I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 701 The reversal of cause and effect, the power of fate!

The entire laboratory suddenly fell into deathly silence, and hundreds of federal researchers fell into panic. Several unwilling scholars ordered the brain to conduct a self-test again, and the result was still [No abnormalities found, all The program operates normally].

"Is it possible that some alien civilization is observing here?" A researcher looked around in horror and said stumblingly.

Excluding experimental accidents, there is only one possibility left - the collapse of quantum probability has nothing to do with the observation of arthropods such as mantises and spiders. It is some kind of intelligent life form that they cannot see watching this experiment!

Although the Federation has entered the starry sky for hundreds of years, due to the lack of breakthrough in warp engine technology, it is still spinning in the solar system without even seeing the shadow of an alien.

Some arrogant federal researchers even believe that the earth's ability to naturally evolve highly intelligent creatures like humans is a special case among special cases. Maybe they are the first civilizations to step into the stars.

However, today, right here, in an ordinary quantum experiment, they actually discovered that alien civilization seemed to be around them, and they were not aware of it at all...

Lin En was also looking around the quantum laboratory. Previously, in the 'Zero' database, there were records of suspected interference by advanced alien civilizations in this experiment, so he has been paying close attention from the beginning. Throughout the whole experiment, I didn't notice anything wrong.

Could it be that the other party's technological level has reached a point where it can block one's own perception?

Or is it that the instruments for this alien civilization observation experiment exist outside the scope of "backtracking".

Thinking of this, Lin En tried to continue to expand the divine domain outwards. However, the artificial intelligence that had just started to control the experiment issued an extra fierce alarm.

[Warning, quantum data is interfered with, warning, energy supply is limited...]

The artificial intelligence started to sound the alarm as soon as he made a move, and Linn couldn't help but think of a somewhat absurd possibility.

Could this observer be me?

But he has clearly tried that he cannot interfere with anything at all and can only passively watch past information, just like watching a movie or a video...

Wait, video?

Linn paused for a moment, and then his thoughts suddenly exploded. The reason why the Federation wanted to create a quantum black box and ask the brain to delete all the data in the experiment was to prevent anyone from wanting to view it in the future.

After all, for quantum-level particles, the barrier of space and time are meaningless!

For example, in the delayed-selected double-slit interference experiment, photons can always accurately determine whether their trajectory will be 'seen'.

Even if this observation is made after the photon has made its choice, it will be 'predicted' in advance in violation of cause and effect!

The time retrieval of the Destiny Priesthood is essentially an observation of past information. Linn had not thought of this before because the time span was too long!

Who would have thought that observations made more than a thousand years later could affect experimental results made more than a thousand years ago!

This discovery was an unexpected surprise for Linn, but for Shar and others living in the past, it was terrifying and terrifying!

The alien civilization that was observing the quantum experiment was actually able to understand their language, and upon realizing that it had been discovered, it immediately launched some kind of attack beyond their cognition.

"Immediately send all the experimental results to the terminal and tell them that an alien civilization has interfered with this experiment!" Shar said in horror. "Also, activate the highest level of protection for me immediately!"

Shar has no intention of finding the observer's location, and has no intention of fighting back, because any alien civilization that has the ability to reach the earth across the vast sea of ​​​​stars must have a technological level that far exceeds that of the Federation!

His only hope was to report the news and rely on the highest level of protection in the laboratory until federal professional negotiators arrived.

Although Shar's response was not perfect, it was quick and decisive. However, a researcher suddenly interrupted with a loud voice.

"Never open the guard, make it stop, stop it quickly!"

Shar was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly thought that the protection system here also uses quantum technology!

With a black box, it is absolutely safe and will not cause any problems under normal circumstances, but it is different now. Unknown alien observers can even directly see the quantum-level reactions inside the black box!

The moment Lin En sensed something was wrong, he closed up the divine realm and stopped conducting quantum-level observations. Unfortunately, it was a step too late. The quantum probability collapsed in just an instant, and the activated protection system failed to search for the enemy. Under such circumstances, he took the initiative to start the attack!

Powerful antimatter rays swept past amidst the horrified shouts of the crowd. More than a dozen researchers were killed on the spot. The walls of the laboratory were also directly cut open, and the energy system was also detonated at the same time!

The terrifying annihilation wave began to expand rapidly, and soon swallowed up the entire laboratory. Lin En subconsciously wanted to rescue him. After all, this disaster was caused by his own observations.

There is no doubt that the rescue failed!

All the atoms in the divine domain seemed to have been nailed to death. Even the divine power at the level of the Lord God could not shake it at all. The result was doomed from the beginning!

Lin En could only watch as hundreds of researchers in the laboratory were enveloped and decomposed by the expanding annihilation wave.

At this moment, the past priest suddenly reacted. Under the violent shaking, space and time seemed to be separated by some kind of force.

At that moment, Lin En realized that part of his past divine power had been divided. It was the moment when his past self was killed by the annihilation wave!

In just a few seconds, the entire laboratory was completely destroyed.

Perhaps due to the impact of the past outbreak of priesthood, or the fact that the quantum probability in the entire area was frozen, the three researchers did not die completely, but were transformed into quantum ghosts.

But the body of the past self was completely torn and annihilated, and the soul was preserved intact under the protection of a trace of the main god-level divine power, and then it seemed to be drawn by some kind to a higher dimension space.

Linn guessed that it was probably the attraction between magic that drove his past self to the Eternal Star.

At this point in time, the Moon Goddess Diana should have discovered and descended into this universe. However, due to the distance, it took thousands of years to arrive.

After figuring out the cause of the matter, Lin En's face became a little weird. In a sense, he was the culprit behind the replacement of human civilization by silicon-based civilization, because it was this quantum accident that caused the Federation's quantum technology to be destroyed. A substantial breakthrough.

Of course, breakthroughs in quantum technology are just an introduction. What really leads to human beings' self-destruction is the unfair distribution of wealth and power. Real pain can only find solace in the virtual.

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