I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 254 Mechanical Primarch

Sylvanas flew between the tree canopies at high speed.

Under the sun, the speed of the Son of the Sun has reached unprecedented levels!

Not long after, she saw the collapsed rune stone.

These magical runes that protect the Eversong Forest helped the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas survive the last catastrophe.


In the face of natural disasters, these rune stones no longer exerted their effect.

Endless natural disaster soldiers swallowed up the defenses of all rune stones.

Continuing forward, she saw a huge plague scar that ran through the entire Yongsong Forest and extended to Silver Moon City.

Sylvanas fell from the canopy.

Falling onto this land corroded by the plague.

She knew that this land was contaminated by the terrible power of death and plague due to the advance of natural disasters.

Sylvanas' eyes began to turn golden due to anger.

The flame of the sun is burning in the pupils!

She stood up silently.

Pulling a short blade from his leg.

"Alsace!" she growled lowly: "I swear I will return all of this to you!"

Sons of the Sun stand up.

In anger, her feet began to burst into flames.

The sacred fire of the sun burns the earth and purifies it!

Unfortunately, her power is still too weak and far from enough to purify this land polluted by plague and death.


Sylvanas knew that as long as she kept working hard.

One day, the power of the eternal sun will help her purify this polluted land.

Bring life and nature back!

Along this plague path, Sylvanas continued forward.

The Scourge Legion seems to have left here.

It was quiet along the way, without any sound.

Deep in the forest, not even the sound of birds can be heard.

As she walked forward, her mood gradually sank to the bottom.

Finally, she saw the outline of Silvermoon City.

The glorious capital of high elves has now completely collapsed.

The entire city has been destroyed by natural disasters!

The Ranger General looked at the collapsed city in front of her, and she couldn't help but burst into tears!

"I..." She knelt down: "Is it still too late to come back?"

Only the whimpering wind echoed in the ruins.


Forge World.

Everything has returned to calm.

The will of the great Omnisiah has departed.

However, in every piece of machinery and every piece of steel, the power of the great Spirit of All Machines still remains.

Mechanical Bishop Almunia stood up. He walked to the steel platform and looked at the mechanical priests who were still immersed in the arrival of the great Spirit of All Machines.

"The great Spirit of All Machines has irrefutably arrived before us!" The cold voice of the Mechanical Bishop reached the ears of every Mechanical Priest and Skitarii soldier.

"He has used the divine voice of steel and the great mechanical truth to point out a fact irrefutably——"

“He is the Spirit of all things, the Savior and truth we serve!”

"He is also very powerful!"

"More is better, greater is beautiful! This is the oracle of the spirit of all possibilities and the irrefutable truth!"

"He is the great compassionate Gatling Bodhisattva, the future Buddha who saves the suffering!"

The Mechanical Bishop raised his head, and his steel scepter hit the ground heavily.

"what does that mean?"

"It means that from today on, the blasphemous words of 'The Emperor is Omnisiah' held by the heretics have been completely proven to be lies!"

"I order!" The cruel mechanical bishop issued his own order: "Completely cleanse all heretics!"

"The Holy Forge World has no need for heretics!"

The Mechanicus Priests stood up.

The Skitarii looked at each other.

The next second, the capacitor guns were pointed at each other, and the hypersonic blades were pulled out.

The battle begins immediately!

Blood and limbs are flying across the forging world!

The warriors and mechanical priests loyal to the Spirit of All Machines used extremely efficient and cruel methods to quickly cleanse the heretics!

Those colleagues and comrades who had knelt down and prayed with them just a moment ago.

This is something that can be done without mobilization.

It’s also something you do subconsciously without thinking.


If you don't take action, it will be a blasphemy against the spirit of all opportunities!

In an instant, the loyal Mechanic Priests and Skitarii soldiers killed all the believers and supporters of the false emperor!

In blood, in corpses.

The victorious Mechanicus and Skitarii raised their weapons.

"Praise the spirit of all opportunities!"

Almunia personally held a head and dropped it from the steel platform.

This is his former assistant, and he is also a fool who worships the Emperor extremely!

"Praise the Spirit of All Machines!" The Mechanical Bishop's electronic eyes flashed with incomparable fervor.

He could feel that the machine soul was extremely happy!

He felt even more that the spirit of all opportunities was extremely happy!

This is what a truly qualified believer in the Spirit of All Machines should do!

But this is not enough!

"More is better!" Almunia said coldly: "Big is beautiful!"

"From today on, the Forging World should act with the sacred will of Duo Zhengrong!"

He had a premonition that he would receive divine favor!

Vaguely, Almunia saw a mechanical angel with two wings on its back, waving to him.

That is his future path!

It is also the true path to salvation!

Not the ridiculous and unrealistic so-called ideal of the pseudo-emperor!


Elizabeth led her own skitarii and the army of the Discipline Academy, walking in the long desert of yellow sand.

Her body has been protected by layers of thick steel.

The huge titan body is indestructible.

The steel wings behind him still spread out behind him along the lines of the Titan mecha.

A series of sacred Gatlings, guarding everything.

The Titan Mecha, which is more than ten meters high, is a gift from the Spirit of All Machines. It has received the blessing of many steamed rivets and the supreme blessing of Gatling Bodhisattva!

At the same time, Elizabeth also learned about her latest mission!

Transform this world into a mechanical world.

Let the iron will be implemented in every corner of the world!

When this mission is completed, it will be the time when the spirit of all opportunities comes.

At that time, she will be qualified to serve the Spirit of All Opportunities forever due to her great achievements and devout faith.

Become His Primarch Warrior!

For His eternal conquests in every world.

Spread the gospel of machinery and the truth of steel to the vast universe and the distance of the infinite world!

Then, Elizabeth began to sing about the great spirit of all possibilities: "From the pain of heart..."

"The spirit of all opportunities will relieve me!"

"On the road to death, there are many reasons..."

A high-pitched electronic mechanical female voice sounded throughout the desert.

"I know the current circuit exists, and it will run wild under the claws of the evil god!"

"Hundreds of refined steel protects my body. When my mortal body is tempted..."

The Titan mecha left deep footprints on the ground, and the barrels of the Gatling guns spread out on the wings of steel continued to rotate.

Each of the sacred armor-piercing high-explosive bombs bears the sacred prayer of the Great Merciful and Compassionate Gatling Bodhisattva: Namo Amitabha!

"In the cage of suffering and weakness of flesh and blood, Gatling Bodhisattva frees me!"

The steel wings vibrated, and the huge Titan mecha automatically retracted to both sides, instantly entering under the skin of the body.

The holy steel angel flies high.

All the Gatling barrels on the Steel Wings were pointed in one direction.

"How steamy and riveting!"

"How steamy and riveting!"

“More is better, big is beautiful!”

All the gun barrels rotated at high speed.

Da da da!

Da da da!

The sacred armor-piercing high-explosive bombs sprayed out, dragging a long barrage of death in the sky.

It poured into a seemingly lifeless desert.

Da da da!

Da da da!

The steel is roaring and the machinery is roaring!

The sacred prayers on each bullet began to be chanted.

"Namo Amitabha!"

The wrath of the Iron Angel descended instantly!

The minions of the evil god who lurked underground and thought they were infallible were exposed to the wrath of machinery and steel!

There were countless terrifying evil things, and their limbs were in a mess after being beaten.

Countless twisted minions were beaten until their flesh and blood flew everywhere!

"For the Spirit of All Opportunities!" Elizabeth shook her steel wings and flew directly over.

Her arms turned into two deadly high-frequency shock knives.


The Iron Angel fell into the desert where the evil god's minions were ambushing.

Da da da!

Gatling guns kept spraying bullets.

The two deadly high-frequency knives cut open the evil god's minions like tofu.

Fearless Steel Angel, extremely brave!

Her faith is devout and firm!

Behind her, machines and machines were flying into the sky.

The soldiers of the Skitarii and the Discipline Academy roared even more.

They faced those minions of the evil god in the past whose legs trembled just by looking at them, and they did not dare to fight against them.

At this moment, he is extremely enthusiastic!

"For the Spirit of All Opportunities!"

"We will die fighting!"

The mechanical people rushed over like a tide.

Even if they knew that the number of minions of the evil god they faced was hundreds of thousands!

But no one backed down, and no one was timid!

Because they have found their Savior!

The great all-powerful spirit is watching them!

The sacred multi-steamed rivets are blessing them!

The compassionate Gatling Bodhisattva is praising them!

For machinery and steel!

For the sake of the spirit of all opportunities!

The soldiers of the Skitarii and the Discipline Academy began to charge fearlessly!

As they charged, they sang the hymn of the Iron Angels.

"Since the pain of my heart, the spirit of all opportunities has relieved me..."

"On the road to death, there are many reasons..."

They recalled the past.

The suffering and torture of the past hundred years!

Under the void storm, human civilization trembles.

A hundred years in loss and confusion, in despair and torture!

Then, everyone let out the strongest roar in a hundred years: "Flesh and blood are weak, but steel is eternal!"

Tide-like human beings collided with the tide-like army of evil gods.

Flesh and blood are flying everywhere.

Guns and steel are roaring!

a hundred years! A whole hundred years!

Humanity finally begins to fight back!

Counterattack under the great will of the Spirit of All Opportunities!


I recommend the new book "One Piece of the Ming Dynasty" by my good friend Ren Yihong.

Thanks to ‘Lonely Sha Diao Leng’ and ‘Lonely Colored Night’ for the 1,000 points!

Thanks to ‘Darkest Galaxy’ for the 700 points!

Thanks to ‘Tai Niu Shisan’ for the 500 points!

Thanks to ‘Zhao Gongshen’ for the 300 points!

Thanks to ‘Book Friends 20200630142306178’, ‘04nc’, ‘Time and Space is Calling’, ‘Dreams Return to Eternal Clouds and Rain’, ‘Ghost 94’, ‘Dreams of Female Creatures Around the World’ for the 100 points!

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