There was a silent scene on the TV.

Shot from outer space.

In the dark and vast background of space, stars shine.

In the distance of the camera, densely packed cone-shaped objects float quietly. This scene is both spectacular and weird.

Chen Feng, who had been in the army for two months, knew these conical objects.

It is the starry sky fleet that the world government is proud of, representing the highest level of human science and technology, and claiming to be able to open the next chapter of the era.

Reorganize thousands of large motherships, tens of thousands of frigates, and nearly 100,000 small and medium-sized combat ships.

Next to the fleet group, there are several large space stations that are busy producing colonial ships that are said to have a passenger capacity of 200,000.

Nearly a hundred colony ships have been built so far. Once the life freezing technology passes the final reliability verification and makes breakthrough progress, 20 million people will enter the colony ships and officially take the furthest step into space.

Such a huge fleet stacked together looks spectacular.

Suddenly, against the background of the universe, a ray of light suddenly appeared in the fleet group.

Immediately afterwards, little rays of light flickered one after another in the space, one after another, almost lighting up the dark universe.

This was an explosion. In a very short period of time, these more than 100,000 warships exploded together.

In the blink of an eye, these more than 100,000 spaceships all turned into bright fireworks and completely disappeared into space.

The picture on TV is so beautiful that it makes people despair.

Tens of millions of people in the fleet lost their lives instantly.

The force that mankind has been most proud of so far disappeared in an instant.

A narration appears on the TV.

"This is the scene from five minutes ago. Our star fleet was completely destroyed."

The narrator's voice was calm, but filled with sadness and despair.

Chen Feng knew who the owner of this voice was.

When he was still in the army, he often listened to the owner of this voice speaking on TV.

This is the current leader of world government.

As soon as the words on the TV finished, a huge disc-shaped black shadow appeared in the camera lens from far to near at an extremely fast speed.

The Black Shadow's flying speed is incredibly fast, but no medium for propulsion is ejected behind its flight path, indicating that the Black Shadow's propulsion method is different from all energy technologies mastered by humans.

This was exactly what Chen Feng saw hanging in the air last time.

After breaking through the fragmentation zone composed of the wreckage of the Star Fleet, the black shadow suddenly stopped in space.

The instantaneous transformation of a huge object from extreme motion to extreme stillness completely violated the law of inertia, which made Chen Feng feel extremely uncomfortable. It was like a cat scratching the glass next to his ear, making him dizzy and nauseated.

Immediately afterwards, the TV screen disappeared, leaving only darkness, but the previous commentary voice did not stop.

The owner of the voice continued in an indescribable tone: "I'm sorry. We were defeated. We prepared for this day for five hundred years, but we were still defeated. We couldn't even...even the slightest resistance. I'm sorry... …”

The sound gradually died away.

Four words suddenly appeared on the TV, "Signal Interrupted."

It turns out that these people knew this day would come from the beginning.

Systems such as the Star Fleet and the military system are all preparations for today.

It's just that the disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves is too great, just like no matter how strong an ant's nest is, it will be in vain in the face of the world-destroying flood.

This can't even be considered as blocking the car with the mantis arm.

Just as he was thinking about it, Chen Feng's nose suddenly felt a little itchy. He rubbed it subconsciously. He put down his hand and took a look. The back of his hand was covered with sticky red blood. He didn't know when it came out.

Hmm, that damn thing should have entered the atmosphere, right?

Exactly the same as last time.

The TV suddenly exploded without warning, and the lights dimmed suddenly.

Chen Feng's vision turned completely white again, and the familiar yet unfamiliar tearing pain surged from all parts of his body again.

He had experienced it once, and although he was mentally prepared, he still couldn't resist the pain that came from his soul.

He slowly fell to the ground.

Before he died, he only vaguely cursed in his heart.

You just know that's the case, there's no point hiding underground.

Open your eyes.

It's almost dawn again.

Chen Feng lay quietly on the bed, rubbing the quilt with his fingers. When the pain subsided and his mind was free, he memorized the melodies of "Boring" and "Dark Night" twice more.

Then he slowly sat up, clasping his knees with his hands, thinking a lot, and feeling inexplicably melancholy.

The first time he had a dream, he died so suddenly that he had no idea what happened, so he felt nothing.

This time he knew some of the causes and consequences, and was shocked that mankind would really perish in a thousand years. His emotions were a little more volatile.

But in fact, he has little intersection with that world, and there is nothing he cannot let go of, so he always feels isolated from the world a thousand years later.

Until now, he was not 100% sure whether it was reality or an extremely real dream, because there were many unreasonable things in both dreams and reality.

But he couldn't help but feel sorry for the destruction of the entire human civilization.

This is too sad. The entire civilization has worked hard together for five hundred years, but in the end it is still wiped out in a blink of an eye.

In the vast universe, human beings are too humble and insignificant.

This is a feeling that is difficult to describe, with a sense of compassion, a sense of helplessness, and a bit of regret and loss.

It took a long time for Chen Feng to break free from such complicated emotions.

He smiled self-deprecatingly and thought to himself, so what if that was true?

Even if humanity does perish in a thousand years, so what?

What does it have to do with me?

Whether now or a thousand years from now, I am just an insignificant ordinary person.

What can I change?

What can I do to meddle?

I even tried my best to take care of myself.

Chen Feng jumped out of bed and said subconsciously: "Xiaowei, make me a drink..."

Forget it, why did you make the same mistake again?

Chen Feng shrugged, made breakfast by himself, put a cup of hot milk and two steamed buns into the microwave, and pressed the button.

There was a crunch, and a soft crunching sound came from the microwave.

The ceiling light in the kitchen went out and the power tripped.

White smoke shot up from behind the microwave, and a burning smell filled the kitchen.

The microwave is burned out.

He hadn't used the microwave in a year, and he was a little distracted, forgetting that he couldn't put metal objects in it.

Too bad, at least one or two hundred is gone.

Chen Feng muttered and went to the bathroom to wash up again.

While filling the mouthwash cup, he glanced at the mirror from the corner of his eye and was stunned for a moment when he saw his slightly pale face in the mirror.

He remembered clearly that his skin color was not like this before.

Although the apartment housekeeper does not have high-intensity outdoor work, he still often walks around outside.

Chen Feng's original body was not very strong, but he was not thin either, and his skin color was standard, neither yellow nor white.

But the face in the mirror was sickly pale. It looked like he had not been out for too long and was in a severe sub-health state caused by lack of exercise and sunlight exposure.

Chen Feng was puzzled.

I obviously just slept for one night, what happened?

Could it be that the changes in my physique in the dream were carried over to the outside?

This time he almost never left the house in his dream.

Anyway, Xiaowei will prepare everything, and he also knows that he will die sooner or later, and it doesn't matter whether he exercises or not.

So in the next two or three months in the dream, his health condition and skin color had indeed changed like this.

Considering that there was no difference before and after he woke up last time, he thought it would be the same this time, so he didn't pay attention at all.

Now he knew why.

When he was a low-income household last time, although he was addicted to pleasure, he did not shut himself in his room and be a dead house. Instead, he went out from time to time to play ball with others and go for a run.

After all, last time he was still thinking about the beautiful girls from other low-income households, and he also maintained proper exercise, so the change in skin color was not obvious before and after.

But this time, I got a little better at being a reserve soldier for two months, but then I had to stay at home for ten months, and I was still the kind of dead house that never saw the light of day. Something was wrong with the house.

Chen Feng rubbed his face and fisted his fists again. He felt a little weak.

Forget it, just pay more attention next time and resume your running habit this month.

However, before that, you should copy the songs.

Chen Feng took leave during the day and locked himself in his room for the whole day. He didn't even go for lunch and wrote the complete arrangements of the two songs by hand bit by bit.

At present, he has not yet mastered the skills of digital arrangement, so he can only complete it by hand.

Although it was a bit hard, looking at the notebook filled with music scores, Chen Feng felt more fulfilled than ever before.

The sun was setting outside the window, and the rays of the setting sun spilled in through the window and shone on the black artificial leather cover of the notebook, reflecting a hazy glow.

Chen Feng gently rubbed the cover, filled with anticipation.

Regardless of whether I still have this dream in the future or whether I can copy more songs, as long as I run these two songs well, my destiny will be somewhat different, right?

When I earn my first pot of gold, what should I do with it?

How much can I earn from my first pot of gold?

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