I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 163 The Devourer of Humanity

Ye Chu stayed here for a long time, but no one came to save them.

"Could it be that Long Shiyun's people haven't come in yet?"

Ye Chu secretly thought.

But then the idea was rejected.

"In Yanjing City, there is Mr. Qin, an eighth-level space evolutionist, and it is more than enough to send a hundred people in!"

So, their people must have come in.

But why not save these survivors?

"Could it be that their goal is not these survivors at all?"

The more Ye Chu thought about it, the more confused he became, and he simply stopped thinking about it.

Since there is nothing wrong here, Ye Chu might as well go back to the mental hospital and continue to observe.

But just when Ye Chu was about to leave, the teacher leading the team suddenly changed.


There was a low roar in the dark room.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

Immediately, students asked questions of concern.

"No...it's okay!"

As soon as the teacher waved his hand, the other students immediately stood in place.


Immediately afterwards, the teacher uttered a painful scream.

The zombies outside heard the noise immediately.

Boom boom boom!

Zombies kept beating on the door.

I saw the teacher struggling, and then picked up the shotgun and pointed it at the door.

"Everyone... back off!"

The teacher seemed to be enduring some severe pain.

But even then, he told the students to back off to avoid accidents.


Zombies broke through the door.


The teacher pulled the trigger without hesitation.

This special shotgun is extremely powerful.

Due to the short distance, the first zombie that charged in was directly blown away by the powerful impact.


Reload, another shot.

But there are too many zombies outside.

"Everyone, get out of the windows!"

The teacher shouted loudly without looking back.


And at this moment, a zombie jumped in directly from the window.

The last way out is gone.

"Ah! Help!"

"Teacher! Help us!"

"Go away! You monsters!"


Screams, calls for help.

All the students were shouting loudly in the corner.

But on the other side, the teacher only has a gun, and his body is still suffering some kind of severe pain.


A very penetrating shout sounded again.

The teacher looked back.

It was found that the zombie coming in from the window had already grabbed a girl's trousers and was quickly pulling towards its big mouth.

"don't want!"

The teacher's eyes widened immediately.

The students here are only a dozen or so students left in the whole school.

As a teacher, if he can't even protect them, then even if he dies, he won't die with peace.

"Bastard, get the hell out of here!"

The teacher just dropped the shotgun in his hand.

Then he got on all fours and rushed towards the zombie like a cheetah.


At this moment, Ye Chu, who was observing all this underground, raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Yes, the teacher has awakened.

Transformed into an agile cheetah, he rushed over almost instantly, grabbed the zombie with both hands, and threw the zombie out fiercely.


The teacher stood in front of all the students and roared at all the zombies.

This loud roar is like the king of beasts.

Suddenly, all the zombies started to retreat.

"No! This is not awakening!"

Ye Chu fixed his eyes on the teacher.

"Is this a zombie?"

Ye Chu saw that the teacher's eyes were all white with no pupils.

Moreover, the skin and muscles are tense, walking like a beast.

It looks like it has awakened the alienation ability of beasts.

But the breath on his body is exactly the same as those zombies.

After a while, seeing all these zombies leave, the teacher suddenly went limp and passed out.

Ye Chu was very surprised by the physical changes of this teacher.

Soon, the group of students blocked the doors and windows again, and then a group of people surrounded the teacher.

They gently poured the remaining water into the teacher's mouth.

In this way, everyone is waiting for the teacher to wake up.

But after a full night, the teacher still didn't wake up.

"What should I do? The teacher has a fever!"

"Is this the aftereffect of the teacher's awakening!"

"What should we do? Our first aid medicine is also used up!"

"Or, let's go out and find supplies and medicines alone!"


Suddenly, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.


Among the many people, there are only six boys.

In this case, girls must not be allowed to go out.

"I'll go!"

At this moment, a thin young man stood up.

"I'll go as well!"

Someone took the lead, and the other boys immediately stood up.

"The three of us go, the three of you stay to protect the teacher and the girls!"

After the thin man finished speaking, he carefully picked up the shotgun and walked out.

With the departure of the three boys, the room regained its calm.

"Ugh! Cough cough!"

Suddenly, the teacher lying on the ground coughed.

Everyone immediately gathered around.

"Teacher, how are you doing?"

"Teacher, are you okay!"

Everyone asked concerned.

But the teacher never opened his eyes.

"Ah! Teacher's body is so cold!"

Suddenly, a boy supporting the teacher said in surprise.

Everyone touched the teacher's forehead.

But it feels like touching a piece of ice.

"It was hot like a soldering iron just now, why is there no temperature now?"

And just when everyone was wondering.

The teacher's eyes... suddenly opened.

Those eyes were completely white, without pupils.


A classmate who was closer was suddenly taken aback.


I saw that the teacher's muscles tensed instantly, and then he jumped up from the ground.

"Teacher! How did you become like this?"

"Don't be afraid, everyone, this may be the alienation ability of the teacher!"

Everyone backed away in fear, only a bold boy said guessing.

Limbs on the ground, pacing back and forth like a cheetah.

After a while, the teacher spoke slowly.

"Students, don't be afraid, this may be my alienation ability!"

Hearing this, all the students breathed a sigh of relief.

"Look, I'll say this is the alienation ability of the teacher!"

The bold student said proudly.

However, underground.

Ye Chu frowned.

"No, this is not his alienation ability!"

Although across the ground.

But Ye Chu could clearly feel the zombie smell emanating from the opponent's body.

Looking at it with the system, Ye Chu was suddenly surprised.

Name: Ren Langtao

Strength: Tier 5 Advanced Devourer

Abilities: devour, evolve, hunt

Background: The former physical education teacher of a key middle school in city c, became a devourer due to inhalation of a mutated virus drug, but kept all wisdom and memory.

"This guy actually has the original wisdom and memory!"

Ye Chu thought in disbelief.

da da da ~

And it is.

Only the roar of the helicopter came from outside.

There were also bursts of gunfire.

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