I Plant Zombies in The Last Days

Chapter 502: I'm afraid too

The Gorefiend's air cavalry suffered a lot, and slowly they came up with a countermeasure.

When arresting the soldiers of the Qin Army, he deliberately gave them hope of escape, and then let the senior gorefiend lie in ambush on the road, suddenly shot, and stopped them before the soldiers of the Qin Army reacted.

This method worked very well. The air cavalry of the Gorefiend quickly caught a lot of soldiers from the Qin Army from various places, and then sent them to the rear with five big flowers.

Interrogation is inevitable.

The physical and mental torture is extremely cruel.

Some fighters had their eyes dug out and their human skin was peeled off; some fighters had nails and bamboo sticks stuck in their fingernails; some fighters were cut a little bit and thrown into boiling oil...

The screams of the soldiers echoed in the night sky, like a ghost crying.

Young lives disappear in inhuman torture!

They could have not died, as long as they confessed Qin's movements.

But they didn't!

Some people say that it is human nature to be selfish and selfish to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. As if to say so, it seems that they have seen through everyone, as if to say so, they can appear how clever and different they are!

In fact, this is just a fig leaf they got for their sordidness!

It is human nature to be selfish and selfish to seek benefits and avoid disadvantages. Isn't it human nature to sacrifice life and sacrifice courageously?

Human nature is complicated. It has a dark side and a bright side. This is also the most obvious difference between human nature and animal nature.

If someone can live and die, still stick to his beliefs and uphold the brilliance of his human nature, then he can be regarded as a great person and a hero.

In reality, not everyone can be called a hero, and not everyone can stand the test.

After experiencing the torture of even flipping, a soldier named Dong Qiang of the Qin Army succumbed.

When he said that sentence, "I'm recruiting!", the soldiers of the Qin Army who were also tortured in an immature shape around him stared at him with eyes full of anger, wishing to rush forward and swallow him alive!

Dong Qiang lowered his head, not daring to look at everyone's gaze, tears were constantly flowing in his eyes, he hated his cowardice, hated his timidity, but he really didn't want to die!

He whimpered and said sorry over and over again.

Dong Qiang was taken to other places, and the rest of the people continued to suffer inhuman torture.

Many things, as long as someone takes the lead, someone will follow. Even if they know that it is wrong, they will excuse themselves. You can see that others have done that, why can't I do it!

In this way, several more fighters chose to steal their lives.

At this time, a soldier of the Qin Army, who was hung in the air with blood and blood, said in a hoarse voice.

"I am also afraid of pain, I am also afraid of death, we are all afraid!"

When the blood demons around heard this, they thought that this person was also going to surrender, so they didn't stop him and let him go on.

The man's voice became louder and continued.

"Because of fear, we have been huddled in the city for hundreds of years and did not dare to resist; because of fear, we watched, one crop after crop of people died in front of us, but only knowing the infighting; because of fear, we are like It’s like a group of pigs, kept in captivity, generation after generation."

Hearing this, the Gorefiends faintly realized something was wrong, and quickly stepped forward to stop it.

I don't know where that person's power came from, and he snarled the gorefiend's stormy attacks.

"Compared to these, I am even more afraid that our nation has no hope. Our children and grandchildren will become **** food. When we die, we will be able to stand up behind us. If we surrender today, who will stand still? Behind us, who would stand up for our country and nation...puff..."

The man finally couldn't hold it, spewed out a big mouthful of blood, and no longer breathed!

His head was not lowered until he died, his eyes lost their expression, but he still stared at the gorefiends.

The gorefiends stared at by those eyes are all fearful!

His name is Zheng Yuhua, a captain of the Qin Northeast Army, 317th Army, and he was only 23 years old when he died.

Later, his deeds appeared in textbooks, inspiring generations of young people to work hard.

But what makes people sad is that such a precious spirit was almost destroyed by the young people of Qin Kingdom because of an accident. Of course, these are all things to follow.

In other words, Dong Qiang and others were greedy for life and fear of death. After they chose to surrender, the blood slaves took their own think tank and went to meet them. After showing up, Dong Qiang and others eventually betrayed the country and betrayed mankind.

The blood slaves and others are like extremely dry sponges, frantically drawing as much information as possible from Dong Qiang and others.

But the more they understood, the more shocked the blood slaves and others.

Qin's political formation, economic policies, production relations, production capacity, as well as the organization of the army, fighting methods, weapons and equipment, as well as the magic plants that subvert cognition, all made the blood slaves horrified.

"How long has it been since Qin has developed to such a point, if we let it go, how far should Qin develop!"

Then the blood slave asked about the military deployment of the Qin army for this operation.

Although Dong Qiang and others are not even the middle level in the Qin army, and don’t know much about the core intelligence, the blood slaves’ think tanks still base their marching route, advancing direction, and tasks performed before being arrested. , Combined together, quickly deduced Qin Jun’s strategic intentions and progress.

Seeing the result of the deduction, Xue Slave's face became extremely gloomy, "The **** Hou's left path should be gone, alas! It's a pity, I didn't even hold it all night!"

Behind the blood slave, a pale middle-aged man said: "According to Qin Jun’s thinking, once our left road is destroyed, then the next step Qin Jun will deal with should be our middle road. The adults should still prepare in advance. Just in case it happens!"

The blood slave nodded, and just as he was about to speak, a blood demon came to report.

"Xing Qing Hou just sent a message saying that they have succeeded in breaking through the encirclement, but they have suffered heavy losses, and there are still a large number of chasing troops behind, requesting that we send troops to respond!"

Hearing this, everyone present was taken aback, then all laughed.

"Hahaha, such a clumsy strategy also wants to deceive us, as everyone knows we already know their strategic intentions!"

"My lord, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Why don't we just do it?"

"My lord, this method works!"

"This method is in seconds!"

Everyone agreed.

The blood slave pondered for a moment, then looked at the sky outside, and after another four or five hours, it would dawn.

Perhaps this is still a chance to kill Qin Wanghao!

Thinking of this, the blood slave shouted directly: "Help me contact the Blood Soul Grand Duke, hurry up!"

After discussing with the Blood Soul Grand Duke, the blood slave ordered the blood demons below to return to the blood.

"Our army is ready to respond. Please try your best to rush to Luzili area, where will we meet."

In the middle of the night, the blood demon's middle army began to mobilize frequently, but not all the way to Luzi.

A huge pocket, surrounding Luzi, is rapidly taking shape!

On the other side, after Xue Qing Hou received the reply, he told Qin Hao about the reply.

After listening to Qin Hao, he chuckled twice, and then asked, "You said that the current commander of the blood demon army is a human named blood slave?"

"Yes...Yes! The monsters east of Qin State were led by him!"

Qin Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, "While you are helping me, my kind is helping you. This is really ironic!"

"Then, are we really going to Luzi?" Xing Qing Hou asked tentatively.

"Go, why not go!"

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