappeared, no matter how much the topic is, it is completely inferior to them.

this moment……

He realized one thing.

Not only does Li Duojun fail to become the second Lu Yuan, he may even be more popular than the artists under Lu Yuan's company!


He suddenly regretted it.


Li Dajun, who was filming, was completely stupid after seeing the album sales.

One day!

He was in that trance state all day.

Once ambitious, he thought that after being hit by Lu Yuan, he would slowly get better, but he never thought that such a hit would be continuous!

This album! He is no better than Wang Hao, and even the sales will soon be surpassed by a little-known little figure in "Remote" Entertainment!

He doesn't even have any shadow of him on the hot spot on the Internet!


He who was vigorous before now seems to have become a joke.

Even if he announced that he had invested nearly 200 million in a film that was about to start filming, his preparations to invite several well-known Hollywood stars as actors would only make a short wave...



I don't know why, he has a cool feeling inexplicably.


"What did I do wrong?"

Li Dajun looked at himself in the mirror blankly.

For the first time he felt his pride and confidence...

Disappeared completely!

He suddenly felt like a joke!


"Wow, Xiaohan, it's really amazing, I didn't expect, really, I never dreamed that you were so amazing!"

"Yes, be sure to treat, and you must treat tonight!"

"Haha, yeah! A treat is necessary!"


The amazing sales of Zhao Xiaohan's album shocked the entire "remote" entertainment.

They heard Zhao Xiaohan’s album and knew that her album would be popular, but they never thought that this album would be so popular!

Zhao Xiaohan stayed too!

She never dreamed that her first album could be so popular!

She was in a state of insomnia with excitement for two consecutive days, and every time she closed her eyes, she had a very unreal feeling.


She knew that Mr. Lu was definitely behind the amazing sales of her album.

If it hadn't been for Mr. Lu to help her publicize, she wouldn't be able to sell so much on the first day!

After Wang Xiaoyang came to the company, he was surrounded by a group of people.

If Wang Hao and Zhao Xiaohan are the same on the physical album in April, then Wang Xiaoyang is definitely the king of traffic on the Internet!

His "Skate Shoes" not only became famous on the Internet, but even his enchanting dress is really blinding to many people.

Although he was dismissed by many mainstreams, and even caught by many public media, he was criticized severely.

But in terms of traffic, he has suppressed the bunch of fresh meat!

Even Han Lu, who had just finished filming "City Fortress" and was ready to promote it, was suppressed by him!

On this day, laughter and excitement came from the entire "remote" entertainment.

That night, a few young people gathered in a hotel to have a drink!

"This glass of wine, respect fate, it is fate that made us meet, let us meet in this small, but very warm company..."

"The second cup of wine, to everyone present, you are all the elites of the company and the backbone of the company. In the future, the progress of our "remote" entertainment will definitely be inseparable from you."

"The third cup of wine, to our President Lu, who is far away in the United States. Without President Lu, there would be no such thing... We are so comfortable here, but he is opening up the territory in Hollywood and working hard for our future. I believe that in the news of the past two days, everyone knows that he encountered some difficulties in Hollywood, which reminds me of when our "remote" entertainment was first established..."

"At that time, hehe..."

Fatty Wei also gathered here.

He drank too much.

He picked up the wine glass swayingly and laughed brilliantly.

After three glasses of wine toast.

He suddenly laughed happily, and then suddenly began to tell the story two years ago...

Fatty Wei looks like a **** on weekdays, but when he tells the story, he is so vivid and jerking.

Zhao Xiaohan was dumbfounded.

She used to know that it was not easy for Mr. Lu to build the company, but Fatty Wei heard another bitterness.

When she heard that the two were rejected by many theaters and hadn't eaten them for two days, her nose was sour!

Her eyes are red.

"We...actually have always been fighting for freedom! We are all young people. In the future, we will certainly become the glory of the entire company. "Remote" is actually a dream, a company composed of everyone's dreams..."



In the hotel.

Excited voices one after another, like a drunk drunkard.

Everyone is venting what is in their hearts, and there is an endless sense of glory.

When Lu Yuan Fengchen came over and saw the whole scene constantly chanting freedom slogans, he was stunned.

James standing behind Lu Yuan was instantly demented.


"what happened?"

"This...is this the...status of our company?"


"How do I feel, this is an MLM brainwashing company? Or..."


James looked at everyone excited.


Feel the taste of youth again.

If it wasn't for the image, or because he was not very familiar with everyone, he even wanted to be like these people, screaming at the youth in his heart.


Lu Yuan felt a little embarrassed.


He wanted to turn around and leave immediately.

This group of people...

Are you taking drugs?

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