The next morning, when Ling Ping got up, he saw an unread text message on his mobile phone.

"The grapes are ripe..." He looked at the text message, which was sent by Uncle Zhang, the village chief of his hometown on the outskirts of the city.

I just said one thing - the grapes in the village are ripe, and I asked if I would like to leave a few jins for him as in previous years.

This is of course a must.

Ling Ping'an immediately replied with a text message: "Uncle Zhang, please save me about fifty pounds..."

The grapes from my hometown are first-class!

Especially for brewing, it's first-class!

Although Lingping doesn't drink alcohol, his aunt likes it.

It didn't take long for the text message over there to come again.

Uncle Zhang: Good!

Ling Ping'an picked up the phone and hurriedly started to wash.

He has to rush back to get the grapes today.

Considering that it rained just yesterday, we have to hurry up.

Otherwise, the grapes picked for a long time may be damaged, which will affect the taste of the final wine!

When they got to the stairs, the kitten Best was already waiting.

"Little darling..." Lingping picked it up and said, "How about we go to our hometown in the suburbs today?"

"There are so many vines and strawberry fields over there!"


The kitten was meowing and seemed very happy.

Ling Ping held it in his arms, walked downstairs, turned on the computer first, and ordered today's update.

By the way, he looked at the collection.


When I went to bed last night, it seemed to be 28?

Up four? !


He laughed and turned off the computer happily.

Then hold the kitten, walk out the door, and close the door of the store.

Then get on the bus and set off towards the countryside in the eastern suburbs.

The bus circled around the city, and soon drove out of the city and entered the villa area in the suburbs.

Villas are arranged in a row between mountains, forests, streams and lakes.

Some servants and servants dressed in traditional Silla costumes were chatting and laughing beside the villas.

Ling Ping looked at it and shook his head.

The Federal Empire has recently set off a retro trend.

Tang Feng Han tradition or something.

Therefore, Silla servants have become very popular!

And the Kingdom of Silla seems to have identified this business opportunity and launched a customized service.

I heard that the monthly salary of a highly trained senior Silla maid has reached an eye-popping tens of thousands!

That's more than the salary of many senior engineers!

The bus drove out of the villa area and soon entered a continuous pastoral field.

All you can see are vegetable greenhouses and fruit planting bases.

Like most of the larger cities in the Federal Empire, Jiangcheng has large tracts of suburban rural land.

These places are prohibited development areas protected by law.

Mainly forests and orchards, vegetable fields.

There are historical reasons for this.

The emperors and generals who founded the federal empire have an unforgettable fear of hunger!

According to many historical materials and memoirs, at first, the most common question that Taizu and his heroes thought about was - when will we make the people not hungry?

Therefore, the national system is designed to make the people not hungry.

However, Emperor Taizu never imagined that in less than 30 years after his death, there would never be a famine in the Federation.

Because the Northern Zhou Dynasty was liberated.

The vast and fertile land of the Northern Zhou Dynasty can produce grains that used to be several years old in one year.

Then came the establishment of the Southern Zhou Dynasty and the Western Song Dynasty.

This is just great……

Cheap overseas food, swarming.

In addition to the Northeast region, the grain cultivation in all other places in the mainland is all economically sentenced to death.


Today's native countryside has been completely transformed into orchards and vegetable gardens.

Especially in the suburban countryside surrounding cities, not a single acre of land is used to grow food.

Every city can proudly declare: "We are the land of vegetables and fruits!"

The only problem is - vegetables and fruits are really expensive!

In the vegetable market now, cabbage is more expensive than pork, and even more expensive than grade C beef!

As for fruit?

Anyway, Ling Ping'an remembered that when he was in school, he had lunch at school, if one day fruit appeared on the menu.

It must be the holidays.

Usually, most lunches are junk food.

What chicken legs, beef, sea fish, prawns, etc.

I feel sick eating it!

The obesity rate among teenagers is rising.

Thinking of these, the bus has already turned into the terminal.

Ling Ping Ping held her pet and got out of the car.

The bus stop is right next to an agricultural product distribution center.

As soon as you get out of the car, Lingping can smell the rich aroma of fruits and vegetables.

He walked over and took a look. Boxes of strawberries were already packed, one after another of grapes, green grapes, red grapes...

And piles of bananas and pineapples.

It's all seasonal fruit!

However, Lingping looked at the price and shrank his neck.

The cheapest bananas cost ten yuan a pound here!

As for expensive...

Strawberries cost 28 yuan per pound, which is still a second-class product.

The highest-grade first-class products are not available here. Those high-grade fruits have long been booked in advance at high prices.

Good thing...

Ling Ping An hugged Best and said, "Little darling, fortunately my brother still has the identity of a farmer!"

There are many systems in the federal empire, which are still exactly the same as three hundred years ago.

One of them is the household registration system.

At the beginning of the founding of the country, Emperor Taizu divided the people into 'scholars, peasants, industry and commerce' according to tradition.

After Emperor Gaozong, the era of constitutional government began, in accordance with the edict of the 'steps of government training and constitutional government' left by Taizu.

In the councils of ministers and officials at all levels, each occupation must have fixed-seat representatives selected from the corresponding occupations.

For example, education and scientists now occupy a very large proportion in the Council of Ministers and Doctors of the Central Committee.

The Federal Imperial Education Committee and the Federal Imperial Science and Technology Development Committee are all superpowers of the whole empire.

Similarly, the seats of farmers have always been reserved.

Just relatively few.

But the usefulness of the identity of the farmer is getting bigger and bigger.

And Lingping's ancestors have always been farmers.

Although, as early as his grandfather's time, he had moved to the city.

However, the occupation marked on his ID card and household registration book has never changed!

The location of his household registration has always been Qilipu Village, Dongmei Town, Jiangcheng City, where his ancestors lived.

And the villages of the Federal Empire have been very close together since ancient times.

Especially in Guangnan!

The relationship between the township party and the party is an iron relationship comparable to that of classmates and comrades.

People in a place, once they meet, they will automatically form a group.

In many past film and television works, Guangnan people often play the role of heroic heroes who see the road injustice.

The plot basically revolves around the protagonist being bullied overseas, and then a big guy on the side of the road, who hears the protagonist's Guangnan accent, immediately pulls out the revolver hanging from his waist and kills it.

So much so that people once formed a stereotype.

They thought that Guangnan people were all the kind of heroes who rode tall horses with revolvers around their waists, and walked in the vast northern Zhou wilderness.

But that was actually more than two hundred years ago.

But now, the hero on horseback has disappeared in the fields of Northern Zhou along with social development and technological progress.

However, the township plot of Guangnan people is still strong.

As long as it is in one place, everything is negotiable.

Even, as long as the ancestral home is in one place, it is easy to say.

As a farmer, the most important thing for Lingping is that he can go to the orchards and vegetable fields and pick the fruits and vegetables he wants to eat.

And the price is cheap!

Basically, less than 30% of the market price.

That is he is lazy!

If you are diligent, you will have vegetables and fruits to eat every day!

Not only that, every time people from the village come to the city to buy or play.

They will bring him some vegetables and fruits from the village.

So, holding Best, Ling Ping set foot on the way home.

He is very familiar with this road!

Before the age of ten, his parents would take him back to his ancestral home in the countryside once a week.

One is to clean the ancestral house, the other is to worship the ancestors, and the third is to buy some vegetables and fruits.

However, after the death of his parents, Lingping rarely returned.

Especially after graduating from university, every year in addition to going back to worship ancestors in the New Year, it is to buy grapes for wine.

As for the ancestral house, he entrusted it to a distant relative in the village and asked him to help look after and clean it.

For this reason, Lingping pays him 500 yuan every month.

Holding Best, Ling Ping went straight along the road, then in front of a bridge, turned into the left-hand trail and entered the country road.

After climbing a few small hills, a small village by the river bend comes into view.

Seven Mile is here!

A bunch of relatives came to my house today... mainly during the Mid-Autumn Festival...



I can only start working hard to pay off the debt tomorrow!

Together, it should be more than 40,000 words!

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