I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 313 This world turns out to be colorless!

Amidst the doubts from the crowd, Lynn did not rush to explain, but asked rhetorically.

"You should all know that light can be reflected?"

The wizards in the auditorium all nodded. Reflection is the basic nature of light, and most polarized light magics use this principle.

"The color we see is actually caused by light shining on an object, being reflected into our eyes, and being recognized by photoreceptor cells." Lynn explained. "The human sensory cells can only distinguish the three colors of red, green and blue. Because the visible solar spectrum is evenly mixed, it is colorless in our eyes..."

"Wait, Master Lynn, if you say that, wouldn't everything be the same color under the same light?" Sanchez interrupted involuntarily.

"Of course not, because part of the light is absorbed by the object, and we only see the reflected visible light..." Lynn said.

To put it more accurately, after the light reflected by the object enters the human eye, it is converted into an electrical signal on the retina and transmitted to the brain through the optic nerve. The so-called color is only the human's definition of the visible effect of electromagnetic waves in a certain frequency band of visible light. That's all...

Regarding this point, after he mastered the electromagnetic force, he verified it in Iyeta, so he naturally has full confidence.

Lynn's words resounded throughout the auditorium, and the disputes and discussions in the audience became louder and louder.

"This theory is... amazing!" Raphael looked at Lynn and couldn't help but say. "Doesn't that mean that the world is actually colorless?"

In the past, they thought that the elements themselves had a certain color, and the objects they combined would show the corresponding color system, and the light only allowed them to see the colors that existed originally, or were attached to the surface of the elements.

However, Lynn's statement is completely opposite. All colors come from light, and what they see is the light that is repelled by objects, and those that are absorbed can't be seen?

That is to say, a red object is not red at all, but it will reflect all the red light and absorb light of other colors.

In theory, if we can find a way to "see" the "light element" inside the object, this thing should show a mixed color of other colors?

Raphael had a hard time understanding Lynn's words, and it was really hard to imagine a world where the colors were reversed.

"That's right, without light, there is no color." Lin En nodded, approving Raphael's words.

"This is simply a fallacy!" The great wizard in purple slapped the table and stood up, yelling loudly. "So everything we see is reversed, a black thing that absorbs all the light is actually very bright, but we can't see it?"

"No, that's not the case. Since the light is absorbed and not reflected, it won't be bright." Lin En shrugged, and then continued to speak.

"And you can think about it, if you stay in a sealed space at night, can you see colors? So colors exist by relying on light."

Hearing this, Rafael and the others were taken aback for a moment, and Sanchez frowned, feeling that Lynn's statement was unreliable.

"Master Lynn, what magic requires is rigorous demonstrations, not guesswork! We can't see anything without light. Does it mean that they don't exist if we can't see them?" Standing on the high platform Glenn plucked up his courage and refuted it. He was the last person to believe this argument.

After all, this is related to whether he can get the Morning Star Medal. Once it is proved that the original color is not the essence of light, but a phenomenon caused by physiological reasons, then the importance of his research results will plummet.

However, to argue with a great wizard, who is still the most popular star of magic in the land of wizards, after the courage in Glenn's heart gradually faded, cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

The friend next to him also quietly tugged at his sleeve, signaling Glenn not to rush against the star of magic, and the other party didn't even need to do anything, just show his intentions a little, and their days would be sad in the future.

Lynn didn't care about Glenn's sharp questioning, and said with a smile. "A very good rebuttal, and what you said is not bad, every magic theory needs to be verified by experiments!"

"Then now, please seal up the windows and doors of this auditorium... don't allow any light to come in!"

After Lin En's voice fell, the wizards by the window in the auditorium cast spells in unison, blocking all the doors and windows. The originally bright academic seminar scene immediately became extremely dark, leaving only the top of their heads, The light coming directly from the top of the tower provides a little light.

"Who is wearing a mirror?" Lynn asked again.

"I have it on me!" Glenn took a step forward and took out a round mirror from his arms. He has been doing experiments on light recently, and of course the mirror will never leave his body.

"Very good!" Lynn nodded, and then called Jonny over, making her stand directly in front of the high platform, and using a round mirror to reflect the light falling from above her head onto the girl's body.

In the darkness, Jonny's figure was incomparably conspicuous, wearing a bright red long skirt, the skirt swayed gently, like a flame.

"Do you know what color clothes she is wearing?" Lynn asked.

"Of course it's red!" Glenn replied.

"Can't everyone see this?" Raphael pouted, not understanding why Lynn asked such a stupid question.

"Remember your judgment now! The clothes are red, don't forget!" Lynn said meaningfully.

Raphael was speechless. Could it be that the clothes will turn blue later?

He wants to see what the hell the other party wants to do!

Lynn turned his gaze to the girl in the red dress again, and said with a smile. "Your complexion is fair and beautiful..."

Johnny didn't expect that the dean would say this in public, and he seemed a little shy and uneasy under the ambiguous eyes of the wizards around him.

This is very suitable for experiments... Lynn silently swallowed the second half of the sentence.

"Next, we need to use your...light dissociation device!" Lynn stepped forward and patted Glenn on the shoulder, greeting him.

"What should I do, Master Lynn?" Glenn asked nervously while holding the invention in his hand.

"Decompose the light like just now..." Lynn explained the steps to Glenn step by step, in great detail, until he confirmed that the other party understood, and then announced that the experiment could begin!

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