After listening to Zhou Ziyu's analysis, Zhou Qing's face was obviously troubled.

"This is not going to be easy!"

It's a good thing that Li Zhe is nostalgic for his old relationship. If we follow the normal logic of ordinary rich people, their mother and daughter are from such low backgrounds. They can just play around and marry home without even thinking about it.

However, there is a bit of ambiguity in this statement!

Zhou Qing frowned, thought for a while and said, "Xiaoyu, since Xiaozhe's mind is hard to change, you can only hope that Xiao Qiao will make mistakes."

She paused, stared at her daughter and said in a deep voice: "If she doesn't make mistakes, you have to find a way to make her make mistakes."

How can a woman who has been with many men and has been at the bottom of the mixed-race world for many years be a kind person?

Zhou Ziyu was silent after hearing this, and didn't speak for a long time.

Seeing her like this, Zhou Qing couldn't help but say: "Xiaoyu, you must not be soft-hearted at this time!"

"Even if you don't think about yourself, you still have to think about the child in your belly."

She didn't believe that her daughter's intelligence would not have thought of this.

Zhou Ziyu looked hesitant and difficult to make a decision.

She had actually thought of the method Zhou Qing said.

Since Li Zhe is nostalgic for his old relationship, it will be difficult for Xiao Qiao to change his mind as long as he doesn't make any big mistakes.

Then find a way to make her make mistakes and be stupid.

With Xiao Qiao's character, as long as she is stimulated too much, she is likely to do impulsive and irrational things.

But this is a lose-lose approach.

Zhou Ziyu has followed Li Zhe for more than three years and knows that he is very alert.

When she first came into contact with Li Zhe, he was too wary and defensive about her.

If she moves too much, he will definitely notice her.

Will Li Zhe tolerate and compromise?

The possibility is very small, even if she has his child.

Li Zhe has a gentle personality, but he is not weak.

He never cares about small things, but he never gives in on matters of principle.

Besides, Zhou Ziyu was not willing to harm Xiao Qiao excessively.

It was not right for her to snatch Li Zhe before. If she resorts to cruel methods again, she will really become a bad woman.

Seeing that Zhou Ziyu was still hesitant, Zhou Qing really hated the fact that iron cannot become steel.

"Xiaoyu, what are you still hesitating about?"

Her daughter is smart, but she is not cruel enough.

How can you do it if you're not ruthless enough to rob a man?

Otherwise, she would snatch Li Zhe away by any means necessary.

Zhou Qing never thought that if Zhou Ziyu really had the same personality as her, would Li Zhe still like her?

Zhou Ziyu shook his head, "Okay! Mom, stop talking and let me think about it myself."

After all, her personality is different from Zhou Qing's, not as cruel as her.

After relying on Li Zhe, her heart became softer.

Comfortable surroundings make people weak.

Zhou Ziyu left Zhou Qing's small apartment with tangled thoughts.

"Tzuyu, where are we going?" Liu Jie asked softly.

She and Lu Yingqi also saw that Zhou Ziyu was in a bad mood.

Where to go?

Zhou Ziyu came to his senses and didn't know what to do or where to go.

"Let's just walk around!"

Without driving, Zhou Ziyu, Liu Jie, and Lu Yingqi just wandered around the Bund.

Passers-by couldn't help but take a second look after seeing Zhou Ziyu.

In fact, Zhou Ziyu didn't dress up much today and just wore a skirt casually. But if you are beautiful, you will look good in whatever you wear, even if you are wrapped in a floral curtain, you will look good.

After wandering aimlessly for a while, Zhou Ziyu's eyes suddenly fell on a hotel across the road.

The hotel has an old architectural style and looks very old.

The four words "Captain's Hotel" are written on the plaque.

Zhou Ziyu crossed the road and came to the door of the hotel, looked up, and then walked in.

Liu Jie and Lu Yingqi, who were following her, looked at each other and followed her in.

They didn't understand why Zhou Ziyu came to this hotel.

There were two waiters at the front desk, a man and a woman. They were all surprised when they saw Zhou Ziyu walking in.

"Miss, do you want to stay?" The waitress glanced at Liu Jie and Lu Yingqi behind Zhou Ziyu and asked.

"Do you still have rooms in your hotel?" Zhou Ziyu asked.

She heard Li Zhe say that he and Xiao Qiao stayed at the Old Captain Youth Hotel when they first came to Shanghai.

"Sorry, the first-class cabin (standard room) in our hotel is fully booked, and only the sailor cabin (rooms for 5 and 7 people) has beds left," the waitress said.

Today is the last day of the May Day holiday. During the holiday, hotels in Shanghai are basically full.

Zhou Ziyu nodded after hearing this.

"You have a bar upstairs in your hotel, right?"

The male waiter spoke first and said, "Yes, the bar on the top floor of our hotel has a very good view, especially the viewing terrace. You can enjoy the view of the Bund while tasting wine. Miss, you can try it out."

"okay, I get it."

After Zhou Ziyu finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the elevator.

The waiter then said, "Miss, do you want to go to the bar? I'll take you there."

"Sorry to trouble you." Zhou Ziyu smiled and said.

Seeing her smile, the male waiter was a little flattered.

"No, this is what we should do."

The waitress looked at the male waiter strangely. They had no obligation to guide guests to the bar.

Beautiful women are treated preferentially wherever they go, let alone a great beauty like Zhou Ziyu.

The bar during the holidays is very lively and crowded, and the seats on the outdoor viewing terrace are even more full. Many people can only stand and drink, enjoying the scenery of the Bund.

The decoration of this bar is average, but the scenery is really great, with a panoramic view of the Bund opposite.

The arrival of Zhou Ziyu and the others attracted the attention of everyone in the bar, and they all looked at her.

It's not that beauties of her level are uncommon anymore, but most people may never see them in their lifetime.

There is a huge difference between looking at photos and videos and seeing a real person in person.

No matter how beautiful a photo is, it may not have the same impact as a real person.

Many people say online that this celebrity is not good-looking and that one is average-looking, but if he was given a girlfriend with celebrity looks, he would probably go crazy with joy.

"Beauty, come and sit at our table!" A tall, avant-garde-dressed boy in his mid-twenties stood up and invited with a smile.

Next to him sat an ordinary boy wearing glasses.

Zhou Ziyu just glanced at the boy indifferently, ignored him, walked to the guardrail, blew in the wind, and admired the scenery.

Seeing Zhou Ziyu being so disrespectful, the boy couldn't help but froze, looked around, and sat down again.

"This girl is so beautiful!"

"It's beautiful, but it's a little too cold."

"It looks familiar, can't it be some celebrity?"

From time to time, there were faint sounds of discussion around.

Two more people came over and tried to strike up a conversation with Zhou Ziyu, but they were stopped by Liu Jie and Lu Yingqi.

Zhou Ziyu looked at the Huangpu River and the high-rise buildings on the Bund opposite, her mind was up and down, and she thought a lot.

What does Li Zhe like about Xiao Qiao, and what does he like about her?

After thinking for a long time, she finally made up her mind that she could not listen to her mother's ideas.

If she had really good means, she wouldn't be so bad at it.

She can't be blinded by desire. Even if she loses this time, it doesn't mean she won't have a chance in the future.

But if she really violated Li Zhe's taboo, she would be completely eliminated.

Both she and Xiao Qiao would suffer, which would only benefit Liu Kaiyue and Shen Xin.

However, this does not mean that no means are used.

If Xiao Qiao makes mistakes and is stupid, it has nothing to do with her.

As for Li Zhe?

Doesn’t he take soft things rather than hard things? Then she would still overcome strength with softness. Even if she lost this time, she still had to leave a good impression.

Even if Li Zhe couldn't change his mind, she could give up the position of his first wife to Xiao Qiao, but she would not give up the title of the child.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ziyu relaxed, breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and said to Liu Jie and Lu Yingqi with a smile: "Let's go back!"

"What did Li Zhe do again? Why hasn't he come back yet? He's not going to hook up with the little vixen outside again, is he?"

Xiao Qiao lay flat for another day. She wanted to go for a walk on the street but was too lazy to move.

Even when she goes shopping, she doesn't know what to buy. She lacks everything from clothes to jewelry to cosmetics.

She didn't understand that Zhou Ziyu went shopping every day. What was there to do? Aren't you tired?

After sitting in the room and watching movies for a long time, Xiao Qiao felt a little bored by the afternoon.

She came to the living room while thinking about Li Zhe.

Looking at the empty living room, Xiao Qiao couldn't help but feel a little lonely and deserted.

She would feel annoyed when she saw Zhou Ziyu and the others, but she would feel a little lonely if she stayed alone for a long time.

It even feels like arguing with Zhou Ziyu has become a pastime.

At this time, there was movement downstairs, as if someone was back.

Xiao Qiao came to the stairs and looked down, and found that Zhou Ziyu, Liu Jie, and Lu Yingqi were back, carrying a lot of purchased things in their hands.

Zhou Ziyu looked up and saw Xiao Qiao, smiled and said, "I bought a lot of food, do you want to eat it?"

She seemed to be in a great mood, and she couldn't hide the smile on her face.

"Who wants to eat your food!" Xiao Qiao pouted.

Zhou Ziyu smiled after hearing this, with a kind of...pity in his eyes.

Xiao Qiao was very unhappy when she looked at her, "Why are you laughing?"

She felt that something was wrong with Zhou Huxu today, very abnormal.

Suddenly, Zhou Ziyu's expression changed, she covered her mouth and retched, and hurried to the bathroom.

Liu Jie and Lu Yingqi put down their things and followed.

Xiao Qiao was stunned on the spot.

What did the fox vomit this week? Is he sick?

Thinking about the look in the other person's eyes just now, she had a vague feeling in her heart.

Could the fox be pregnant this week?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

It had been three or four years, and none of the four of them had gotten pregnant. How could it be such a coincidence that when she was about to marry Li Zhe, Fox became pregnant this week.

Although Xiao Qiao didn't want to believe it from the bottom of her heart, she became increasingly uneasy.

The feeling of panic reappeared in the morning, and it became severe.

Li Zhe had said that he would marry whoever gets pregnant first among the four of them.

If Zhou Fox is really pregnant...

Xiao Qiao clenched her fists and her eyes began to turn red.

Zhou Fox!

She doesn't allow anyone to ruin her wedding.

Xiao Qiao really wronged Li Zhe. He was not hooking up with some little vixen outside, but was having a meeting in the company.

Last year, Bank Y announced the "Measures for the Administration of Payment Services of Non-Financial Institutions", which required the issuance of payment licenses to rectify and manage the chaotic third-party payment market.

At the beginning of this year, Bank Y sent an inspection team to inspect well-known third-party platforms such as ZFB and CFT.

Thanks to the efforts of Qudong Group, Qudong payment platform was also included in the scope of the investigation, but it did not receive much attention.

This morning, Li Zhe suddenly got news that Bank Y might soon issue a payment license, so he urgently called all the senior executives on vacation back to the company for a meeting.

Whether the first batch of payment licenses can be obtained will have a great impact on the development of Qudong Group.

This payment license is indispensable for the development of Quliao. How else can we send red envelopes? How to collect five blessings?

That's right, Li Zhe is planning to steal ZFB's Five Blessings Collection event.

However, it is not easy for Qudong Payment Platform to obtain the first batch of payment licenses.

The Qudong payment platform has been established for too short a time and is relatively small in scale. It just barely meets the application standards.

If it hadn't been for the Quliao publicity war that started last year, which caused the number of users of the Qudong payment platform to increase dramatically, Y Bank would not have included the Qudong payment platform in the scope of investigation.

In comparison, Ahri’s ZFB and Penguin’s CFT are almost 100% able to obtain payment licenses in the first batch.

If it cannot obtain the first batch of payment licenses, Qudong Group has only two options. One is to wait for the second batch of payment licenses, and the other is to acquire companies that hold payment licenses.

Goudong obtained the payment license through the second option.

It can be said that Richard Liu did not pay attention to obtaining the payment license as early as possible, which was a huge mistake and seriously affected the development of Goudong.

Goudong is still using zfb, which is simply putting its lifeline in the hands of its competitors.

If he can get a payment license, Li Zhe is ready to help Richard Liu and invest in individual stocks.

He has no plans to engage in e-commerce, but this does not prevent him from indirectly controlling a large e-commerce company.

Sooner or later, Qudong Group will face off against Ahri. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Just when Li Zhe and the others were having a meeting, his cell phone on the table suddenly rang.

Li Zhe picked up the phone and took a look at it, then hung up the phone and didn't answer it.

"Let's continue." He said to Zhao Jia and the others.

The call was from Zhou Ziyu. There must be nothing urgent for her to call at this time.

If her bodyguard suddenly called him, it would be a real emergency.

After the meeting, Li Zhe and Liu Kaiyue walked out of the conference room together.

"Always pay attention to what's going on over there at Bank Y." He turned to Liu Kaiyue and said.

Liu Kaiyue nodded and said, "I understand."

After returning to the office, Li Zhe came to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the scenery outside for a while, then took out his mobile phone and called Zhou Ziyu back.

"Xiaoyu, what do you want from me?" There was a smile in his voice.

Zhou Ziyu was silent for a while on the other side of the phone and said softly: "Husband, I have it."

"what do you have……"

Halfway through the words, Li Zhe suddenly reacted and said in surprise: "Xiaoyu, are you pregnant? When did it happen?"

Hearing the surprise and excitement that could not be concealed in his voice, Zhou Ziyu's heart suddenly felt at ease and full of warmth.

She was really afraid that Li Zhe would think her pregnancy at this time was a problem.

"My relatives were postponed last month and never came. This morning I suddenly felt sick again, so I bought some pregnancy test kits and found out that I was pregnant."

"Is it just a pregnancy test? Just wait for me, and I'll go back and accompany you to the hospital for a checkup right away."

"Well, hubby, I'll be waiting for you."

"Wait a moment."

"What's wrong?"

"Husband, you are so kind!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Zhe walked back and forth several times excitedly.

The last time he heard that Wang Zhining was pregnant, it was more of an accident than a surprise.

However, after the excitement and surprise, Li Zhe suddenly thought of something and felt a little worried again.

He seemed to have promised Zhou Ziyu and the others before that he would marry whoever gets pregnant first.

Alas, you shouldn't make such promises just to appease them.

Now Xiao Qiao is happily waiting for marriage, but Xiao Yu suddenly becomes pregnant. What should we do?

Could it be that you tell Xiaoyu that I just said it casually before, so don’t take it seriously? Or should I tell Xiao Qiao that I can't marry her for the time being and that I have to go to someone else first?

Don't worry, none of them will do it.

Xiao Qiao will go crazy even more. It would not be surprising if he gets hit with a hatchet.

Li Zhe sighed and put away his phone.

Could it be that this little fish was destined to kill Xiao Qiao?

Forget it, don’t think about it for now, let’s go with Xiaoyu for a prenatal check-up first!

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